Tag: Afghanistan

Stevenson’s army, August 15

Late, but here it is:

– Are we training foreign forces in the right way? A Brandeis prof critiques.

– Is capabilities based planning for our military outdated? A retired Army colonel says it is.

– How did Ukraine attack the Crimea air base? WaPo does a deep dive and isn’t sure.

-Why did Senate Approps reject a plan for munitions replenishment? Because it’s a contingency fund and Congress doesn’t like them.

– How close are we to civil war? Cong. Kinzinger sends some scary tweets.

And yesterday’s too:

– Pew has a new survey showing how much Americans dislike the opposition party.

– NYT reports growing right-wing rhetoric urging violence.

– Administration declassified an intelligence report saying al Qaeda has not regrouped in Afghanistan.

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I republish here. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Stevenson’s army, August 9

– Gen. Petraeus says US failed in Afghanistan because of a lack of strategic patience, inadequate resources to the Afghans, and misunderstanding of local conditions. He blames Congress for forcing US to supply American helicopters etc rather than Soviet equipment. He thinks we should have forced Pakistan to crack down on Taliban sanctuaries.

– SecState Blinken announced a US Africa strategy. There’s even a formal document.

– Very interesting study of intelligence oversight notes increased convergence/overlap of US military and CIA military activities, blindsiding a siloed Congress.

– Defense News notes holds blocking confirmation of a dozen DOD nominees.

– Sen. Kaine wants a war powers fight on NDAA.

– US says Russia has suffered over 70,000 casualties in Ukraine.

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I republish here. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Stevenson’s army, August 2

– al-Zawahri assassination: CNN has the tick tock; Fred Kaplan has analysis.

– Pelosi going to Taiwan: Tom Friedman criticizes;  White House warns China; Senators Menendez and Graham file big bill on Taiwan policy.

– Sen. Hawley opposes NATO membership for Sweden and Finland, another example of eroding US support for countering Russia policy.

– RUSI analyst has revealing comments on Russian military problems

– Lawyer worries about unintended consequences of new security assistance law.

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I republish here. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Stevenson’s army, July 25

– Yale prof says Russian economy is hurting.

– Politico details fights over size of the Navy.

– Politico has more on AIPAC-related campaign involvement.

– Task & Purpose tells of new documentary with Afghan vets.

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I republish here. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Stevenson’s army, June 14

Charlie isn’t the only one distracted. I’ve been failing to post while vacationing with extended family in Asheville, NC. He writes today:

I haven’t forgotten you. I’ve been busy and the news isn’t very newsworthy. Mostly more of the same — in Ukraine, where Russian artillery is laying waste the land they want to seize; in NATO, where Turkey is still a roadblock to Sweden and Finland; in the Pacific, where US & China are trading angry words. At least in Congress, there’s the drama of the Jan. 6 hearings.

Some other items: Chaos in Iraqi politics.

– WSJ says some former Afghan officials are living the high life.

– WOTR gives good reasons not to ignore Africa.

– And SAIS Resident Fellow James Mann says a new book about the founder of the John Birch society has lessons for how the GOP might deal with Donald Trump.

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I republish here. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Stevenson’s army, June 3

– Ceasefire in Yemen and increased oil output paves way for Biden trip to Saudi Arabia.

– Politico explains the bureaucratic shuffles to manage China policy.

– CNA Russia expert says it’s down but not out in Ukraine. And on WOTR has numerous details on Russian military.

Islamic State attacking beyond Afghanistan.

– State corrects website on Taiwan.

– More details on China tariff review.

Facts wrong on critical infrastructure.

DPRK heads disarmament group? What’s wrong with this picture?

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I republish here. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

-Fred Kaplan enjoyed new Top Gun movie, but raises many technical points.

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