A negotiated solution for Abyei?

14 years ago

Voter registration for the South Sudan referendum on independence January 9 starts Monday and extends until December 1.  Preparations are…

Flood of Afpak reports begins

14 years ago

Clear a shelf: the flood of reports on Afghanistan and Pakistan has only just begun

Slo-mo train wreck

14 years ago

I've been hesitating to comment on the "Middle East peace process," but I guess there comes a point at which…

Still getting ready to sing

14 years ago

Anti-Kurd hardliner Osama al Nujaifi has been elected Speaker of the parliament in Baghdad, but then he and the rest…

The Balkans can still be lost

14 years ago

The International Herald Tribute surprised me yesterday by publishing a piece I did a couple of weeks ago with Soren…

The scruffily bearded guy gets ready to sing

14 years ago

Maliki and Allawi have at long last apparently cut a deal putting Allawi's  people in as speaker of the parliament…

Europe has to go on a diet

14 years ago

President Obama scored points this week by supporting India's bid for a permanent (non-veto) seat on the 15-member UN Security…

Kerry still running

14 years ago

Even for the chair of Senate Foreign Relations, this is an unusually frenetic trip to important places. The envoy: Kerry…

Walt v. Bush

14 years ago

A healthy reminder of where we've been, but then it is hard to credit Walt's remark that Obama's "foreign policy...looks…

Hizbollah to fight zombie?

14 years ago

Marc Lynch thinks the Special ("Zombie") Tribunal for Lebanon lacks credibility, so why give it $10 million?  But the more…