Asymmetric warfare and the great powers

I spoke last night at the Alexander Hamilton Society at Johns Hopkins’ Homewood campus. Here is what I said:

I have two points to make: the first concerns proxy forces, which are becoming the rule rather than the exception; the second concerns asymmetric or hybrid warfare, which is taking on new guises. But none of it is really new—warriors have always sought to strike an enemy where he is weak and to remove their own forces from danger.

Increased use of proxy military forces to enable great powers to duel with each other without engaging directly with their own military forces is already happening in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Ukraine. Iranian-trained and equipped militias, Turkey’s Turkoman and Islamist allies, America’s Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, Lebanese Hizbollah, the Houthis, Haftar’s forces, and Russia’s mercenaries and Ukrainian proxies are playing central roles in contests that the U.S. or its Gulf allies are engaged in, mostly as adversaries against Russia or Iran. 

In an era of great power competition, the inclination will be not to worry too much about our own proxies’ internal governance or abuse of human rights any more than we did during the Cold War. Realists and would-be autocrats will see that as idealistic claptrap. But governance matters to some of us. Let me remind you of what Alexander Hamilton said, in a strikingly different context, in the Federalist Papers:

Vigor of government is essential to the security of liberty.

It is hard to support Ukraine to win a military confrontation with Russia if Ukraine is a kleptocracy, which is why it was right for Joe Biden to back firing of a corrupt prosecutor and wrong for the Trump Administration to regret his firing, while still claiming to be against corruption. It is also hard to support UAE and Saudi forces that have committed crimes of war in Yemen, or switch to support Khalifa Haftar in Libya or Bashar al Assad in Syria. Domestic and international support for odious allies is difficult to muster. One of the reasons the Americans have backed the Syrian Democratic Forces is the Kurds’ relatively decent governance, but of course we ignore their PKK credentials and the PKK’s terrorist acts inside Turkey.

Let me turn to asymmetric warfare. Adversaries have agency. Asymmetric warfare is the product of their ingenuity. America is hard to fight on land or sea. Since the purpose of warfare is political, better to fight it where expensive armor and submarines count for less: among the people.

War amongst the people is taking on new meaning with the rise of geopolitical challengers. In Bosnia and Kosovo, we saw the use of human shields, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. We are now seeing the weaponizing of masses of people on a giant scale: Assad’s effort to drive one million IDPs from Idlib to the Turkish border and beyond with Russian backing is intended to rid his territory of people he thinks are opponents and break Turkey’s will in occupying parts of Syria. Human shields have become human spears. Turkey is using people as well, though in a less deadly way: by allowing refugees to cross into Greece, it is pressuring the Europe Union for more humanitarian assistance.

The Russian satellite states South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia as well as Luhansk and Donetsk in Ukraine likewise aim at political results: to make the parent states ungovernable and block their progress towards the West.

Hybrid warfare using other means other than population movements and puppet states is also on the rise. In the Balkans, the Russians are aiming at destabilization without spending much. They’ve tried assassination, cyberattacks, mass mobilization, illicit political financing, and social media. The U.S. is not above using all those tools as well. The assassination of Qasem Soleimani, Stuxnet, the color revolutions, financing of NGOs and political training, and the State Department’s more than 120 acknowledged Twitter accounts (not to mention the covert ones) may look to you and me like good causes, but they look like potent weapons to America’s adversaries.

We may not be headed into a Cold War with any single adversary, but we are certainly heading towards a geopolitical competition that will entail use of all the means available in an environment of shifting alliances and uncertain outcomes.

But in the end, it may not be state adversaries that bring us down via proxies, weaponizing people, and hybrid warfare. Something much smaller may put on display our own inadequate government services. It shouldn’t escape notice that Xi Jinping, Ali Khamenei, and Donald Trump are all at risk from the political and economic consequences of a virus. Defending populations from epidemics is not a new governance requirement, but rather a longstanding one. This, too, is war amongst the people, who might just demand some minimal competence and truthfulness in their governance.

Remember, again, Hamilton:

Vigor of government is essential to the security of liberty.

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Only military means

As the humanitarian crisis in Idlib seems to me that biggest on earth right now (a million or more civilians displaced and under constant attack in a war zone), I reproduce below the Turkish/Russian ceasefire agreement, provided by Bassam Barabandi.

What is striking here is how mendacious the preamble is. While the ceasefire and security corridor established by this agreement are highly desirable, virtually every word of the preamble is false or based on false premises. Bashar al Assad is intent on chasing people out of Idlib because he can’t control the province so long as they remain. While this agreement may hold briefly, there is every reason to believe he will renew the assault and that the Russians and Iranians will support him every inch of the way up to the Turkish border, no matter the humanitarian consequences, unless stopped from doing so by military means.

