Tag: Asia

Peace Picks | April 26 – April 30, 2021

Peace Picks | April 26 – April 30, 2021

Notice: Due to public health concerns, upcoming events are only available via live stream.

1.     Supporting Sustainable Development in the Arctic: Estonia’s Role in Advancing Arctic Collaboration| April 26, 2021 |  10:00 AM ET | Wilson Center | Register Here

There are many challenges in building sustainable and thriving communities in the Arctic while addressing the impacts of a warming and changing Arctic landscape due to climate change. As one of eight Arctic nations that comprise the Arctic Council, the United States, under the Biden Administration has called for an increase in international cooperation to address climate change in all facets of its domestic and foreign policy, including the Arctic. Estonia, a close neighbor of the Arctic, is applying for Observer status in the Arctic Council, is committed to mitigating the impacts of climate change, and advancing sustainable development in the Arctic. This discussion will offer an exchange of views by experts from the United States and Estonia on ways to promote collaboration to address the critical issues facing the Arctic, especially in the areas of research, environmental protection, and sustainable development.


Caroline Kennedy

Attorney, Author, Former US Ambassador to Japan

2. Soft Power and Practice of Diplomacy: A Conversation with Ambassador Caroline Kennedy| April 26, 2021 |  2:00 PM ET | Belfer Center| Register Here

In a conversation with Ambassador Caroline Kennedy, we will explore how she employed cultural diplomacy while serving as U.S. Ambassador to Japan (2013-2017), our key ally in Asia. Ambassador (ret.) Nicholas Burns, Harvard Kennedy School professor and Faculty Chair of the Future of Diplomacy Project, will welcome and introduce Ambassador Kennedy. Carla Dirlikov Canales, 2021 Advanced Leadership Initiative Fellow, will moderate the discussion.


Ambassador Märt Volmer

Undersecretary for European Affairs, Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Tarmo Soomere

President, Estonian Academy of Sciences

Ambassador David Balton

Senior Fellow, Polar Institute; Former Ambassador for Oceans and Fisheries, US Department of State

Ambassador Kaja Tael

Special Envoy for Climate and Energy Policy, Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Aimar Ventsel

Associate Porfessor in Ethnology, University of Tartu

David M. Kennedy

Global Fellow, Polar Institute; Chair, United States Arctic Research Commission

Michael Sfraga

Director, Polar Institute; Director, Global Risk and Resilience Program

3. Russian Aggression in the Black Sea: Regional and International Responses| April 26, 2021 |  2:00 PM ET | Middle East Institute| Register Here

Russia’s largest military buildup since the 2014 annexation of Crimea is taking place along the Ukrainian border and in the Black Sea. Moscow has resorted to escalatory measures, announcing the closing of the Kerch Strait and the Azov Sea to foreign ships and cutting off Ukraine’s ability to export. In response, the West has reacted with warnings and invitations to dialogue while Turkey is trying to walk a fine line between Russia and Ukraine. To prevent further escalation of the crisis, much will depend on the Biden administration’s response.


Gen. (ret.) Philip Breedlove
Distinguished chair, Frontier Europe Initiative, MEI

Yörük Işık
Non-resident scholar, Frontier Europe Initiative, MEI

Iulia Joja
Senior fellow, Frontier Europe Initiative, MEI 

Mamuka Tsereteli
Non-resident scholar, Frontier Europe Initiative, MEI

Gönül Tol, (Moderator)
Director, Turkey Program; senior fellow, Frontier Europe Initiative, MEI

4. Revitalizing NATO’s Political Cohesion | April 27, 2021 |  10:30 AM ET | CSIS | Register Here

In advance of the upcoming NATO Leaders Meeting, it is a timely moment to discuss NATO as a political forum and its future cohesion. NATO’s strength and resilience derive from Allies’ shared committment to the values and spirit of the Washington Treaty, namely the principles of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law, and the development of peaceful international relations. As NATO grapples with a challenging security environment, it must also confront an erosion of democratic norms within some member countries  that undermines NATO’s unity. Will an updated strategic concept as well as a new U.S. administration provide an opportunity to prioritize transatlantic values and NATO’s political cohesion?


