Tag: China

Talk is cheap

Calls for negotiated solutions are all the rage.  Secretary of State Kerry wants one in Syria.  The Washington Post thinks one is possible in Bahrain.  Everyone wants one for Iran.  Despite several years of failure, many are still hoping for negotiations with the Taliban in Afghanistan.  Ditto Israel/Palestine.  Asia needs them for its maritime issues.

It is a good time to remember the classic requirement for successful negotiations:  “ripeness,” defined as a mutually hurting stalemate in which both parties come to the conclusion that they cannot gain without negotiations and may well lose.  I might hope this condition is close to being met in Syria and Bahrain, but neither President Asad nor the Al Khalifa monarchy seems fully convinced, partly because Iran and Saudi Arabia are respectively providing unqualified support to the regimes under fire.  Ripeness may well require greater external pressure:  from Russia in the case of Syria and from the United States in the case of Bahrain, which hosts the US Fifth Fleet.

It is difficult to tell where things stand in the Afghanistan negotiations.  While the Taliban seem uninterested, Pakistan appears readier than at times in the past.  The Americans are committed to getting out of the fight by the end of 2014.  President Karzai is anxious for his security forces to take over primary responsibility sooner rather than later.  But are they capable of doing so, and what kind of deal are the Afghans likely to cut as the Americans leave?

Israel and Palestine have one way or another been negotiating and fighting on and off since before 1948.  Objectively, there would appear to be a mutually hurting stalemate, but neither side sees it that way.  Israel has the advantage of vast military superiority, which it has repeatedly used as an alternative to negotiation to get its way in the West Bank and Gaza.  A settlement might end that option.  The Palestinians have used asymmetric means (terrorism, rocket fire, acceptance at the UN as a non-member state, boycott) to counter and gain they regard as a viable state.

The Iran nuclear negotiations are critical, as their failure could lead not just to an American strike but also to Iranian retaliation around the world and a requirement to continue military action as Tehran rebuilds its nuclear program.  The United States is trying to bring about ripeness by ratcheting up sanctions pressure on Tehran, which fears that giving up its nuclear program will put the regime at risk.  It is not clear that the US is prepared to strike a bargain that ensures regime survival in exchange for limits on the nuclear program.  We may know  more after the P5+1 (US, UK, France, Russia, China + Germany) meet with Iran February 26 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Asia’s conflicts have only rarely come to actual violence.  China, Korea (North and South), Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines and India are sparring over trade routes, islands, resources and ultimately hegemony.   This risks arousing nationalist sentiments that will be hard to control, driving countries that have a good deal to gain from keeping the peace in some of the world’s fastest growing economies into wars that the regimes involved will find it difficult to back away from.  Asia lacks an over-arching security structure like those in Europe (NATO, OSCE, G8, Council of Europe, etc) and has long depended on the US as a balancing force to preserve the peace.  This has been a successful approach since the 1980s, but the economic rise of China has put its future in doubt, even with the Obama Administration’s much-vaunted pivot to Asia.

This is a world that really does need diplomacy.  None of the current negotiations seem destined for success, though all have some at least small probability of positive outcomes.  Talk really is cheap.  I don’t remember anyone complaining that we had spent too much money on it, though some would argue that delay associated with negotiations has sometimes been costly.  The French would say that about their recent adventure in Mali.

But war is extraordinarily expensive.  Hastening to it is more often than not unwise.  That is part of what put the United States into deep economic difficulty since 2003.  If we want to conserve our strength for an uncertain future, we need to give talk its due.

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A better way

North Korea’s third nuclear weapons test yesterday raises three questions:

  1. Why are they doing this?
  2. What difference does it make?
  3. How should the rest of the world respond?

Why does North Korea develop nuclear weapons?

If you believe what Pyongyang says, the answer is clear:  to defy and threaten the United States, which the North Koreans see as their primary enemy. But this should not be understood as a classic state-to-state conflict.  North Korea poses, at least for now, little military threat to the United States.  But Pyongyang believes Washington wants to end its dictatorship (I certainly hope there is some truth in that–even paranoids have enemies).  The North Koreans see nuclear weapons as a guarantee of regime survival.  No one wants to run the risk of regime collapse if the regime holds nuclear weapons, for fear that they could end up in the wrong hands.  NATO attacked Libya only after Qaddafi had given up his nuclear program.  So the North Koreans view nuclear weapons as guaranteeing regime survival.

