Let’s be clear

14 years ago

The efforts to call into question Kosovo's independence, based on unsubstantiated allegations by a Council of Europe rapporteur who opposed…

Dominoes anyone?

14 years ago

I do hope that the outcome of last week's events in Tunisia is not only democratic but relatively liberal and…

What would MLK say?

14 years ago

That is what I might wish for our North African friends on Martin Luther King day: disciplined nonviolence and respect…

Double double toil and trouble

14 years ago

With Tunisia in a kind of constitutionally correct and militarily enforced limbo between dictatorship and the possibility of real democracy,…

Fire burn and cauldron trouble in Arabia

14 years ago

Fire burn and cauldron trouble in the Arab world

Oil, oil everywhere, and not a drop…

14 years ago

On the bigger issues, maybe a deal can be struck: distribution of at least some oil revenue, provided major infrastructure…

The changing face of Iraqi national reconciliation

14 years ago

There is no recipe though for national reconciliation. Each country seems to find, or fail to find, its own balance…

More than the sun shines in Baghdad

14 years ago

Today is a good deal brighter, sunnier and more representative of the political mood.

Bosnia still needs the U.S. as well as Europe

14 years ago

Bosnia still needs the U.S. as well as Europe.

From the mundane to the mundane

14 years ago

Can Iraqis find practical things they can do together--whether it is divide oil revenue, delegate more powers to the provinces…