Tag: China


Secretary of State-designate John Kerry was masterful today in his Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirmation hearing.  It wasn’t so much the details of what he said, but the breadth and depth.  This is a guy who really knows international affairs.

His prepared statement was notable for some high points:  the emphasis on the importance of American economic health in determining the country’s role abroad, the clarity about preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons and the vigor of his defense of the State Department budget.  I would also note that John Kerry regards USAID, whose functions he mentioned but not its name, as an integral part of the State Department.

Then Kerry showed a lot of agility in dealing with not only the questions but also a demonstrator, expressing respect for her cries to be heard.  He defended Secretary of Defense-designate Hagel’s views on getting rid of nuclear weapons, which he said was an aspiration for a world different from the one we live in today.  He described his own changed view of Syria’s President Asad, whom he now hopes to see go soon.

He showed his clear commitment to maintaining the high priority Secretary Clinton has given to gender issues.  He was non-committal on the Keystone pipeline, deferring to the official process under way.  He was gentle with the Russians, citing their cooperation on particular issues (other than Syria).   He was supportive of American anti-corruption and human rights efforts abroad.  He showed he knows what is going on in Sudan’s Blue Nile and South Kordofan provinces.  He parried accusations about Benghazi.

Of course part of the reason for this masterful performance is the attitude of the questioners, who showed enormous respect for their long-standing colleague.  Gone was the idiot questioning of yesterday’s hearing with Secretary of State Clinton on the Benghazi murders.  There was little “gotcha.”  Certainly had the President nominated Susan Rice, who is far more combative, the tone if not the substance of the hearing would have been different.  In a week’s time the Hagel hearing may be far more contentious, even if Hagel himself comes close to matching Kerry in knowledge and equanimity.

On Syria, Kerry advocated changing Bashar al Asad’s calculations, but he was unclear about the means to achieve that.  He wants an orderly transition.  The Russians appear willing, but differ on the timing and manner of Bashar’s departure.  Kerry fears sectarian strife, implosion of the Syrian state and what they might mean for chemical weapons.

The Syrian opposition has not been ready to talk, Kerry said.  In a sentence he struck–one of his few moments of hesitation in this long hearing–he started to say that we need to increase the ability of the opposition to do something unspecified.   I’d sure like to know how that sentence was supposed to end:  increase their ability to negotiate?  increase their ability to strike the regime militarily?  There’s a big difference.  It sounded to me more like he wanted them to be more flexible on negotiations, but I’m not certain.

Kerry hit a lot of other subjects.  On Afghanistan, he put his chips on a good April 2014 presidential election, which has to provide legitimacy to Karzai’s successor.  Kerry wants “a metric” for stopping infiltration and attacks on Americans from Pakistani territory.  He noted China is “all over” Africa (and America has to get into the game).  Al Qaeda has dispersed at the urging of Osama bin Laden and is now a threat in the Arabian Peninsula and the Maghreb, where the solution is not only drone strikes but (unspecified) civilian efforts.  We don’t like what Egyptian President Morsi says about Jews, but we need him to maintain the peace treaty with Israel.  On Israel/Palestine, Kerry was cagey and refused to be drawn out, except to reiterate commitment to the two-state solution.  The solution to climate change is energy policy, which will enable job growth.  The “war on drugs” is ill-conceived.  We need to do more on the demand side.

Here is the lengthy (four hours?) video of the hearing:

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The Iran nuclear cliff

It isn’t often that Washington reaches a consensus on Iran, but that seems to be what is happening.  Patrick Clawson urges a generous offer to Iran, to test definitively whether a deal stopping it short of nuclear weapons can be reached.  Suzanne Maloney sees 2013 as the make or break year:

Dennis Ross, Trita Parsi, and Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett had long ago come to the conclusion a big package was needed to woo Tehran from its nuclear ambitions, from widely varying premises.

2013 is the make or break year for the same reason we faced a “fiscal cliff” crisis at the end of the last Congress:  Washington has set itself up for a big decision.  Either we get a deal that prevents Iran from getting nuclear weapons, or the Administration (with ample Congressional support) has committed the United States to go to war.  Suzanne is surely correct that the American people are not “there” yet, but I see that as a good thing:  it gives the Administration maximum negotiating leeway.  Maximum but not infinite:  Congress (Democrats and Republicans) will have to lift sanctions if a deal is reached.  It won’t happen unless the majority is satisfied that the deal blocks Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons state.