What difference does it make?

South Korea and Japan have reason to be nervous about North Korea’s nuclear weapons and improving missile capability to deliver them.  But it is going to be a long time before North Korea can seriously threaten the US with nuclear weapons.   And the US holds a capacity to respond massively.

The larger significance of the North Korean nuclear program is the breach it puts in the world’s nuclear nonproliferation regime, which has been remarkably successful in limiting the number of nuclear powers, especially in Asia.  But Taiwan, South Korea and Japan face real difficulty in maintaining their abstinence if North Korea is going to arm itself and threaten its neighbors.  There are not a lot of worse scenarios for the world’s nonproliferation regime than an expanded nuclear arms race in Asia, where China, India and Pakistan are already armed with nuclear weapons.

How should the rest of the world respond?

This is where the issues get difficult.  There are already international sanctions on North Korea, which has managed to survive them so far with a bit of help from Iran on missile technology and China on economic ties. More can be done, especially if the Chinese crack down on illicit trade across the border.  But the North Korean objective is juche (self-reliance), so tightening sanctions may help rather than weaken the regime.

The Economist last week suggested the efforts to block the nuclear program have failed and that the international community should instead now focus on regime change, by promoting North Korean travel, media access, Church-sponsored propaganda and trade.  This would mean a partial reversal of the efforts to isolate North Korea and a new strategy of building power centers that might compete with the regime, especially among the growing class of entrepreneurs and capitalists operating more or less illicitly in North Korea.

We are not good at reversals of policy.  But the failure of our decades-long attempts to isolate the Castro regime in Cuba is instructive.  Communism did not fall in Eastern Europe to sanctions.  It fell to people who took to the streets seeking a better life, one they learned about on TV and radio as well as in illegally circulated manuscripts.  Isolation alone seems unlikely to work.  Isolation of the regime with a more concerted effort to inform and educate the people might be a better approach.

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Keeping an eye on Asia

Trying to catch up on my Asia reading, as things are heating up there:

  1. The Japanese scrambled jets last week in response to a Russian violation of airspace over the Kuril Islands.
  2. China has been pressuring North Korea not to conduct an announced nuclear test.
  3. Tokyo is complaining that Chinese radar “locked on” to Japanese ships, a step generally associated with initiating an attack, in the East China Sea (where the two countries dispute sovereignty over the Senkaku/Daioyu islands).

The smart money is still betting that China and Japan won’t go to war over uninhabited islands that Japan administers but China claims.  There have been recent rumblings of a possible accord between Russia and Japan on the Kurils.  It is of course welcome that China should restrain its North Korean friends from defying the UN Security Council again with another nuclear test.  It is unclear whether Beijing will succeed.

The US Navy, facing budget and reducing its presence in the Middle East, has found a useful “hegemon” and bully in China.  In the mist of preparations for the Quadrennial Defense Review, naval advocates would like to regain at least some of the budget momentum they lost when Mitt Romney–a strong naval advocate–was defeated for the presidency.

But that doesn’t mean the needs are not real.  America’s ships are vulnerable, even to Iranian never mind Chinese cruise and other missiles.  Washington has a lot of obligations in Asia:  to Japan, to Taiwan, the Philippines, to South Korea.  It also has some relatively new friends to oblige:  Vietnam and Burma in particular.  It is not going to be easy to meet all the needs in a severely constrained budget environment.

Those who complain about US inattention to Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and even the Balkans need to remember how many other commitments need to be fulfilled.  Asia represents an important slice of the future of world economic growth.  It also represents a serious risk of armed conflict on a scale that would have global consequences.  We may not all be able to pivot to Asia, but we should keep an eye on it.

And I just realized:  I am in Asia today, in Antalya, Turkey.  Maybe that’s why my eyes have turned east, though the East I am writing about here lies thousands of miles away.  Here’s the scenery from my hotel room:




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Secretary of State-designate John Kerry was masterful today in his Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirmation hearing.  It wasn’t so much the details of what he said, but the breadth and depth.  This is a guy who really knows international affairs.

