Iran: still hope for an enrichment agreement

14 years ago

how might the appointment of Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, as Acting Foreign Minister affect…

The scruffily bearded guy is back on stage

14 years ago

When it comes to current wars, Iraq is looking like something much closer to success than Afghanistan.

A (very) long war in Afghanistan

14 years ago

Only if we are willing to face up to the substantial human resources required to meet the state-building challenge should…

Rusty pivot points

14 years ago

The devil is in the details, as CSIS colleagues point out. Let's wait to see what is really implemented.

Unhappy Yemen: a White House view

14 years ago

Please find my writeup of Friday's appearance at the Carnegie Endowment by White House Homeland Security and Counterterrorism chief John…

Let the Kosovars decide

14 years ago

Interfering with democratically elected politicians as they grapple with a political crisis will not help the immediate situation or strengthen…

The good news from Iraq

14 years ago

Now if Prime Minister Maliki can name a government and get it approved in parliament by Christmas eve, when his…

No real Afpak strategy review

14 years ago

Okay, now I get it.  There is nothing more than the five-page "overview" being released from the Administration's Afpak strategy…

Has anyone really read the Afghanistan report?

14 years ago

I've been hoping all day to offer analysis of the Afghanistan strategy review, but I can't find the full text. …

Afghanistan: love it and leave it

14 years ago

What we could use now--tomorrow's publication of the Administration "review" would be a good moment to start--is an honest assessment…