Ambassador Muriel Domenach,

Permanent Representative of France to NATO

MdB Omid Nouripour

Foreign Policy Spokesperson for the German Green party.

Rachel Ellehuus (Moderator)  

Deputy Director of the CSIS Europe, Russia, and Eurasia Program

Heather A. Conley (Introductory Remarks)

Senior Vice President for Europe, Eurasia, and the Arctica

5. African and South Asian perspectives on the Leaders Summit on Climate| April 28, 2021 |  9:00 AM ET | Atlantic Council | Register Here

Under the Biden administration, the United States is making climate action a top priority. While the Trump administration failed to properly drive United States’ environmental policy towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the use of fossil fuels such as coal and oil, the Biden administration is set for unprecedented action on climate issues, even going as far as to pledge commitment to working with China to fight climate change and to help developing nations finance their efforts to lower their carbon footprints. 

As part of his efforts to tackle the imminent threat posed by climate change, President Biden will host a Leaders Summit on Climate on April 22 and 23, to conclude days before our event. Some of the key themes of the summit are to explore the possibilities of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in order to mitigate the consequences of a global temperature increase over 1.5 degrees Celsius as well as financing vulnerable countries’ efforts to transition to clean energy economies.


Jairam Ramesh
Former chief negotiation for IndiaCopenhagen Climate Change Summit;
Former cabinet minister for rural developmentGovernment of India;
Present member of parliament (Rajya Sabha)

Dr. Syed Mohammed Ali
Non-resident scholar, Middle East Institute;
Adjunct Professor, Johns Hopkins University

Ms. Ayaan Adam
Senior Director and CEO, AFC Capital;
Former Director of the Private Sector Facility, Green Climate Fund

Irfan Nooruddin (Introductory Remarks)
Director, Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center

Aubrey Hruby (Moderator)
Nonresident senior fellow, Atlantic Council’s Africa Center

6.     The UK Integrated Defense Review: A Conversation with General Sir Nick Carter| April 28, 2021 | 11:00 AM ET | CSIS | Register Here

Please join the Center for Strategic and International Studies for a conversation with General Sir Nick Carter, Chief of the UK Defence Staff. General Sir Nick Carter and Dr. Seth Jones, Senior Vice President and Director of the International Security Program, will discuss the UK Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy, and how the UK military is prioritizing modernization.


General Sir Nick Carter

Chief of the UK Defence Staff

Dr. Seth Jones

Senior Vice President and Director of the International Security Program

7.     Strengthening International Peace and Security | April 28, 2021 |  11:00 AM ET | German Marshall Fund of the United States| Register Here

The German Marshall Fund of the United States would like to invite you to a timely conversation with Helga Schmid, the new secretary general at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The conversation, moderated by GMF’s Ian Lesser, will focus on Secretary General Schmid’s priorities in her new capacity at the OSCE. This includes a focus on OSCE efforts to address the far-reaching impacts of COVID-19 and Secretary General Schmid’s vision on how multilateral organizations, including the OSCE, can strengthen peace building, prevent conflict, and empower women and girls.

Representing 57 member countries, the OSCE holds a unique position in the international security architecture. Promoting a comprehensive approach to security that encompasses politico-military, economic and environmental, and human aspects, the organization addresses a wide range of security challenges, including arms control, human rights, democratization, policing strategies, counterterrorism, and economic and environmental activities. 


Helga Schmid

Secretary General, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe 

Ian Lesser

Vice President, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

8. Putin’s Mediterranean gambit: Endgame unclear | April 29, 2021 |  9:00 AM ET | Atlantic Council | Register Here

A discussion on President Vladimir Putin’s successes in the Mediterranean, his broader objectives in the Mediterranean, the factors that have helped and hindered Putin’s achievement of these objectives and why the United States should be concerned and what it should do about growing Russian influence in the Mediterranean.

