Tag: Balkans
Kosovo’s worries
A Kosovar friend writes:
I believe this is where all the problems started: by the narrative that Kosovo is about to die soon as it does not have a final deal with Serbia! This is where all lobbyists for dialogue at any cost have brought the narrative, claiming that we depend on Serbia’s willingness to recognize us. They want us to devote all our energy to a deal.
Yes, dealing with Serbia is important, but not at any cost. The technical dialogue in Brussels had a perverse effect: it stopped recognition of Kosovo, as some in the international community felt they should wait for the results. The dialogue also eliminated the authentic Kosovo Serb parties who accept the Kosovo state. That was done because Serbian President Vucic in the dialogue made a lot of promises and accepted a lot of responsibilities (as he always does). It seemed to the internationals logical to allow him to have his own Kosovo Serb politicians organized in the Lista Srpska. That enables him to control even Kosovo’s internal political life.
Had we devoted our energies after the Ahtisaari plan (2007) and the International Court of Justice decision (2010) advisory opinion about our independence to a real state-building agenda, we would have been in much better position. Instead we depended on the dialogue, which solidified the impression that the Kosovo story was still unfinished. We are where we are and the world has not changed in our direction. But, still I oppose the logic that Kosovo’s future depends on Serbia’s consent.
The ingredients for success in the dialogue do not lay entirely with us. We need Washington and Brussels to have a more supportive approach. Vucic is not going to sacrifice anything for the dialogue. He wants carrots that reward Serbia. Kosovo had to play in the dialogue, as he did. But now the pending indictment of our President and other Kosovo Liberation Army leaders by the Specialist Chambers have made it far more difficult for us.
What is alternative? I am not Nostradamus. Now the situation is more difficult and more complex than ever before.
The Specialist Chambers might drag on for many years. It will damage our image and put at risk our functionality and statehood. The Kosovo political opposition thinks only of how to take power at any cost. We could even end up with two of the worst outcomes: partition without recognition. I am afraid of negative scenarios offering us only a status akin to that of Palestine or union with Albania.
I am speaking as a worried friend and I hope you understand.
Biden on Kosovo/Serbia
Vice President Biden knows which way is up in the Balkans. He issued this statement today:
I have been a longtime and vocal supporter of peace and reconciliation in southeastern Europe, and the decision by Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić to restart dialogue on the normalization of relations between their countries is a vital step forward in this critical region. A comprehensive settlement that will lead to mutual recognition, preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both states, and strengthen their democratic institutions is essential for Kosovo and Serbia to move forward. [my bolding] It would enhance both countries’ security and prosperity, advance their aspirations for membership in the European Union and other multilateral institutions, and support the enduring aim of a Europe whole, free, and at peace.
Reaching this goal requires transatlantic cooperation. History teaches us that when the United States and Europe lead together, we can succeed in ending conflicts and ushering in new opportunities for peace and prosperity – in southeastern Europe and beyond. This partnership is as necessary today as it has ever been, and it requires all parties to work together toward our shared goal. It requires American leadership and partnership. Yet, the Trump administration failed to coordinate with the European Union’s envoys — who have facilitated a dialogue between the two countries for nearly a decade — in planning a White House meeting with the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia last month. While the meeting was ultimately cancelled, the message to our EU partners was still loud and clear. The United States should be working together with our European partners, not turning our back on them. [again my bolding] That’s our best hope to facilitate a sustainable resolution that can unlock a more peaceful, prosperous, and European future for both countries. And if I am elected president, my administration will facilitate peace and security in southeastern Europe and work in tandem with our EU partners to make that dream a reality.
I encourage the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo to approach these talks with a spirit of compromise and reconciliation, knowing that they have the full support of the American people.
Kosovo and Serbia need a better process
Drilon Gashi writes:
Kosovo should set up a technocratic government to counter the dual health and economic crises created by the Coronavirus. Serbia should reevaluate its aims for the “normalization” talks. US and EU facilitators should outline a Kosovo-Serbia deal framework, before serious negotiations begin.
Peace talks between Kosovo and Serbia have rarely had more attention. Kosovo Prime Minister Hoti met with French President Macron today, and the two of them will meet with German Chancellor Merkel and Serbian President Vucic on Friday via videoconference. A planned Washington summit was cancelled last month due to the announcement of a proposed indictment of Kosovo President Thaci on war crimes charges. In Washington the parties were allegedly to discuss a US-led economic agreement, to be followed by a EU-led political agreement in Paris.