Additional Protocol to the Memorandum on Stabilization of the Situation in the Idlib De-Escalation Area

The Republic of Turkey and the Russian Federation, as guarantors of the observance of the ceasefire regime in the Syrian Arab Republic (hereinafter referred to as the Parties),

Recalling the Memorandum on the Creation of De‑Escalation Areas in the Syrian Arab Republic as of May 4, 2017 and Memorandum on Stabilization of the Situation in the Idlib De-Escalation Area as of September 17, 2018.

Reaffirming their strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic.

Reaffirming their determination to combat all forms of terrorism, and to eliminate all terrorist groups in Syria as designated by the UNSC, while agreeing that targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure cannot be justified under any pretext,

Highlighting that there can be no military solution to the Syrian conflict and that it can only be resolved through Syrian-led and Syrian-owned, UN facilitated political process in line with the UNSCR 2254,

Stressing the importance of prevention of further deterioration of humanitarian situation, protection of civilians and ensuring humanitarian assistance to all Syrians in need without preconditions and discrimination as well as prevention of displacement of people and facilitation of safe and voluntary return of refugees and internally displaced persons to their original places of residence in Syria;

Have agreed as follows,

1- Cease all military actions along the line of contact in the Idlib de-escalation area starting from 00:01 of March 6, 2020. 

2- A security corridor will be established 6 km deep to the north and 6 km deep to the south from highway M4. Specific parameters of the functioning of the security corridor will be agreed between the Defense Ministries of the Turkish Republicand the Russian Federation within 7 days.

3- On March 15, 2020, joint Turkish-Russian patrolling will begin along highway M4 from the settlement of Trumba (2 km to the west of Saraqib) to the settlement of Ain-Al-Havr.

This additional protocol enters into force from the moment of signing.

Done in Moscow on 5 March, 2020 in three copies, in the Turkish, Russian and English languages, all texts having equal legal force.


For Republic of Turkey​​​ For Russian Federation

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The Pakistan rollercoaster

Pakistan is in a period of neither high promise nor crisis. An expert group of independent academics, policy analysts, and retired government has taken the opportunity to lay out a range of concrete proposals for US policymakers to shape the bilateral relations. On March 3, the Middle East Institute hosted a panel discussion with some of the participants on “Pathways to a Stable and Sustainable Relationship between Pakistan and the United States.” The discussion featured eight speakers:

Syed Mohammed Ali: Adjunct professor, Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities

Ambassador (ret.) Gerald M. Feierstein: Senior Vice President, MEI

Ambassador Ali Jehangir Siddiqui: Pakistani Ambassador at Large for Foreign Investment

Marvin G. Weinbaum: Director of Afghanistan and Pakistan studies, MEI

William Milam: Former US Ambassador to Pakistan

Touqir Hussain: Visiting professor at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities

Dana Marshall: President, Transnational Strategy Group

Polly Nayak: Distinguished Fellow at the Stimson Institute

Pakistan-US relations

Feierstein described US-Pakistan relations as a mistrust-driven roller coaster while Siddiqui emphasized economic cooperation, culture exchange, and regional development, following a period of security focus in the 2000s. Weinbaum thinks relations have been unstable, waxing and waning, climbing to heights of interdependence and sinking to mutual recrimination. Hussain attributed the unsustainability to contradictions in strategic interests, which led to the 1998-2001 US sanctions on Pakistan.

Why now?

Weinbaum noted that today is a period of calm without major crises in the region. It’s an opportune moment to improve cooperation and put the relationship on a solid footing. We should seek better understanding as well as awareness of differences. Pakistan is critical to US regional interests in terms of eradicating ISIS and Al-Qaeda affiliates, achieving a stable Afghanistan, and alleviating the threat of nuclear proliferation. Hussain added that while the US is withdrawing from Afghanistan, it should continue its proactive engagement with South Asia, maintaining good relations with both India and Pakistan in the long run. Both Nayak and Milam believe the period before the upcoming election is an opportunity to address key issues in specific areas.

What the proposals are about?

Ali said the proposals focusing on Pakistan-US strategic interests, including recommendations on intelligence sharing between US and Pakistan, counterterrorism cooperation, peace between Pakistan and India, the US role in crisis management, China’s investments in Pakistan, clean energy, US investments, etc. The proposals aim to balance security with civil society and human rights, which can increase US diplomatic status in the region. 

