Tag: Balkans
Changing of the guard: Montenegro and the US
Biljana Jovićević of Antenna M asked me some questions yesterday, prompted by a previous interview where I was cited as having praised Dritan Abazovic, the current deputy prime minister of Montenegro. I replied:
Q: Having in mind your respective field of expertise I am quite sure that you are familiar with the current political situation in Montenegro. Could you please be so kind to give us your assessment of new unfolding events in Montenegro in the last few months?
A: My sense is that pro-Russian and pro-Serbia forces dominate the new Montenegro government. Decision-making roles have gone predominantly to ethnonationalists, including in the security sector. The Serbian Orthodox Church is pleased and has reason to be. There is no sign of a technocratic government.
Q: In your recent statement for a Kosovo media you have said that you would like to see in Kosovo a civic option something like Montenegrin URA lead by now VP Dritan Abazović, but that is not possible because of the mostly ethnic segregation. Do you believe that URA and Mr. Abazović currently plays a constructive role in Montenegro society–which is seen by many now–as an enabler of the extreme right wing, clerical Government?
Q: I said I would like to see Kosovo with a civic option. The interviewer mentioned URA. I did not. URA has not fulfilled promises to insist on a truly technocratic government, to restrain ethnonationalist forces, and to bring minorities into the coalition. I don’t see URA as successful in fulfilling the role of a civic option.
A: Without any doubt Montenegro for a long time needed changes and reform, most of all to fight against corruption, nepotism and cronyism. But new right wing government, and let’s not forget with pro-Russian orientation–supported by URA, certainly is not an expert government. For the critics–what they show up until now is the same pattern of behavior as their predecessors regarding nepotism and cronyism. And apart from that they are in especially fast mode of implementing Serbian nationalist agenda in Montenegro. Do you believe that this kind of changes can bring Montenegro closer to the EU ?
A: No. Montenegro’s current course will slow its progress toward the EU as well as raise doubts within NATO whether Podgorica can be trusted.
Q: President -elect Biden, VP Harris and his administration will take the oath tomorrow–hopefully if the US manage to escape any dramatic or scary scenery. In that regard I have few more questions for you: having in mind the scale of a crisis that we are witnessing in the US and difficult job in front on Biden administration, when is it realistic to expect for them to become more engaged on Balkans and in which direction?
A: It will be months before the people concerned with the Balkans are put in place and the Europeans are consulted on the way forward. I would advise patience.
Q: Hardly that in this unprecedented time in the US Balkans can be among priorities, but Mr. Biden’s nominees for the State Department are people with great knowledge about this part of the world, so what should be their first steps on Balkans in your opinion?
A: I hope they will first consult with the Europeans and develop a common, agreed platform for the Balkans. When Brussels and Washington act in unison, good things happen. Biden will prefer that to Trump’s unilateralist approach.
Q: I had followed your hearing last month in the House committee for foreign relations, you were there with the Secretary Albright and with Mr. Bugajski and you offered recommendations for Balkans. Although focus was on Kosovo and Bosnia, much of the talk was about Serbia as well. But you had barely mentioned Montenegro and if I remember correctly only you mentioned that like in Bosnia and Kosovo–Serbia now trying to destabilize and Montenegro–but that was all. I was quite surprised.
A: I said on that occasion what I thought was most important: Belgrade is doing things to destabilize Montenegro. I have no problem with an opposition coming to power, but I would hope to see a pro-NATO, pro-EU government with the support of minorities.
Q: And in the and – after everything that has happened in the US in last four years (with impact on the whole world) and as we are approaching possible culmination with right wing white nationalist who are threatening with riot in all 50 states–what is your take about rising right wing parties and fringes groups all around world, their infiltrations in mainstream and consequence that we are facing? If the US is barely dealing with it, what can we expect in places like Balkans? How to fight back ?
A: We are all going to be called upon to defend democracy from right wing extremists and ethnonationalists who think they should be privileged to govern. The real possibility of alternation in power is essential to democracy, but if the alternation brings to power people who are anti-democratic, that is a big problem.
Bid farewell to the treasons of Trump
It’s been hard, but we’ve almost made it to the other side. Now comes a time for rebuilding, or in Biden terms building back better.
Domestic issues will take first priority: the epidemic, the economy, social cleavages. Biden will need to get a lot more needles into arms, a lot more jobs returned and created, a lot of injustices to black and brown people, immigrants, women, college students, and LGBTQ people rectified. Trump’s white supremacist and 2nd Amendment supporters need to know that LAW AND ORDER applies to them as well as to everyone else. Successful prosecution of the January 6 insurrectionists is critical, including an eventual conviction of Trump in the Senate.