There are important economic issues to be resolved. Reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers between the two countries, supporting bilateral industry linkages, and discussing business, trade, and academic coordination would be mutually beneficial. But issues of sovereignty abound in both economic and political talks, and politically contentious topics have often dominated the discussion and eliminated hopes for a Kosovo-Serbia deal. The economic talks are allegedly to discuss co-ownership of Kosovo’s mining assets in Trepca, in its north, and a unique arrangement between Kosovo and Serbia customs.
This would not be bilateral economic cooperation; it would be Serbian incursion into Kosovo’s economic sovereignty. Swapping or partitioning economic assets is no better—perhaps, even worse—than swapping or partitioning land. It would, in the worst case scenario, make independent Kosovo economically defunct—precisely what an ethno-nationalist Serbia government may desire.
Technocrats for Kosovo
The announcement on war crimes charges has embroiled Kosovo politics at a challenging moment. If the charges are confirmed, Thaci has vowed to step down. The current government will find it difficult to elect a new President, as it has a thin majority and lacks public support. Kosovo, Serbia, and several other Balkan countries are witnessing alarming increases of COVID cases and deaths. Not only will their vulnerable health systems come under immense pressure, but the economies of the region will face deepening recession.
Kosovo needs a new, technocratic government, empowered to elect (in parliament) a new President as well as deal with the health and economic impacts of Covid-19 for 6-9 months. This will require political compromise between Hoti’s political party (LDK) and the one that led the previous government (Vetevendosje), which is soaring in the polls and wants elections sooner rather than later. A technocratic government would require support by a grand coalition of parties ministers with public health and economic recovery experience. It should continue anti-corruption efforts, while leaving the more contentious Kosovo-Serbia talks to a newly elected, politically legitimate government.
Serbia needs a rethink
President Vucic is in a much more comfortable position than Prime Minister Hoti. He recently won 75% of the seats in parliament due to an opposition boycott. Serbia’s government has been pushing to keep the talks going as it attempts to leverage its current diplomatic advantage over Kosovo.
Serbia above all is seeking concessions on territory and economic assets, especially the Trepca mine in northern Kosovo. Those ambitions lie far from its citizens primary concerns about democratic rights, economic progress, and faster European Union accession. Protests in Belgrade yesterday show that the Serbian public is concerned with its government’s COVID response and backsliding in the country’s democracy. Rather than pressing his diplomatic advantage, President Vucic should be using his strong position to ensure a fair compromise with Prime Minister Hoti.
The process needs improvement
The only way to strike such a deal is for Kosovo and Serbia to be treated as equal negotiating parties coming together to improve their bilateral relations. For years the EU has affixed all kinds of asterisks and footnotes on Kosovo’s status to appease Serbia and its own non-recognizers. That won’t work if Kosovo and Serbia are to enter a process intended to achieve a sustainable, mutually beneficial deal.
An equal process needs high-level support, but more importantly requires that US and EU facilitators spell out the main framework of a deal before it is negotiated. There has been little transparency about what Brussels and Washington are seeking, and even less about what Pristina and Belgrade want. It is time for the negotiating process to open up to public scrutiny.
*Drilon S. Gashi is an international development specialist based in Washington, D.C. He has spent three years working in Kosovo’s public and non-for-profit sectors and holds a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University.
Hashim responds:
Here is Kosovo President Thaci’s response today to the revelation that the Prosecutor of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers has recommended his indictment for war crimes and crimes against humanity:
Sisters and brothers, fellow citizens and compatriots, in Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Presheva Valley, and the diaspora,
I address you tonight, from this office, where for 1542 days, I have had the extraordinary honor of exercising the high duty of the President of our country, a free, independent, and democratic Kosovo.
My heart is hurt, but not broken.
My mind weighs heavy, but is not bleary.
My blood is heated, but clean and unified with the blood of my friends in arms whom I lost in the war.
It is the same as the blood of those who have loved me and supported me without reservation in this journey of state-building.
And, in these moments also those who have opposed me, prejudiced or judged me differently from what I would have liked.
