The end is nigh…

14 years ago

Never easy to look ahead a year, but let me give it a try. It'll make for a nice mea…

Capture the rent!

14 years ago

The better way is to charge fees on all oil use, or if you prefer for environmental reasons on all…

The Iraqi nationalist Maliki is back

14 years ago

If this Iraqi nationalist Maliki is back to stay, Washington should be pleased.

Does God cause Nigerian violence?

14 years ago

the driving factors lie far from religion: political status, property rights and power distribution are closer to the mark.

Christmas presents from Muslim friends

14 years ago

maybe, just maybe, there was something more going on while we were all enjoying the holiday yesterday.

The world is slowing down again

14 years ago

Here is my quick assessment of where things stand as we head into Christmas/New Year

Vanden Heuvel beats Boot but war will continue

14 years ago

There is unlikely to be victory in Afghanistan, but there needn't be defeat either.

More evenhandedness needed

14 years ago

Those who advocate using this moment to ram through solutions to serious problems--like the status of Kosovo's Serb-controlled north--are only…

Beyond DADT and New START

14 years ago

The Administration should not however rest on these laurels, important as they are. There is a dangerous world beyond DADT…

Maliki’s men’s club

14 years ago

Overall, it seems to me that this government is leaning in the direction of marginally more competence, less sectarianism and…