International Atomic Energy Agency officials are in Tehran today trying to gain access to an Iranian site thought to have been used in the past for nuclear weapons research.  The Americans regard Iran coming clean on those activities as vital to any deal that lets Iran off the sanctions hook.  It is unlikely we’ll have a quick answer to the many questions about Iran’s past activities, but the talks today are important to opening the door.

At the same time, the P5+1 (5 permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) are haggling with Tehran over a date to continue the political-level nuclear talks, which are supposed to convene this month.  The main issue seems to be whether sanctions relief will be on the agenda.  The Americans in particular have wanted to reserve all but the smallest sanctions relief (parts for aircraft) for later on, after seeing real progress on nuclear questions.  The Iranians want sanctions relief up front.

The emerging consensus in Washington in favor of a big package to test Iran’s intentions and reach a definitive conclusion could end years of uncertainty and haggling.  But it also raises the very real possibility of going over the Iran nuclear cliff to war.

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This week’s peace picks

A light week as Washington gets back into the swing of things after the holidays. 

 1. Crux of Asia Conference, Thursday January 10, 9:30 AM – 4:15 PM, Carnegie Endowment

Venue:  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036

Speakers:   Jessica Matthews, Kurt Campbell, David Shambaugh, Frederic Grare, Ashley Tellis, Xia Liping, Srikanth Kondapalli, Daniel Blumenthal, Shen Dingli, Bharath Gopalaswamy, Kevin Pollpeter,  Zha Daojiong, Sunjoy Joshi, Sean Mirski

The rise of China and India as major world powers promises to test the established global order in the coming decades. If history is any indication, Beijing, New Delhi, and Washington may all have different visions for this new international system. China and India’s many developmental similarities belie their deep strategic rivalry, which shapes their competing priorities on major global issues. As both states grow, their views on the international system will become increasingly relevant for their relationship, for the United States, and for the world as a whole.

Register for this event here.


2.  Discussion with Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction on Challenges Facing the US, Thursday January 10, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM, Stimson Center

Venue:  Stimson Center, 1111 19th Street NW, Washington, DC 20036, 12th Floor

Speakers: John Sopko, Ellen Laipson

In light of plans to transfer security responsibility for Afghanistan to its government by the end of 2014, the United States has a two year window of opportunity to overcome challenges presently facing its reconstruction efforts.  Many of those challenges have been identified by audits and investigations conducted by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction.  Most recently its contributions include chronicling “persistent delays in instituting basic anti-money laundering procedures” at the Kabul Airport, detailing the Afghanistan National Security Forces’ difficulties in assuming responsibility for their operations and maintenance costs, and auditing the US’ Afghanistan Infrastructure Fund in response to schedule slips and inadequate sustainability plans.

Afghanistan’s struggles with insecurity and corruption are likely to continue well past the 2014 transition.  Meanwhile the US has entered an era of fiscal austerity that will limit resources available to the Pentagon, State Department, and other government agencies involved in reconstruction.  Sustainability has become one of the foremost issues for reconstruction investments as a consequence.

Mr. John Sopko’s address at the Stimson Center is his first on-the-record, public speech since taking office in July 2012, and he will use it to comment on the factors that underpin these challenges.  Ellen Laipson, Stimson’s President and CEO, will moderate a panel discussion to follow, adding some additional perspectives about reconstruction efforts.  We hope this event will provide a useful public forum to consider the US role in Afghanistan’s reconstruction, through 2014 and beyond.

Register for this event here.


3. Overkill:  The Case for Reevaluating the U.S. Nuclear Strategy, Thursday January 10, 6:30 PM – 10:00 PM, Cato Institute

Venue:  Cato Institute, 1000 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20001

Speaker:  Christopher Preble

The United States has far more nuclear weapons and delivery systems than deterrence requires. The triad of intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and bomber aircraft reflects bureaucratic Cold War planning, not strategic vision. Can the United States achieve an effective nuclear program which makes us safer, while adapting to the need for a smaller defense budget? Join us as Christopher Preble, the Vice President of Defense and Foreign Policy Studies at the Cato Institute, discusses U.S. nuclear strategy, and the need to bring it into the 21st century.