Today, more so than ever before, I feel completely liberated from the worry and weight of political strife.
These worries have sometimes been given greater magnitude than what they deserved.
They have blurred, in your eyes, the simple fact that we are all sons and daughters of this land and we all want what is best for Kosovo.
But politics has these things too.
Today I see clearer than ever before, that regardless of the good intentions of each, some more so and some less so, all of us, the political leaders of Kosovo during these 20 years of effort, in certain moments, have allowed politics to damage our great and shared purpose.
It is entirely natural that at this moment, which is not easy for me, I be reminded of people who no longer live.
Others that I have known along my already long road, from the time when I was an idealistic boy who wanted to change the world until today – with the grey hair.
I have reminisced about historic moments and completely personal moments, and I have thought of my parents, my grandparents, my family and my son, Endrit.
He who today has become a man, and I can look in his eyes without blinking my eyelashes over the ostensible start of a process for war crimes!
I have understood very early on that we, the fighters of KLA, would pay a great human, familial, and political cost.
This is the price for the freedom of Kosovo.
It is just that every accusation and allegation for war crimes be brought to light, from anyone and anywhere it has happened.
My friends of war, with some of whom peace has often separated us into different political camps, have challenged with the great strength of truth many low fabrications, and their innocence has shone over the garbage of monstrous accusations in the end.
It will be the same for me and my brother from the blood of war, Kadri Veseli.
Dear citizens,
Political mistakes in peace I could have made, but war crimes, never!
Even if I were to go back to the dark ages of Milloshevic, I would do the same thing, by answering the bullet of the enemy with the bullet of the thirst for freedom and by not wronging any Serbian, Roma, or Albanian citizen.
But let me make one thing very clear:
For over two decade I have supported initiatives for the establishment of courts with international involvement or oversight.
This principle remains the same today, when it is I, Hashim Thaçi, who could personally be faced with a court for which I have given my political support, with my word and with my vote.
At that time, we were faced with only two paths.
One which I have believed in my whole life and believe in to this day – advancing toward a closer alliance with the United States and the European Union.
The second – that this issue be left in the hands of the Security Council of the United Nations where countries that oppose the state of Kosovo have powerful influence.
My decision was strategic in accordance with my vision for the future of Kosovo.
And I have not looked for daily political benefits.
Today, whoever says that I have apparently become an obstacle, even a saboteur of this court, in the best case is ill-informed and in the worst case is tendentious.
However, on the other hand, someone must assess the balance of these 21 years of investigations, processes and decisions for war crimes in Kosovo.
Dear citizens,
I would be the happiest man if I were to see that the international community is applying the same standards to Kosovo and Serbia in addressing war crimes.
Unfortunately, not only do I not see this standard and proportionality, I see the opposite. And here we are today.
Serbia advances along the road of negotiations for European membership, while Kosovo does not even enjoy the right of free movement!
Naturally, I do not see here a conspiracy against Kosovo.
But the difference in approach by the international community toward the two nations is a fact.
Undoubtedly, we have our faults and responsibilities.
Myself first, and with me all the leaders of political parties in Kosovo, who over several years have not been able to maintain political cohesion.
But no fault or mistake of ours or mine justifies the fact that, for 21 years Kosovo has continued to be confronted with processes of justice for war crimes in her space.
While on the other side, the silence of graves for war crimes has fallen in Serbia.
The silence of Serbia is made more onerous by the silence of the international community.
We have engaged, I have personally and strongly been engaged for dialogue and peace with Serbia.
But I do not agree with and cannot accept the fact that, for thousands of Albanians who are missing because of Sllobodan Millosheviç’s killing machine, the bones of whom are in the soil of Serbia, there be no even international statements.
Should we even expect the day when we will be told that we must apologize to Serbia for our missing people, for our raped mothers and daughters, for the ethnic cleansing and genocide against us?!
This absurd question arises naturally, when no one in Serbia is being held accountable for war crimes any longer!
Nevertheless, today I do not want to dwell on the subject of the comparison of the promotions of justice for war crimes, which will surely take its place in the history of international justice and politics as a gloomy page of theirs for these two decades.
Honored citizens,
During these two decades I have had the privilege of having the support of the majority of you while serving at the helm of the highest national institutions.
Naturally, during these two decades, unintentionally, I have made some slips.