Current Majority Leader McConnell is not only open to that possibility but has blamed Trump for provoking the January 6 insurrection:
The mob was fed lies.
This is important, as it opens the a possibility of purging Trumpism from the Republican Party and eventually also from the Senate and House. Remnants will persist, but American politics will return to a much better place if Republicans and Democrats once again come to share a common factual basis rather than being distracted constantly by Trump’s lies.
International issues will be in capable hands at the State Department, National Security Council, and the Defense Department. But they can’t do everything at once. The early moves have been telegraphed: re-entry into the Iran nuclear deal (hard) and the Paris climate agreement (easy) as well as an effort to negotiate with Russia extended limits on strategic nuclear weapons. But the enemy also gets a vote on priorities. Surprise challenges could come from North Korea, China, or Islamist extremists. Those should not distract the Bidenists from their chosen path: to restore American leadership on a multilateral basis and make the world order more rules-based than it has been for the last four years.
My own focus is on what this means for the Balkans and the Middle East.
In the Balkans it is clear: Washington needs to develop a common vision with the European Union and its member states, then implement it with vigor to stem the tide of Russian and Chinese influence and hasten the day when the countries of the region will all qualify for accession to the EU.
In the Middle East, the way forward is far less clear, because the region lacks a clear direction and American interest has declined. I might prefer that the US favor democracy and human rights, but the fact is there are few Middle East countries in which we’ll find much prospect of either. The trick will be cooperating with autocratic friends (read Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and others) without encouraging their human rights abuses. Biden is already committed, as I understand it, to ending US support for the war in Yemen, which will displease Riyadh and Abu Dhabi.
The Israel/Palestine equation will be particularly difficult to solve, as Trump has intentionally lessened the prospects for the two-state solution America has favored. Biden won’t want to reverse the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem, and the so-called Abrahamic accords between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain he welcomed. But he could tilt in favor of the Palestinians by renewing US contributions to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and re-establishing a consulate in East Jerusalem, making it clear it will become an embassy once a Palestinian state is formed and recognized.
The world will be watching. Expectations of Biden are high. Disappointments and failures are inevitable, but I do hope America can return to its proper role as a leader in the democratic world!
Here is what I really said
Veljko Nestorović of Kosovo Online asked:
Q: Is it possible to get your answer to the question before the elections
in Kosovo, why at the moment there is no party (like URA in Montenegro
with Dritan Abazovic) civic options where Albanians and Serbs and
everyone else are represented, but all parties ethnically exclusive?
Is it necessary for Kosovo to “get a civic party” in order for democracy
in Kosovo to take an upward path?
I answered:
A: I would certainly like to see a civic option of the sort you
suggest, but it is difficult in a society where people are largely
segregated and ethnic identity overemphasized. The establishments in
both Pristina and Belgrade would see such an alternative as a threat.
But that is no reason for it not to happen!
Note: I did not comment on Abazovic at all. I commented on a civic alternative in Kosovo, which I would welcome. In retrospect, I should have added “I will not comment on Abazovic,” but it seems clear to me that was the case. The press that suggests I expressed approval of Abazovic is certainly distorting what I said and meant. I said nothing about him.
Serbia needs to get on the right side of history
Saša Janković, runner-up at the latest Presidential elections in the Republic of Serbia (2017), writes in Danas:
Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić has made an unnecessary and inappropriate personal gamble with national interests, participating in a campaign of one candidate in the US presidential elections. To make the case even worse, his candidate lost. This is not the first time he has made this mistake. But unlike when he supported Hillary Clinton, this time the consequences will be severe. This was the drop that flooded the cup and his actions will affect the whole country negatively.
At the recent hearing of the American House Committee on Foreign Affairs, likely perspectives of the new American policy towards the Western Balkans were heard. Serbia – or more accurately put – the kind of influence it exercises in the region was defined as a problem. The new American administration will no longer tolerate Serbia making trouble in Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia… nor anywhere else in the Region.
If and when Vučić loses support from Washington, he will have no other shield to hide behind – he has wasted them all already.
The U-turn away from the EU (to which, in fact, he never aspired) will now, unlike previously, hit back. The EU and US are beginning to coordinate their foreign policies again and Washington will not continue compensating for heavy messages from Brussels, as in the previous years. The revival of US – EU cooperation effectively closes the space for Vučić to continue manipulating them against each other.