Register for this event here.

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Prevent what?

Most of us who work on international affairs think it would be much better to use diplomacy to prevent bad things from happening rather than waiting until the aftermath and then cleaning up after the elephants, which all too often involves expensive military action.  But what precisely would that mean?  What do we need to prevent?

The Council on Foreign Relations survey of prevention priorities for 2013 was published last week, just in time to be forgotten in the Christmas rush and New Year’s lull.  It deserves notice, as it is one of the few nonpartisan attempts to define American national security priorities.  This year’s edition was in part crowd-sourced and categorizes contingencies on two dimensions:  impact on U.S. interests (high, medium, low) and likelihood (likely, plausible, unlikely).

Syria comes out on top in both dimensions.  That’s a no-brainer for likelihood, as the civil war has already reached catastrophic dimensions and is affecting the broader region.  Judging from Paul Stares’ video introduction to the survey, U.S. interests are ranked high in part because of the risk of use or loss of chemical weapons stocks.  I’d have ranked them high because of the importance of depriving Iran of its one truly reliable ally and bridge to Hizbollah, but that’s a quibble.

CFR ranks another six contingencies as high impact on U.S. interests and only plausible rather than likely.  This isn’t so useful, but Paul’s video comes to the rescue:  an Israeli military strike on Iran that would “embroil” the U.S. and conflict with China in the East or South China seas are his picks to talk about.  I find it peculiar that CFR does not treat what I would regard as certainly a plausible if not a likely contingency:  a U.S. attack on Iran.  There are few more important decisions President Obama will need to make than whether to use force to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.  Certainly it is a far more challenging decision than whether to go to war against China in the territorial disputes it is generating with U.S. allies in Pacific.  I don’t know any foreign policy experts who would advise him to go in that direction.

It is striking that few of the other “plausible” and high-impact contingencies are amenable to purely military responses:

  • a highly disruptive cyberattack on U.S. critical infrastructure
  • a mass casualty attack on the U.S. homeland or on a treaty ally
  • severe internal instability in Pakistan, triggered by a civil-military crisis or terror attack

It is not easy to determine the origin of cyberattacks, and not clear that a military response would be appropriate or effective.  The same is also sometimes true of mass casualty attacks; our military response to 9/11 in Afghanistan has enmired the United States in its longest war to date, one where force is proving inadequate as a solution.  It is hard to imagine any military response to internal instability in Pakistan, though CFR offers as an additional low probability contingency a possible U.S. military confrontation with Islamabad “triggered by a terror attack or U.S. counterterror operations.”

In the “moderate” impact on U.S. interests, CFR ranks as highly likely “a major erosion of security in Afghanistan resulting from coalition drawdown.”  I’d certainly have put that in high impact category, as we’ve still got 100,000 troops in Afghanistan and a significant portion of them will still be there at the end of 2013.  In the “moderate” impact but merely plausible category CFR ranks:

  • a severe Indo-Pakistan crisis that carries risk of military escalation, triggered by a major terror attack
  • a severe North Korean crisis caused by another military provocation, internal political instability, or threatening nuclear weapons/ICBM-related activities
  • a significant increase in drug trafficking violence in Mexico that spills over into the United States
  • continuing political instability and emergence of a terrorist safe haven in Libya

Again there are limits to what we can do about most of these contingencies by conventional military means.  Only a North Korea crisis caused by military provocation or threats would rank be susceptible to a primarily military response.  The others call for diplomatic and civilian responses in at least a measure equal to the possible military ones.

CFR lets two “moderate” impact contingencies languish in the low probability category that I don’t think belong there:

  • political instability in Saudi Arabia that endangers global oil supplies
  • renewed unrest in the Kurdish dominated regions of Turkey and the Middle East

There is a very real possibility in Riyadh of a succession crisis, as the monarchy on the death of the king will likely move to a next generation of contenders.  Kurdish irredentist aspirations are already a big issue in Iraq and Syria.  It is hard to imagine this will not affect Iran and Turkey before the year is out.  Neither is amenable to a purely military response.