I know of some of them myself today.
I did not hesitate, together friends-in-arms, to wage war against Serbia, with weapons and diplomacy, disregarding the price that I may have had to pay, even my own life.
The war is over. Kosovo is a free and sovereign country.
Thus, during the last two decades, I have worked, and will work for peace and reconciliation with Serbian and the whole Balkans.
Today I do not simply live for myself and my family, but also for the friends that I have buried during the war, for their parents, their children, their nephews and nieces.
I live for the historic mission to which I belong together with Kadri Veseli, Ramush Haradinaj, Fatmir Limaj, and many others who were first in the fight for freedom but also first to be struck and attacked after the war.
Dear citizens,
We did not go to war to win elections or to claim power. We went to either live free, or die for freedom.
We did not have anything other than the great dream for freedom and independence.
But, the passage from the paths of the liberation war, to the corridors of institutions could have not be simple or easy for us.
I can tell you that I was more afraid of these corridors, than of those paths.
During the war, I slept little, but the sleep rejuvenated. After the war, I slept little, but rose exhausted from the dilemmas of how I could do a better job at the tasks of a new day.
I did as much as I could, but not as much as I wanted to.
But today I do not want to list the achievements of my post-war career today because this is neither a message of farewell, nor a moment of work evaluation for me.
I only want to tell you that I have carried on my shoulders many accusations and many offenses over the years.
When I was at the head of the government, I have never denied, and I do not deny today that the same way there have been achievements in the development of Kosovo, I have had challenges in the governance and leadership of the country.
This is natural for a leader.
However, one thing is certain: there has not been, and could not be, even a single piece of evidence addressed to Hashim Thaçi for violations of any law.
The only law that I have trampled is that of Milloseviç.
I did not fall from the sky and am not a saint.
My fate, in entirely unique historical circumstances, has determined the trajectory of my life and my behavior.
Politics was never a source of life for me, but a holy mission to serve this country and you, dear citizens.
No one can be found, in Kosovo or elsewhere, to whom I am indebted,
But, to anyone who has even once given me their vote throughout this part of my career, which continues, tonight I wish to say:
Forgive me if I have not done what you have expected of me, but rest assured that I have not misused your trust.
I bow before your trust.
Honored fellow citizens,
Kosovo is entering a new and in no way easy chapter.
This is a new chapter for me too, and in these moments, I do not know how difficult it will be.
But I am ready to write this chapter with my truth before anyone.
I do not know whether it was chance or intrigue that, midway toward the White House, the notification for an unconfirmed indictment was released.
Will this be the last price that must be paid for the freedom of Kosovo?
The cut me off my road.
But they do not threaten my trust in the values that the United States of America and the White House represent for myself and the citizens of Kosovo.
In the practice of justice of the civilized world, the public announcement of an indictment before it has been approved by the judicial body, is a massive scandal.
No crime, alleged or even committed, by anyone, justifies public lynching.
No good intention or great will for justice can justify the fabrication of a media bomb to incriminate the head of the state of Kosovo, at the exact moment when dialogue with Serbia could enter a new phase, thanks to the direct engagement of the White House.
What justice was interested in this lighting rush and this flagrant violation of the regulations of a process for justice of an independent judiciary?
This question must be addressed at the right time and in the right place.
Whereas the short answer to this question is:
That statement, blew up and rendered impossible a very important meeting at the White House, thereby giving a strong blow to the opportunity of achieving peace between Kosovo and Serbia.
Therefore, the appeal with which I wish to close this message tonight is:
Kosovo must ensure the stable functioning of its national institutions, under any circumstances.
In this new and difficult chapter, we can only move forward united, in the national and international plains alike.
In the following days, I will consult with the political leaders about the next steps.
I assure you again, I will not face justice from this office.
If the accusation is confirmed, I will immediately resign as your President and face the accusations.
Kosovo is a new country, but its leaders must act as real statesmen.
I will carry this burden and protect myself, our fight for freedom, with every ounce of power that I have.
I will not allow these false accusations to the draw away attention of Kosovo from taking its due place in the international community, as a member of the United Nations, NATO, and the European Union.
Kosovo is the homeland of all its citizens. A European country and a multi-ethnic society.
Once again, I say NO to revenge and YES to inter-ethnic tolerance.
