Sudan is the next big thing

14 years ago

It is going to be an enormous challenge to prevent this from becoming a mess.


14 years ago

ISO a graduate student to write up Carnegie's event on Kyrgyzstan 12:15-2 pm November 23

Where is Allawi?

14 years ago

...there is a deep well of Iraqi nationalist, non-sectarian, secularist sentiment in the country. Now is the time to nurture…

Al Qaeda’s nuclear ambitions

14 years ago

The question is whether they will ever get the means, but it would be a mistake to ignore intentions.

It really is current, but still history

14 years ago

"Success" in Baghdad may include a Shiite-dominated government relatively friendly to Tehran, an outcome that the Americans are still trying…

Which libretto is Maliki singing from?

14 years ago

There is little in writing, and Maliki seems inclined to forget what was promised and continue his effort to centralize…

The road to Kabul runs through Kashmir

14 years ago

only by getting India and Pakistan working together in Afghanistan will the problem be soluble

And Petraeus channels Petraeus

14 years ago

transition plan...bears a distinct resemblance to the Iraq phase-out

Karzai channels Maliki

14 years ago

Afghanistan President Karzai, in an interview published this morning in the Washington Post, asks for a reduced U.S. military presence…

Suu Kyi free–will it bring change?

14 years ago

Confident of its hold on power due to dubious elections November 7, the Burmese regime has freed dissident leader Aung…