Most of the contingencies with “low” impact on U.S. interests are in Africa:

  • a deepening of violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo that involves military intervention from its neighbors
  • growing popular unrest and political instability in Sudan
  • military conflict between Sudan and South Sudan
  • renewed ethnic violence in Kenya surrounding March 2013 presidential election
  • widespread unrest in Zimbabwe surrounding the electoral process and/or the death of Robert Mugabe
  • failure of a multilateral intervention to push out Islamist groups from Mali’s north

This may tell us more about CFR and the United States than about the world.  Africa has little purchase on American sentiments, despite our half-Kenyan president.  All of these contingencies merit diplomatic attention, but none is likely to excite U.S. military responses of more than a purely emergency character, except for Mali.  If you’ve got a few Islamist terrorists, you can get some attention even if you are in Africa.

What’s missing from this list?  CFR mentions

…a third Palestinian intifada, a widespread popular unrest in China, escalation of a U.S.-Iran naval clash in the Persian Gulf, a Sino-Indian border crisis, onset of elections-related instability and violence in Ethiopia, unrest in Cuba following the death of Fidel Castro and/or incapacitation of Raul Castro, and widespread political unrest in Venezuela triggered by the death or incapacitation of Hugo Chavez.

I’d add intensification of the global economic slowdown (high probability, high impact), failure to do more about global warming (also high probability, delayed impact), demographic or financial implosion in Europe or Japan (and possibly even the U.S.), Russian crackdown on dissent, and resurgent Islamist extremism in Somalia.  But the first three of these are not one-year “contingencies,” which shows one limit of the CFR exercise.

I would also note that the world is arguably in better shape at the end of 2012 than ever before in history.  As The Spectator puts it:

Never has there been less hunger, less disease or more prosperity. The West remains in the economic doldrums, but most developing countries are charging ahead, and people are being lifted out of poverty at the fastest rate ever recorded. The death toll inflicted by war and natural disasters is also mercifully low. We are living in a golden age.

May it last.

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This week’s peace picks

Slowing for the holidays, but still some interesting events. 


1. The World in 2013 – Admiral Mike Mullen and Jessica Matthews, Monday December 17, 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM, U.S. Carnegie Endowment

Venue:  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036

Speakers:  Mike Mullen and Jessica Matthews

How will President Obama use American power in 2013? Will the United States ever restore its fiscal health? And how can Obama ensure the U.S. rebalance toward Asia succeeds?  Join us for an in-depth conversation between Admiral Mike Mullen and Carnegie’s Jessica T. Mathews as they discuss the foreign policy landscape confronting the president in 2013.

Register for this event here.


2.  Book Event:  U.S.-China Relations After the Two Leadership Transitions: Change or Continuity?, Monday December 17, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM, CSIS

Venue:  CSIS, 1800 K Street NW, Washington DC, 20006, B1 Conference Room

Speakers: Andrew J. Nathan, Andrew Scobell, David M. Lampton, Randy G. Schriver, Bonnie S. Glaser

Leadership transitions have brought new leaders to office in China while confirming President Obama in a second term: do these events portend change or continuity in U.S.-China relations?  In their new book, China’s Search for Security, Andrew J. Nathan and Andrew Scobell argue that the key to understanding China’s foreign policy is to grasp its geostrategic challenges: despite its impressive size and population, economic vitality, and drive to upgrade its military capabilities, China remains a vulnerable nation surrounded by powerful rivals and potential foes. Even as the country grows and comes to dominate its neighbors, challenges remain, foremost among them, in the eyes of China’s leaders, the United States.  The Obama administration, for its part, looks set to continue its policy pivot to Asia.  The authors will discuss their book, analyzing China’s security concerns and how the U.S. can protect its interests in Asia without triggering a confrontation with China.

Register for this event here.


3. What is in Store for a Post-Asad Syria?, Tuesday December 18, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Center for National Policy

Venue:  Center for National Policy, One Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC  20001, Suite 333

Speakers:  Gregory Aftandilian, Mona Yacoubian, Joseph Holliday

With the end finally nearing for the Assad regime, the question of what type of government will emerge in Syria looms over the horizon.  Will it be inclusive and tolerant of minority groups?  Will it prevent retribution killings of Alawites? Will the Syrian state remain whole or will some minority groups like the Kurds and the Alawites try to carve out separate statelets?  Join CNP’s Senior Fellow for the Middle East, Gregory Aftandilian, and a panel of experts to discuss these timely issues.