As for the Russian Federation, Maria Zakharova’s public (and close to vulgar) mockery of the Vučić’s overall position in the Washington agreement (the infamous “Sharon Stone tweet”), revealed Moscow’s attitude towards his troubles. If the Kremlin interferes in the Region, it is in pursuit of Russian interests, not Vučić’s, nor Serbia’s.
Finally, China: if anyone believed Vučić when he claimed (including on billboards throughout Belgrade) that Xi Jinping is his “brother” and will shower Serbia with investments, flying cars, weaponry and protection of all kinds, then we deserve whatever is thrown at us, don’t we?
It is no secret anymore that changes are being considered to the Dayton Agreements. Both entities, including Republika Srpska, could easily lose the position of “state within a state.” That status, which could have been used constructively and as an advantage, Serbian and Croatian political leaders (ab)used as a rope around the neck of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Bosniak leaders didn’t help either, constantly playing victims.
The outcome? A quarter of a century after the war, the citizens of BiH do not have a functional state. Instead, the region has a continuing challenge, despite the lies of politicians from Serbia and Croatia that, as guarantors of the Dayton Agreement, they will support the integrity and sovereignty of BiH. In the meantime, Serbs in Bosnia developed very strong feelings for Republika Srpska.
Republika Srpska is not its most powerful and visible politician, Milorad Dodik. But Dodik, in cooperation with the authorities from Belgrade, ruined the opportunity for the Serbian entity to be constructive and favored by the world. After Vučić has lost his latest gamble, if and when the structure of BiH is changed the question is how much of Republika Srpska’s jurisdiction will remain. He broke so many promises that many in the West have become determined not to let him continue fooling them.
Another challenge, its solution long overdue, is Kosovo. The US and the EU will now insist, without further delay, on a comprehensive agreement between Belgrade and Pristina. Serbia should actively influence its content with its proposals, but Vučić’s populist regime abstains so that it can decline any responsibility for the outcome and blame it on others. His oppressed political opposition acts the same way.
There was just one proposal from the side of the opposition that didn’t include formal recognition of independence and still had some chance to be considered internationally.* It was swiftly declared treasonous by both the Vučić’s regime and the rest of the opposition. Since then, three years ago, neither the regime nor the opposition has proposed what to do.
Instead, some opposition leaders consider that putting forward a proposal would provide Vučić with an opportunity to blame them for the loss of Kosovo, using his propaganda machine. And he would, the record shows. So they choose to wait for the West to force Vučić into making a move, so that they can accuse him of treason and topple him. In the meantime, they join him in inspiring cheap nationalist feelings, needed to help their plan – which in fact mirrors his own.
Other opposition leaders silently agree with Vučić’s tactics of blackmailing everybody, inside and out, with Kosovo and Republika Srpska, with a faint view of the “Greater Serbia” somewhere down the road. They would only do it “faster, stronger, better” (an electoral slogan of Vučić’s own party).
The ultimate result is that the agreement on Kosovo will be written by foreign diplomats, without a substantive role of Serbia. Vučić’s regime and the opposition (with lesser responsibility but in an equal manner) are depriving Serbia of influence on the decision that deeply concerns national interests.
The US and the EU, of course, know that changes in BiH and Kosovo are high-risk operations. They will not make the mistake of conducting them without first weakening those who, for fear of losing their power, can sabotage changes by lighting fires in the region. Therefore the first cracks in the grandiose Vučić’s media image outside and inside of Serbia begin to appear. Cracks begin to show in Vučić’s own party, too – Nebojša Stefanović (for years, Vučić’s most trusted aide) is doing what Vučić, advised and used to do in the extremist Serbian Radical Party before he split it with other dissidents to establish the Serbian Progressive Party. Surely, Vučić recognizes the scenario, working against him now.
No injustice inflicted there on Vučić – what brought him up will pull him down. But the citizens of Serbia will suffer – Vučić’s party captured their state and will leave it in scraps. Not only economically, institutionally and legally, but also emotionally – he deprived the nation of self-respect and hope. Furthermore, Vučić will probably not behave like Kosovo’s Thaci and resign from the presidential post to avoid dragging his country into the dirt. No matter how hard one tries to differentiate between Vučić’s regime and Serbia, when he gets under more serious international criticism and, possibly, restrictive measures, that will not be possible.