Nayak believes nuclear weapons should not be the heart of rebuilding relations. Normalization should rely on strategic economic cooperation because Pakistan faces deficits and underemployment. The proposals attempt to expand business and navigate differences in corporate and social culture.

Marshall stated that Pakistan needs more commercial and economic opportunities. Establishing a reconstruction zone could incentivize investment on border zone between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The US can leverage its strategic relations with Pakistan by tying trade to security.  

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Age matters

I’ve enjoyed testifying many times in front of Joe Biden, who was a stalwart of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee before he became Vice President to Barack Obama. He is well-informed and judicious, even if I have disagreed with him on issues like calling Macedonia Macedonia and whether Serbia merited candidacy for accession to the European Union. Senator Biden was genuinely interested in hearing from witnesses at Senate hearings and treated them with respect.

It is now more than ten years since our last encounter. Neither the Vice President nor I are the same people we were before 2008. He has had the extraordinary experience of governing with Barack Obama, whom I admire even if I think he made terrible mistakes, especially in Syria and Libya. I have become a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, a great international affairs school that allows me to learn every day as much as I teach my students. The world has moved on too. The unipolar moment has ended, the war on terror has failed, and geopolitical competition is intensifying.

Is Joe Biden the right person to install in the White House today?

I was ready for someone a lot younger. It seemed to me that a candidate in their 40s or 50s would appeal more to Gen Xers. My baby boomer generation seems exhausted, not to mention Biden’s “post-war cohort.” But amazingly the competition came down to people who are all in their 70s: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Michael Bloomberg in addition to Biden. Warren and Bloomberg (he dropped out while I was writing this post) aren’t really contenders, but they were still in the race last night.

I don’t really know what to make of this, but the implications need to be examined. Both Sanders (78) and Biden (77) are doubtful for a second term. So the question of who gets the vice presidential nod is more important than usual. In either case it will likely be a woman. Kamala Harris (55) is one obvious choice. Though she didn’t do brilliantly in the race for the nomination, a woman who is smart, an experienced prosecutor, black and (east) Indian, and from California touches a lot of appealing demographics. Amy Klobuchar (59) is another smart, experienced prosecutor from a state that, unlike California, will be in contention, Minnesota.

Another implication is the need for renewal in the Democratic Party. Its flag bearers in the House and Senate are Nancy Pelosi (79) and Charles Schumer (a relatively youthful 69). I admire their experience and skill in managing President Trump, even if the successful impeachment failed in the Senate to lead to remove him from office. Pelosi in particular has repeatedly made the President look like the fool he is. Schumer has also had his moments, especially when he let Trump take responsibility for closing down the US government. But no matter how good a competitor is, passing the baton is a crucial part of any relay race. The older Ds need to make sure it is done well.

There is no lack of youthful talent among the Democrats. The campaign for the nomination showcased not only Harris and Klobuchar, but also their fellow Senator Cory Booker, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and Secretary Julian Castro. Andrew Yang, Deval Patrick, and Michael Bennett are also potential future notables, judging from their performances on the campaign trail and in debates. There are lots of others in Congress: Senator Chris Murphy stands out in my mind as someone all but destined for Secretary of State.

On the Republican side of the equation, it is harder to know what to say. There was no lack of younger, truly conservative talent running for the nomination against Donald Trump in 2016, but they split the primary votes, allowing him to win. The conservatives have now mostly thrown in the towel and reconciled themselves to his peculiar brand of egotistical would-be authoritarianism. I can hope Mitt Romney will find the will and the means to rescue the Republican party from the racist and xenophobic cesspool into which it has fallen, but the odds are not good. Now Senator Romney is not a youngster either: 72. It could take a decade or more for the Republicans to recover from Trump, if they recover at all.

Age matters. I’m allowed to say it. I’m 74.

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Stevenson’s army, March 4

-NYT says Iran has enough fuel for a bomb.

Trump talks with a Taliban leader, while the US strikes at Taliban.
– David Ignatius warns of trouble in Jordan.
– EU supports Greek efforts to seal border.

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I plan to republish here. If you want to get it directly, To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Stevenson’s army, March 3

-Politico reports State-Defense clash over Patriots to Turkey.
– George Packer describes how Trump has subdued the Deep State, targeting and humiliating career professionals in State and Justice.
-SecState Pompeo says Congress will be informed of secret agreements on Afghanistan.
-Here’s the transcript of his TV interview on the topic.

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I plan to republish here. If you want to get it directly, To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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