Register for this event here.


4. Is Peace Possible?, Wednesday December 19, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM, New America Foundation

Venue:  New America Foundation, 1899 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20036, Suite 400

Speakers:  James Zogby, Lara Friedman, Yousef Munayyer, Peter Beinart

The Arab American Institute and the New America Foundation’s Middle East Task Force invite you to the launch of a critical public opinion survey on what Palestinians and Israelis want in a peace deal and their thoughts about the prospects for achieving it.

During the month of September, 2012, Zogby Research Services conducted a comprehensive, unprecedented survey of Israeli Jews and Arabs; Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem; Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan; and the American Jewish community. The poll was conducted for the Sir Bani Yas Forum in the UAE. Join us for the survey’s public release and a discussion of what Palestinians and Israelis really think about peace.

Register for this event here.


5. Strengthening the Global Partnership Against the Spread of WMD, Thursday December 20, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM, Hudson Institute

Venue:  Hudson Institute, 1015 15th Street NW, Washington, DC 20005, 6th Floor

Speakers:  Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins, Andrew Semmel, Richard Weitz

Recent years have seen several nuclear smuggling incidents and revelations regarding the extensive scope of past illicit WMD proliferation activities. An effective international nuclear security strategy requires a broad network of stakeholders to gather knowledge and secure nuclear weapons-related materials and technologies; prevent their misuse; and reduce the risks caused by their availability.

What steps can the United States and other countries take to strengthen nuclear material security in coming years? Please join us to discuss the lessons learned, critical challenges, and the path forward for the G8 Global Partnership in the 21st century.

Register for this event here.


6. The Future of U.S.-Taiwan Relations:  Impressions from CNP’s 2012 Scholars Delegation, Thursday December 20, 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM, Center for National Policy

Venue:  Center for National Policy, One Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC  20001, Suite 333

Speakers: Malou Innocent, Jacqueline N. Deal, Michael Breen, Scott Bates, Anthony Woods, John Garafano, Michael Auslin, Andrew Lavigne

Less than a month after the November reelection of President Obama, CNP sent a U.S. Scholars Delegation comprised of current and next generation policy experts and decision makers to meet with Taiwanese officials, trade experts and academics, to examine the future of U.S.-Taiwan relations. Join CNP President Scott Bates and members of the delegation as they offer views on their recent visit to Taipei.

Register for this event here.


7.  Benghazi Attack, Part II:   The Report of the Accountability Review Board, Thursday December 20, 1:00 PM, House Committee on Foreign Affairs

Venue:  House Committee on Foreign Affairs, 2170 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515

Speaker: Hillary Rodham Clinton


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This week’s peace picks

December starts with a busy week.


1. Working in Fragile States:  Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding with Impact, Monday December 3, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM, Care International

Venue:  1825 I street NW, Washington, DC 20006, 12th Floor

Speakers:  Rachel Goldwyn, Jonathan White, Marshall Wallace, John Filson

Violent Conflict and ‘situations of fragility’ represent significant challenges for aid effectiveness. Applying traditional development approaches in an unchanged fashion in such contexts simply does not work. As is now often pointed out, no low income fragile or conflict-affected country has yet to achieve a single Millennium Development Goal. CARE invites you to a morning to discuss how NGOs and donors could be working more effectively in their peacebuilding, development and humanitarian responses in fragile states. First looking at conflict sensitivity and second examining how using theories of change in project design, monitoring and evaluation can improve the results of peacebuilding and other social mobilization programming. Two sessions will offer a platform for discussion, inter-agency learning, and the distribution of two new guides to the topics launched this year. Please feel free to come to one or boths essions, or to follow online via WebEx (for the URL, please email Betsy Deas bdeas@care.org). Refreshments will be served in the interval.

Session 1 – 9:30am-10:30am: ‘How to Guide’ to Conflict Sensitivity

Session 2 – 11:00am – 12:30pm: Defining Theories of Change Towards Peace; Peacebuilding with Impact

RSVP for this even to Betsy Deas at bdeas@care.org.