His prepared statement was notable for some high points:  the emphasis on the importance of American economic health in determining the country’s role abroad, the clarity about preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons and the vigor of his defense of the State Department budget.  I would also note that John Kerry regards USAID, whose functions he mentioned but not its name, as an integral part of the State Department.

Then Kerry showed a lot of agility in dealing with not only the questions but also a demonstrator, expressing respect for her cries to be heard.  He defended Secretary of Defense-designate Hagel’s views on getting rid of nuclear weapons, which he said was an aspiration for a world different from the one we live in today.  He described his own changed view of Syria’s President Asad, whom he now hopes to see go soon.

He showed his clear commitment to maintaining the high priority Secretary Clinton has given to gender issues.  He was non-committal on the Keystone pipeline, deferring to the official process under way.  He was gentle with the Russians, citing their cooperation on particular issues (other than Syria).   He was supportive of American anti-corruption and human rights efforts abroad.  He showed he knows what is going on in Sudan’s Blue Nile and South Kordofan provinces.  He parried accusations about Benghazi.

Of course part of the reason for this masterful performance is the attitude of the questioners, who showed enormous respect for their long-standing colleague.  Gone was the idiot questioning of yesterday’s hearing with Secretary of State Clinton on the Benghazi murders.  There was little “gotcha.”  Certainly had the President nominated Susan Rice, who is far more combative, the tone if not the substance of the hearing would have been different.  In a week’s time the Hagel hearing may be far more contentious, even if Hagel himself comes close to matching Kerry in knowledge and equanimity.

On Syria, Kerry advocated changing Bashar al Asad’s calculations, but he was unclear about the means to achieve that.  He wants an orderly transition.  The Russians appear willing, but differ on the timing and manner of Bashar’s departure.  Kerry fears sectarian strife, implosion of the Syrian state and what they might mean for chemical weapons.

The Syrian opposition has not been ready to talk, Kerry said.  In a sentence he struck–one of his few moments of hesitation in this long hearing–he started to say that we need to increase the ability of the opposition to do something unspecified.   I’d sure like to know how that sentence was supposed to end:  increase their ability to negotiate?  increase their ability to strike the regime militarily?  There’s a big difference.  It sounded to me more like he wanted them to be more flexible on negotiations, but I’m not certain.

Kerry hit a lot of other subjects.  On Afghanistan, he put his chips on a good April 2014 presidential election, which has to provide legitimacy to Karzai’s successor.  Kerry wants “a metric” for stopping infiltration and attacks on Americans from Pakistani territory.  He noted China is “all over” Africa (and America has to get into the game).  Al Qaeda has dispersed at the urging of Osama bin Laden and is now a threat in the Arabian Peninsula and the Maghreb, where the solution is not only drone strikes but (unspecified) civilian efforts.  We don’t like what Egyptian President Morsi says about Jews, but we need him to maintain the peace treaty with Israel.  On Israel/Palestine, Kerry was cagey and refused to be drawn out, except to reiterate commitment to the two-state solution.  The solution to climate change is energy policy, which will enable job growth.  The “war on drugs” is ill-conceived.  We need to do more on the demand side.

Here is the lengthy (four hours?) video of the hearing:

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The Iran nuclear cliff

It isn’t often that Washington reaches a consensus on Iran, but that seems to be what is happening.  Patrick Clawson urges a generous offer to Iran, to test definitively whether a deal stopping it short of nuclear weapons can be reached.  Suzanne Maloney sees 2013 as the make or break year:

Dennis Ross, Trita Parsi, and Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett had long ago come to the conclusion a big package was needed to woo Tehran from its nuclear ambitions, from widely varying premises.

2013 is the make or break year for the same reason we faced a “fiscal cliff” crisis at the end of the last Congress:  Washington has set itself up for a big decision.  Either we get a deal that prevents Iran from getting nuclear weapons, or the Administration (with ample Congressional support) has committed the United States to go to war.  Suzanne is surely correct that the American people are not “there” yet, but I see that as a good thing:  it gives the Administration maximum negotiating leeway.  Maximum but not infinite:  Congress (Democrats and Republicans) will have to lift sanctions if a deal is reached.  It won’t happen unless the majority is satisfied that the deal blocks Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons state.