Only by building citizen democracy do we build a Euro-Atlantic future.
Dear citizens,
While thanking all of you who have sent me word and encouraging messages, I wish you all the best from my heart.
I thank you for the attention!
God bless Kosovo!
Shore up the Kosovo state
This week’s announcement that the prosecutor of the Specialist Chambers in The Hague has recommended an indictment of Kosovo President Hashim Thaci and a former Speaker of the parliament wrecked the prospects for a Serbia/Kosovo supposedly “economic” summit that was to have taken place in Washington this weekend. That has led some to conclude that Europeans plotted the maneuver, as they resented the American initiative and some have targeted Thaci for years. I’m more inclined to think the Americans did it to themselves, because they had concluded the summit had little chance of success.
Whatever. It’s hard to believe the unusual, some would say illegitimate, initiative to publicize the indictment recommendation was not known in both in Brussels and Washington before it happened. Neither stopped it. The result is an earthquake that has shaken the Kosovo state.
The right reaction is to reinforce that state. Kosovo will need a government with a wider margin in parliament and a new president.
No Kosovo prime minister should come to Washington or Brussels to re-engage in the dialogue with Belgrade without a majority that comes close to matching that of President Vucic, who won more than 75% of the his parliament’s seats in last weekend’s election in Serbia, as the opposition boycotted.
To achieve this, Kosovo Prime Minister Hoti, who came into office less than two months ago, would need to bring in either Thaci’s Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) or Vetevendosje (Self-Determination, or VV), which led the short-lived government that preceded Hoti’s. Both joining the government is asking too much, as they despise each other. The PDK will be licking its wounds, as the President is its founder and the Speaker is its party secretary, and there are likely other proposed indictees among its leadership. VV would drive a hard bargain but would be a hefty addition to a weak coalition.
If the indictment is confirmed in July, President Thaci will need to resign–in dignity–and commit to go to The Hague to defend himself. There is ample precedent for this: former Prime Minister Haradinaj resigned twice to defend himself in The Hague, successfully. The parliament will then need to elect a new chief of state, or risk new elections within 45 days. A distinguished, uncompromised, and unpolitical candidate, comparable to former President Atifete Jahjaga, is the right direction. Kosovo has an ample supply of well-qualified people, especially women. Few of them can be accused of war crimes and many are unsullied by corruption and other malfeasance.
A new election would likely bring VV back to power with stronger representation in parliament than it had the last time around, when it came in first by a smidgen. But the time and political competition required for an election would leave Kosovo adrift at a crucial moment. A weakened state would be vulnerable to all sorts of shenanigans, by Europeans, Americans, Russians and others. It would be far better if VV’s obvious political strength could be recognized without repeating the October 2019 contest.
With a new president and a widened government, Kosovo needs first and foremost to stabilize itself, ending all attacks on Serbs and Serb property as well as the internecine quarreling within its majority Albanian population, which makes Kosovo look ungovernable. Attacks on Serbs give Belgrade the ammunition it needs to argue that the ethnic groups need to be separated and Serb-occupied territory transferred to Serbia as well as much of the Serb population south of the Ibar river. Such a land/people transfer is an enormous threat to Kosovo as an independent and sovereign state, as it would remove a big obstacle to union with Albania: the Serb population.
The cancelled Washington summit was ill-conceived and no loss to anyone. But Kosovo and Serbia both need to improve their political and economic relations. The EU-run dialogue has been without significant results since 2013, but Brussels still holds the key incentives to make normalization between the two countries a reality, including the promise of Kosovo recognition by the five nonrecognizing EU states. The proper US role is one of support for the EU, which is admittedly difficult right now because the Trump Administration dislikes both Europe and the Union. It would be much easier in a Biden Administration, which is starting to look likely as Covid-19 resurges across red states in the south and west.
But that question won’t be resolved until November 3. Right now the power balance in the Balkans is what counts. Serbia is already strong. Strengthening the Kosovo state is a prerequisite for a better outcome.
Stevenson’s army, June 26
– Defense News says there are now 3 military plans for competing with China
– Fareed Zakaria says China is bungling its own foreign policies.
-US military is reducing its Mexican border deployments.
– SAIS Prof Ed Joseph tells sad story of cancelled Kosovo summit.
My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I plan to republish here. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).