2.  Counterterrorism in Africa, Monday December 3, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM, George Washington University’s Homeland Security Policy Institute

Venue:  The George Washington University, Duques Hall, School of Business, 2201 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20052, First Floor, Room 151

Speakers: Carter H. Ham, W. Russell Ramsey, Frank J. Cilluffo

On Monday, December 3rd, 2012, HSPI will host an event featuring General Carter F. Ham, Commander, U.S. Africa Command. General Ham will share his perspectives on the security challenges and opportunities facing the United States in Africa. He will address a range of issues affecting the regional security and stability of Africa, and will speak to developments in the region, including the terrorism threat in the Maghreb, the Sahel, and in the Horn of Africa.

Register for this event here.


3. US Policy in the Middle East in Obama’s Second Term, Tuesday December 4, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM, SETA Foundation at Washington DC

Venue:  SETA Foundation at Washington DC, 1025 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, Suite 1106

Speakers:  Rob Malley, Leila Hilal, Trita Parsi, Erol Cebeci, Kadir Ustun

There is a broad range of expectations from President Obama’s second term. Those who expect a dramatically different Middle East policy in his second term cite the unsustainability of the cautious involvement of the first term. Others argue that the US involvement will continue to be highly risk-averse. While the US sorely wants to avoid the high price of missteps and misadventures, the regional turmoil and uncertainty continue unabated, as the regional order is shaken to its core. How will the American position in the region look like over the next four years? What are the vital American interests that may trigger a stronger involvement? How can the US work with regional actors to address stability and legitimate governments simultaneously? What are the prospects of a more robust US role in the Middle East?

Join us for a discussion on the US policy in the Middle East during the second Obama administration.

Register for this event here.


4. China and the Middle East: Rising Power and a Region in Turmoil, Tuesday December 4, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM, Middle East Institute

Venue:  Middle East Institute, 1761 N Street NW, Washington DC, 20036, Boardman Room

Speakers: Yitzhak Shichor, Dawn Murphy, Sam Chester

This program features three experts on China’s relations with the Middle East. The speakers will address two central questions: What challenges has China faced as a result of the political upheaval in the Arab World and the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program? In light of these challenges, how, and how well has China managed to protect and promote its interests in the region?  Join us for a discussion on this important and under-examined topic.

Register for this event here.


5. The Future of Humanitarian Action, Tuesday December 4, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM, CSIS

Venue:  CSIS, 1800 K Street NW, Washington DC, 20006, B1 Conference Room

Speakers:  Pierre Krähenbühl, William J. Garvelink

Please join ICRC’s Pierre Krähenbühl and CSIS’s Ambassador William J. Garvelink for a discussion of the ‘The Future of Humanitarian Action’, the latest edition of the International Review of the Red Cross, a quarterly publication published by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

The international community is experiencing serious challenges to the humanitarian aid system. These include the direct targeting of humanitarian personnel, the rise of new actors, new ‘megatrends’ of disasters related to climate change and migration, advances in internet and communication technology and the militarization of aid. ICRC Director of Operations Pierre Krähenbühl will launch this latest edition of the Review, which explores these and other related themes, and complement it with his own global operational perspective. Ambassador Garvelink will then guide this important discussion about the future of humanitarianism

RSVP for this event to Farha Tahir at ftahir@csis.org.


6. Negotiating the Arab Spring: Policy Options, Tuesday December 4, 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM, Johns Hopkins SAIS

Venue:  Johns Hopkins SAIS, Rome Building, 1619 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, Rome Auditorium

Speakers: Fen Osler Hampson, Ellen Laipson, William Zartman, Regina Joseph, Floor Janssen

Fen Osler Hampson, distinguished fellow and director of the Global Security Centre for International Governance Innovation; Ellen Laipson, president of the Stimson Center; I. William Zartman, professor emeritus at SAIS; and Instituut Clingendael research fellows Regina Joseph and Floor Janssen will discuss this topic

RSVP for this event to itlong@jhu.edu.


7. Comparative Instability in the Balkans and the Middle East, Tuesday December 4, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Johns Hopkins SAIS

Venue:  Johns Hopkins SAIS, Rome Building, 1619 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, Rome Auditorium

Speaker:  David Kanin

David Kanin, professorial lecturer in the SAIS European Studies Program and former senior analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency, will discuss this topic. Note: The speaker’s comments will be off the record. A reception will follow the event in Room 812, Rome Building.