So, in the world’s eyes, Serbia will once again be seen as a source of problems and a nation that, for the second time in only two decades, allowed a destructive autocrat to gain a position of unlimited power. Not yet fully recovered from the scars left by Milosevic, Serbia will get new ones. From a symbol of freedom, anti-fascism, vitality and capacity to stand united with South Slavic peoples in a strong and prosperous alliance, to a powerless, excommunicated, humiliated and problematic country that has lost its sense of direction and lags behind – the picture will be daunting and generations of Serbians will carry its shadow as a burden. No one can harm Serbian national interests as Serbian nationalists can.
There is a better way. Serbia should identify itself within the trinity of 1) universal human and civil values, 2) positive elements of our national identity, and 3) Western political culture. We are first human beings and free individuals, citizens with dignity and responsibilities to ourselves and the world we live in. Then we are the Serbs – a freedom-loving, friendly, and brave Slavic nation. Finally, we firmly belong to the civilization of Western democracies!
Saint Sava pointed Serbian religion (and partly spirituality) to the East, towards our Orthodox Slavic brothers. But his brother Stefan, the first crowned ruler of Serbia, not accidentally and not without an agreement with his brother, firmly oriented the Serbian state towards the West. In 1217 he sought and received the first Serbian crown from the Pope, not from the Patriarch in the East (which was an option at the time). Such are the foundations of our identity, which is still the direction for our progress. Every detour costs us lost generations and underdevelopment. Shortcomings of Western democracy, which we speak of constantly as “sour grapes,” we can improve upon only after we master its basics. We must work honestly and never again look for shortcuts. Long live Serbia!
*The proposal included the following:
1. Serbia agrees with (and in fact actively supports) the membership of Kosovo in all international organizations, including the UN. Serbia will not ask for any restrictions or create any obstacles for Kosovo to fully avail itself of every right, obligation, or interest arising from such membership. This attitude of Serbia does not mean and can not be used as proof that it formally recognizes the independence of Kosovo, nor Serbia will be conditioned in any way to do so.
2. The sites of the Serbian Orthodox Church of major historical and religious importance (the key monasteries and churches) shall be given extraterritorial status and left to be self-governed by the Church authorities (similar to the examples of monasteries in Mount Athos in Greece, or the Vatican in Rome).
3. Local self-governance in North Mitrovica and the Association of Serbian Municipalities shall be established, not to be used to the detriment of the authority of Pristina over the whole territory of Kosovo.
4. Individual and collective human rights of Serbs shall be guaranteed at the highest level.
5. Property rights shall be guaranteed in line with international norms and standards.
6. The Agreement shall be valid for 30 years. If before the expiry of that term a new one is not reached, it shall be automatically prolonged for the next 30 years, and so on.
Some answers on the Balkans, and other things
I did this interview with Janusz Bugajski on November 5, but if I understand correctly it was broadcast in Kosovo on RTK recently. So it’s a bit dated (but not wrong) on US election issues, but still okay on Balkan issues:
Russia disrespects sovereignty and the Dayton accords
I did an interview yesterday with Aldin Tiro, who published it today at hayat.ba:
Q: You probably heard that [Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Lavrov] met with Milorad Dodik last night in Republika Srpska, where the BiH [Bosnian] flag was not hoisted at all.
Lavrov also praised the RS National Assembly’s decision to be militarily neutral. At the meeting, the state of BiH was degraded and disrespect was expressed, and Dodik said at one point that Lavrov first came to RS last night and that he would come to BiH only [the next day]?
How to comment on such behavior of Russia, that is, Lavrov, who is an experienced politician?
A: Lavrov knows what he is doing: providing support to a secessionist who seeks to do Moscow’s bidding and prevent NATO membership.
Q: How do you view the facts that today Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic (the other two members of the Presidency of BiH) refused to meet with Lavrov?
A: I think they did the right thing. The Sarajevo state institutions need to be respected. Lavrov will be furious.
Q: Has Russia expressed disrespect for BiH? One could constantly hear Lavrov’s statement that Russia respects the territorial integrity of BiH and sends it to Dayton, and it is persistently repeated that it wants the High Representative to leave?
A: Duplicity is Lavrov’s middle name. You can’t respect the territorial integrity of BiH and visit Dodik first in a room without the Bosnian state flag. You can’t respect Dayton and want the High Representative responsible for the interpretation and implementation of Dayton to leave.
Q: How do you view Milorad Dodik’s behavior during these visits?
A: Dodik is Moscow’s puppet. No more, no less.
Q: Who will “profit” the most, that is, who is the manager here?
A: Lavrov is the manager, but no doubt Dodik is profiting.