Tell me the Senator isn’t running for SecState

14 years ago

Laura Rozen reviews Senator Kerry's visits to Khartoum, Beirut and Damascus.  Clearly well-coordinated with State, but also clearly calculated to…

Getting up to date on Iran

14 years ago

The place to start these days on Iran is Robin Wright's The Iran Primer.  The many short pieces therein are…

Bosnia votes for unity and division

14 years ago

I'll be speaking twice this week about Bosnia, once this afternoon via Skype to the conference in Dayton commemorating the…

Where, oh where, is the QDDR?

14 years ago

Announced with fanfare in July 2009 (The Department of State's Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review) and rumored for many dates…

Kurdish unity frays

14 years ago

The reform-minded Gorran (Change) movement has defected with its eight seats from the broader 58-seat Kurdish coalition in the Iraqi…

What does the R-tsunami mean for peace?

14 years ago

Hard to tell of course, but money is going to be tight.  Aaron David Miller has already argued on the…

Is anyone really talking with the Taliban?

14 years ago

It is always difficult to get a fix on negotiations that necessarily occur behind the scenes, even if "secret" is…

Sudan is losing its race against time

14 years ago

Sudan's two referenda--in the South and in Abyei--on January 9 are in the Rift Valley Institute's words "the most critical…

Taliban v. Al Qaeda II

14 years ago

Scott Atran may think even the Haqqani network can be turned against al Qaeda, but Jeffrey Kressler over at the…

Kurds leaning towards Maliki

14 years ago

The Baghdad rumor mill today is putting the Kurds in Maliki's camp, which would put him over the top arithmetically. …