For more information contact ntobin@jhu.edu.


8. The Price of Freedom Denied: Religious Conflict in the 21st Century, Wednesday December 5, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM, Johns Hopkins SAIS

Venue:   Johns Hopkins SAIS, Rome Building, 1619 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, Rome Auditorium

Speaker:  Brian Grim

Brian Grim, senior researcher and director of cross-national data at the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion and Public Life, will discuss this topic.

RSVP for this event to slee255@jhu.edu.

9.  The Last Refuge: Yemen, Al-Qaeda, and America’s War in Arabia, Wednesday December 5, 12:15 PM – 1:45 PM, New America Foundation

Venue:  New America Foundation, 1899 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20036, Suite 400

Speakers:  Gregory Johnsen, Peter Bergen

Over the past few years, U.S. counterterrorism officials have frequently highlighted the blows America has dealt to al-Qaeda, especially those to its central command in Pakistan and Afghanistan. But officials also continue to warn about the persistent threat posed by al-Qaeda affiliates and sympathizers that have flourished in places such as Yemen and North Africa. Gregory Johnsen, a Ph.D. candidate at Princeton and one of the preeminent scholars of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, examines the organization’s last strongholds in his new book The Last Refuge: Yemen, Al-Qaeda, and America’s War in Arabia. In a recent piece for the New York Review of Books, Robert Worth called Johnsen’s book, “an authoritative and deftly written account of al-Qaeda’s Yemeni incarnation.”

Please join the New America Foundation’s National Security Studies Program for a conversation with Gregory Johnsen about The Last Refuge and the future of U.S. efforts to counter the violent ideology espoused by al-Qaeda supporters in Yemen

Register for this event here.


10. Annual Energy Outlook 2013, Wednesday December 5, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM, Johns Hopkins SAIS

Venue:  Johns Hopkins SAIS, Nitze Building, 1740 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Kenny-Herter Auditorium

Speaker: Adam Sieminski

Adam Sieminski, administrator at the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), will present the agency’s projections of U.S. energy supply, demand and prices to 2040 with the early release of the reference case projections from the “Annual Energy Outlook 2013.”

Members of the media who want to cover this event should contact Felisa Neuringer Klubes in the SAIS Communications Office at 202.663.5626 or fklubes@jhu.edu.

RSVP for this event to saisereglobal@jhu.edu.


11. U.S.-Israeli Missile Defense Cooperative Programs: What Is Next?, Wednesday December 5, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM, Heritage Foundation

Venue:  Heritage Foundation, 214 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20002, Lehrman Auditorium

Speakers:  Gabriel Scheinmann, Baker Spring, Randy Jennings

This past July President Obama signed the United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act, which has been designed to give Israeli forces a qualitative edge over their current and future adversaries. The House version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes $948 million for all cooperative missile defense efforts between the United States and Israel. Specifically, the House version of the NDAA provides $680 million to fund Israel’s Iron Dome System through the fiscal years of 2012 through 2015. There is strong bipartisan congressional support for missile defense cooperation with Israel, which would enhance the overall defense posture for both countries.

Join us as our panel discusses the U.S.-Israeli cooperative missile defense efforts, the role of U.S. experience in cooperating on these issues, and the future of the Iron Dome system. Additionally, the panel will discuss the broader missile defense implications that the U.S. should consider given the success of Iron Dome operations.

Register for this event here.


12. Iranian Influence in the South Caucasus and the Surrounding Region, Wednesday December 5, 2:00 PM, The House Committee on Foreign Affairs

Venue:  The House Committee on Foreign Affairs, 2170 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515

Speakers: Dan Burton, Ariel Cohen


13. An Evening with the Palestinian Ambassador, Wednesday December 5, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM, George Mason University

Venue:  George Mason University, Arlington Campus, 3301 Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 2201, Truland Building, Room 555

Speakers: Marc Gopin, Aziz Abu Sarah, Scott Cooper, Alex Cromwell

Please join the Center for World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution as we welcome Palestinian Ambassador Areikat to come and speak to the S-CAR and Mason Community at the Arlington Campus. CRDC’s Co-Executive Director, Aziz Abu Sarah, will introduce the Ambassador, and Dr. Jamil Shami, President for the Middle East in Higher Education, Inc., will moderate the event.