For more than 250 years, Russian leaders have sought to project power and influence in the Mediterranean region. Sometimes these efforts have met with a significant degree of success. At times, though, Russia has pulled back from the Mediterranean because of setbacks in the region, events in Europe, or convulsions inside Russia. These pullbacks, however, have never been permanent and have always been followed by renewed Russian efforts to gain influence in the region.


Christopher J. Bort
National Intelligence Officer for Russiaand Eurasia
National Intelligence Council 

Laura K. Cooper
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia
United States Department of Defense

William F. Wechsler
Director, Rafik Hariri Center and Middle East ProgramsAtlantic Council

Mark N. Katz (Moderator)
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Atlantic Council

9. World order in the 21st century: Illiberal orders, a concert of power, or a Western revival?| April 29, 2021 |  6:00 PM ET | Chatham House| Register Here

In the years after World War I, many international affairs schools and think tanks opened their doors, dedicated to educating students, informing publics, and devising solutions to the problems of war, peace and international order.

A century later, political, socio-economic and geopolitical change has raised profound questions about whether today’s ideas and institutions, many of which emerged in the aftermath of World War I and World War II, are fit for purpose.

The stumblings of liberal democracy, the onset of the digital economy, growing inequality within and among nations, the COVID-19 pandemic, mounting great-power rivalry and many other developments necessitate a re-evaluation of how best to preserve order in an interdependent world.


Professor Charles Kupchan

Professor of International Affairs, Georgetown University; Senior Director for European Affairs, US National Security Council (2014-17)

Dr Leslie Vinjamuri

Director, US and the Americas Programme, Chatham House

Dr Anne-Marie Slaughter

CEO, New America; Director of Policy Planning, US Department of State (2009-11)

Professor Rana Mitter

Professor of the History and Politics of Modern China, St Cross College, Oxford University

Dr Robin Niblett

Director and Chief Executive, Chatham House

10.  Criminal justice reform in America: Policing and pretrial detention |April 30, 2021 |  10:00 AM ET | Brookings Institute| Register Here

The United States incarcerates more people per capita than any other country in the world. Recidivism rates continue to be high as millions of people cycle in and out of the criminal justice system and deal with a cumbersome pretrial detention process. Black people are disproportionately more likely to die from police violence, and racial and ethnic minorities are simultaneously over- and under-policed. After 50 years, it is clear there are a plethora of unintended consequences of the War on Crime and the War on Drugs, which have led to issues across the criminal justice system.

Rashawn Ray
David M. Rubenstein Fellow: Governance Studies
Brent Orrell
Resident Fellow: American Enterprise Institute


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Stevenson’s army, March 16

– Defense News tells how defense industry survived Covid.
– Defense News also rates the hypersonic weapons race.
– NYT tells of China’s vaccine diplomacy in Latin America.
-WSJ reports Coast Guard active in western Pacific. [Over the years, some USCG students did policy papers urging this.]
– North Korea responds to US diplomacy.
– A Duke prof argues that 1983 Able Archer war scare has been exaggerated.
– Defense analysts doubt bridge funds work well for high tech.

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I plan to republish here. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Stevenson’s army, March 14

North Korea rebuffs Biden outreach.
Explain this: Asian countries have 1/10 to 1/1000 virus death rate compared to US & Europe.
Book length tick tock of Trump’s China policies.
A student discovered that State has revived a sanctions office — because of a provision in a virus relief bill. [I’d like to see a paper on that.]
Last week in class we discussed the soaring cost of US military aircraft. NYT weighs in with an editorial criticizing the F-35.

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I plan to republish here. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Stevenson’s army, March 13

– WaPo says US likely to delay Afghan pullout

– David Ignatius explains bureaucratic maneuvering on Afghanistan.

– FP says administration has big debates on ending wars.

Background on the Quad, which met Friday and agreed to get more vaccines to SE Asia.

– Europe angry over US secondary sanctions.

– US plans new sanctions on NordStream2

-Earmarks are back.

-Senate filibuster may be changed.

-Mark Bowden, author of Black Hawk Down, summarizes history of US special forces.

