Is Karzai worth it?

Five months ago James Traub in Foreign Policy asked the question:  is Karzai worth the War in Afghanistan? General Stanley McCrystal had just been cashiered and David Petraeus had just taken over.

This is still the vital question.  There is no point in conducting a counterinsurgency war unless the host government has legitimacy with the population.  Karzai understands this perfectly well, which is why he complains bitterly about night time raids by U.S. forces, even if they are as effective as Petraeus claims.

The main American complaint about Karzai at the moment is corruption, which is rampant.  The problem is that what the Americans view as corruption Karzai views as his system of governance, which relies heavily on a coterie of strongmen and large quantities of cash.  Afghans are much less impressed than Americans with elections as the basis for legitimacy.  They regard deliver of services, even those delivered through less than transparent means, as more important.

The Americans are working hard on anti-corruption efforts, but the opposite of corruption is not anti-corruption.  It is good, transparent, accountable governance.

That should start at home, as Karzai rudely points out:  American contracting for security and other services appears not only to be corrupt but also to be putting money in the pockets of insurgents.

But even if he has a point, the question remains:  is Karzai worth it?  This should be a focus of the December policy review, if it is going to be of any real use.

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Sudan is the next big thing

and this conference at NDU December 16 will be a good opportunity to get up to date.

For those who need a reminder, the Southern Sudan independence referendum is scheduled for January 9, followed by a 6 month transition period.  It is going to be an enormous challenge to prevent this from becoming a mess.

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a graduate student to write up Carnegie’s event on Kyrgyzstan 12:15-2 pm November 23.  Any takers?  I can’t find the event on their website, but I can forward the email invitation if you are interested.  Just ask

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Where is Allawi?

The short answer is London.  Most of his Iraqiyya coalition has returned to the parliament, and some of its members are lobbying hard to be included in Maliki’s cabinet.  But (secularist, Shia) Allawi has abandoned the field.  This leaves the Iraqi secularists, who joined with Sunni Islamists in backing Iraqiyya, without a champion.

The Americans, having lost ground to Tehran in the government formation process, should be starting to invest now in strengthening Iraq’s secularists.  Magnificent as his performance was this time around, it can’t be that Allawi is the only bet for three years from now.  All of us who talk with Iraqis (and the pollsters) know that there is a deep well of Iraqi nationalist, non-sectarian, secularist sentiment in the country.  Now is the time to nurture it.

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Al Qaeda’s nuclear ambitions

This is scary. Rolf Mowatt-Larssen has a more extended treatment of Ayman al Zawahiri’s justification of the use of weapons of mass destruction against Americans at aq-religious-justification.pdf (application/pdf Object).  Of course the question is whether they will ever get the means, but it would be a mistake to ignore intentions.

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It really is current, but still history

I agreed some time in September to do a piece for Current History on the government formation process in Iraq. Completed a couple of weeks ago, it is now of course out of date, but some may still be interested.  The process has been prolonged, rough and tumble, but still largely nonviolent and mostly rule-bound.  Let’s hope Maliki keeps it that way.

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