Mil ops are clear, what about civ ops?

14 years ago

The U.S. military is clear enough about what it is doing in Libya (sorry the slides are not all shown…

Syria is getting serious

14 years ago

Bashar al Assad has talked the talk, but he has not walked the walk.

Jon Stewart’s freedom packages

14 years ago

If you didn't see it on TV, and you are not among the 156,073 people who have viewed it on…

It takes a region

14 years ago

The Pickering/Brahimi report on negotiating an end to the war in Afghanistan is on less than firm ground in claiming…

Even if Afghanistan is not ripe, negotiations should start

14 years ago

In the end, the Century Foundation report may be remembered less for its advocacy of negotiations based on a mistaken…

Anyone still interested in Macedonia?

14 years ago

is it time to make the money more conditional on EU-required reforms?

Implosions, more and less advanced

14 years ago

While the rest of the world catches up with the question of "how does Libya end," which I dealt with…

It should stop only with Gaddafi at the exit

14 years ago

At least as much wisdom is required to know when to stop as was required in deciding to start, but…

One big decision made, another coming

14 years ago

If history is a guide, then, the next big decision on Libya will be when to draw down the international…

Actions now count more than words

14 years ago

The responsibility to protect will mean little if Gaddafi continues to defy the Security Council.