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I plan to republish here. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Thai protests make progress, but…

In 2020, a youth-led protest movement began to spread across Thailand as protestors called for fundamental political change in the Kingdom, including a new election, constitution and reforms to the structure of the monarchy. On January 19, the United States Institute of Peace convened a roundtable to discuss the political dynamics of the movement, its future, and the potential for the US government to craft a constructive response. Speakers and their affiliations are listed below:

Brian Harding (Moderator): Senior Expert, Southeast Asia, U.S. Institute of Peace

Rattaphol “Ahn” Onsanit: Thai Service Chief, Voice of America

Penchan Phoborisut: Assistant Professor, California State University, Fullerton

Jonathan Pinckney: Senior Researcher, Nonviolent Action, U.S. Institute of Peace

Desmond Walton: Senior Director, BowerGroupAsia; U.S. Army Colonel (ret.) and former U.S. Defense Attaché to Thailand

Twitter enables the movement

Throughout 2020–and continuing into 2021–a youth-led pro-democracy movement has emerged across Thailand. While the largest demonstrations have largely been concentrated in Bangkok, Onsanit notes that the emergence of symbolic protests in schools throughout the countryside indicates that the movement is more generational and ideological than it is geographic.

Social media has largely driven the movement’s momentum. Phoborisut points to the relatively high saturation of Twitter among the Thai as a particularly critical factor. Activists have used hashtags such as #whatshappeninginthailand to raise awareness for their campaign, while protestors have also used Twitter to create transnational networks with activists in foreign countries. In particular, the hashtags #milkteaalliance and #howtomob have connected Thai protestors with activists in Hong Kong, who have shared lessons learned and tactical advice from their own experiences with protests.

Positive prospects, but no guarantees

According to Pinckney, two elements of the Thai protest movement suggest positive prospects for the future. First, the movement has exhibited the tactical flexibility typical of most successful protests. By switching between mass demonstrations and dispersed tactics such as the display of banners, hand gestures, and flash mobs–a necessity due to both government repression and the COVID-19 pandemic–the movement has continued to place pressure on King Vajiralongkorn despite the trying times. Second, the movement to date has managed to largely remain nonviolent. As a result, protestors maintain popular legitimacy while government repression has sparked widespread public backlash, leading to the possibility of a more broad-based movement in the future.

However, Pinckney cautions that activists should not count on the ability of social media to generate international awareness and support in the long-term. As protests in other countries have demonstrated, international attention can quickly waver without durable, institutional commitments to the movement. Moreover, Onsanit also warns that protest leaders have so far shown an unwillingness to compromise, diminishing the prospects for a negotiated agreement between activists and the monarchy.

Limits on US support

In the past, the US government has consistently prioritized security and economic issues over political issues when developing its relationship with Thailand. The political dimension, which has included coup attempts, growing authoritarian tendencies, and human rights abuses, has been the shakiest pillar of the US-Thai relationship long before the current wave of protests. Given this history, Walton suggests that the incoming Biden administration is more likely to support reform-oriented dialogue rather than an anti-monarchy agenda. Thai activists’ current refusal to negotiate could thus complicate the US response to the protests.

Nevertheless, he also proposes concrete steps that the new administration can take to maximize its decision-making ability. First, he recommends returning to career ambassadors in Thailand with deep knowledge of the country and region. Second, the Biden administration should reconcile differences between the idealists and pragmatists in his administration as the Thai monarchy can weaponize inconsistencies in US foreign policy around the world to diminish America’s ability to support protests in Thailand. Ultimately, then, US influence will hinge on a combination of the outcome of ideological competition within the movement and strategic decision-making by the U.S.

To watch the event in full, please click here.

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Stevenson’s army, October 19

Nobody knows what Joe Biden might actually do if elected in terms of choosing senior officials. But these stories are appearing and will appear. They’re interesting; just don’t believe them.
Who will be Secretary of State?
How will Biden change Intelligence?
Can Biden unite Asian allies against China?
On the other hand, here’s some news: ISIS is surging in Africa.
O’Brien talks about Taiwan.
China threatens Taiwan.
China’s economy is growing again.
And what’s wrong with this picture?

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I plan to republish here. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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