International Atomic Energy Agency officials are in Tehran today trying to gain access to an Iranian site thought to have been used in the past for nuclear weapons research.  The Americans regard Iran coming clean on those activities as vital to any deal that lets Iran off the sanctions hook.  It is unlikely we’ll have a quick answer to the many questions about Iran’s past activities, but the talks today are important to opening the door.

At the same time, the P5+1 (5 permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) are haggling with Tehran over a date to continue the political-level nuclear talks, which are supposed to convene this month.  The main issue seems to be whether sanctions relief will be on the agenda.  The Americans in particular have wanted to reserve all but the smallest sanctions relief (parts for aircraft) for later on, after seeing real progress on nuclear questions.  The Iranians want sanctions relief up front.

The emerging consensus in Washington in favor of a big package to test Iran’s intentions and reach a definitive conclusion could end years of uncertainty and haggling.  But it also raises the very real possibility of going over the Iran nuclear cliff to war.

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This week’s peace picks

A light week as Washington gets back into the swing of things after the holidays. 

 1. Crux of Asia Conference, Thursday January 10, 9:30 AM – 4:15 PM, Carnegie Endowment

Venue:  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036

Speakers:   Jessica Matthews, Kurt Campbell, David Shambaugh, Frederic Grare, Ashley Tellis, Xia Liping, Srikanth Kondapalli, Daniel Blumenthal, Shen Dingli, Bharath Gopalaswamy, Kevin Pollpeter,  Zha Daojiong, Sunjoy Joshi, Sean Mirski

The rise of China and India as major world powers promises to test the established global order in the coming decades. If history is any indication, Beijing, New Delhi, and Washington may all have different visions for this new international system. China and India’s many developmental similarities belie their deep strategic rivalry, which shapes their competing priorities on major global issues. As both states grow, their views on the international system will become increasingly relevant for their relationship, for the United States, and for the world as a whole.

Register for this event here.


2.  Discussion with Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction on Challenges Facing the US, Thursday January 10, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM, Stimson Center

Venue:  Stimson Center, 1111 19th Street NW, Washington, DC 20036, 12th Floor

Speakers: John Sopko, Ellen Laipson

In light of plans to transfer security responsibility for Afghanistan to its government by the end of 2014, the United States has a two year window of opportunity to overcome challenges presently facing its reconstruction efforts.  Many of those challenges have been identified by audits and investigations conducted by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction.  Most recently its contributions include chronicling “persistent delays in instituting basic anti-money laundering procedures” at the Kabul Airport, detailing the Afghanistan National Security Forces’ difficulties in assuming responsibility for their operations and maintenance costs, and auditing the US’ Afghanistan Infrastructure Fund in response to schedule slips and inadequate sustainability plans.

Afghanistan’s struggles with insecurity and corruption are likely to continue well past the 2014 transition.  Meanwhile the US has entered an era of fiscal austerity that will limit resources available to the Pentagon, State Department, and other government agencies involved in reconstruction.  Sustainability has become one of the foremost issues for reconstruction investments as a consequence.

Mr. John Sopko’s address at the Stimson Center is his first on-the-record, public speech since taking office in July 2012, and he will use it to comment on the factors that underpin these challenges.  Ellen Laipson, Stimson’s President and CEO, will moderate a panel discussion to follow, adding some additional perspectives about reconstruction efforts.  We hope this event will provide a useful public forum to consider the US role in Afghanistan’s reconstruction, through 2014 and beyond.

Register for this event here.


3. Overkill:  The Case for Reevaluating the U.S. Nuclear Strategy, Thursday January 10, 6:30 PM – 10:00 PM, Cato Institute

Venue:  Cato Institute, 1000 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20001

Speaker:  Christopher Preble

The United States has far more nuclear weapons and delivery systems than deterrence requires. The triad of intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and bomber aircraft reflects bureaucratic Cold War planning, not strategic vision. Can the United States achieve an effective nuclear program which makes us safer, while adapting to the need for a smaller defense budget? Join us as Christopher Preble, the Vice President of Defense and Foreign Policy Studies at the Cato Institute, discusses U.S. nuclear strategy, and the need to bring it into the 21st century.

Register for this event here.

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