A helpful reminder of the Ottoman Empire

14 years ago

Juan Cole helpfully provides a map of the Ottoman Empire, 1798-1923, under the heading "the real background of the modern…

The Iranian enrichment gambit gets more explicit

14 years ago

This is from a BBC interview, as reported by Foreign Policy:  Hillary Clinton says We've told them that they are…

Conditionality is easier said than done

14 years ago

Conditionality is easier said than done. It is not good strategy when your own vital interests are at stake, and…

Can the Lady deliver?

14 years ago

Simon Henderson at the Washington Institute has a sharper eye than I do, as he detected this from SecState Clinton…

One more for withdrawal from Afghanistan

14 years ago

ceasefire, negotiate, withdraw.

Another moment of truth

14 years ago

ICG would have done better to go where its analysis points: drawdown, presumably on the currently agreed NATO schedule.

The moment of truth that lasts a long time

14 years ago

The only thing worse for U.S. foreign and security policy than the cuts contemplated in the Commission's report is not…

Pakistan: what me worry?

14 years ago

if Pakistan can't respond more responsibly on HEU, it makes me worry even more about their nukes.

Gates crashes

14 years ago

Sure others will continue to deal with us, but they will do so with enthusiasm if they feel we are…

Pressure and engagement go together in dealing with Tehran

14 years ago

Pressure and engagement go together in dealing with Tehran