RSVP for this event to crdc@gmu.edu.


14.  Weighing Benefits and Costs of International Sanctions on Iran, Thursday December 6, 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Venue:  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036

Speakers: Gregory Newbold, Thomas Pickering, William Reinsch, George Perkovich

The Iran Project will launch their new report “Weighing Benefits and Costs of International Sanctions Against Iran.” The Iran Project’s first report, “Weighing Benefits and Costs of Military Action against Iran,” was released in September 2012. It presented a balanced, non-partisan view of the pros and cons of using force to forestall Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon. This new paper takes the same balanced approach to assessing the benefits and costs of U.S. and U.S.-led international sanctions against Iran.

The paper does not advocate for or against sanctions; nor does it make specific policy recommendations. The writers and signers of this paper, who are senior experts from the national security and foreign policy communities, aim to provide an objective analysis that will contribute to informed debate about a key strategy for addressing one of the most critical security challenges facing the United States.

Lieutenant General Gregory Newbold, Carnegie’s George Perkovich, and William A. Reinsch will discuss the report’s findings. Ambassador Thomas Pickering will moderate.

Register for this event here.


15. FDD’s Washington Forum 2012: “Dictators & Dissidents: Should the West Choose Sides?”, Thursday December 6, 8:15 AM – 5:00 PM, Newseum

Venue:  Newseum, 555 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20001, please use the Freedom Forum entrance on 6th Street between Pennsylvania Avenue and C Street

Speakers:  Joseph Lieberman, Jon Kyl, Daniel Glaser, Robert Ford, Bret Stephens

We invite you to join us at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies’ (FDD) annual Washington Forum, taking place on Thursday, December 6 at the Newseum in Washington D.C. Speakers discussing this year’s theme, “Dictators and Dissidents: Should the West choose sides?” include Senators Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) and Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Daniel Glaser, Assistant Secretary of Treasury for Terrorist Financing, Ambassador Robert Ford, U.S. Ambassador to Syria, and Bret Stephens, Deputy Editor of The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page, along with a who’s who of experts from Congress, the intelligence and foreign policy communities and the diplomatic corps

Register for this event here.


16. New Authoritarians and the Challenge to Democracy, Thursday December 6, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM, The International Forum for Democratic Studies at the National Endowment for Democracy

Venue:  1025 F Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20004

Speakers: William Dobson, Joshua Stacher, Christopher Walker

The world has changed and today’s autocrats are changing with it. Demonstrating resilience and a keen ability to adapt, leading authoritarian regimes are developing more subtle and sophisticated methods to retain power.  To suppress dissent, mass brutality has been replaced by selective safety inspections and tax investigations, as well as arbitrarily applied regulations designed to undercut the activities of independent civil society and opposition groups. New economic resources at the disposal of regimes in Beijing, Moscow, and Caracas have enabled them to bolster their authoritarianism. Meanwhile, the democratic world has been slow to acknowledge and respond to the emergence of these new, more nimble regimes.

Please join us for a discussion featuring William J. Dobson, author of The Dictator’s Learning Curve: Inside the Global Battle for Democracy, and Joshua Stacher, author of Adaptable Autocrats: Regime Power in Egypt and Syria, as they discuss how leaders in China, Egypt, Russia, Venezuela, and other countries have adapted to suppress democratic movements in their countries. Despite the initial excitement surrounding the recent upheavals in the Middle East and North Africa in particular, continuity—not wide-ranging political change—remains the hallmark of many of the world’s autocracies.

Register for this event here.


17. Untangling Maritime Disputes in Asia, Thursday December 6, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Venue:  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036

Speakers: Yann-huei Song, Edward Chen, James L. Schoff, Peter Dutton

Over the past six months, tensions have escalated in the South and East China Seas. Japan and China have grabbed headlines in a spat over China’s claims to the Japanese administered Senkaku/Diaoyu islands, while Taiwan has asserted its own claim in the region and proposed talks to settle the disputes. Yet these are only the latest in a long list of territorial disputes involving many countries and many competing claims. As events progress, what was already a complex and complicated issue over minuscule territories has drawn big power attention.

Two eminent Taiwanese scholars, Yann-huei Song and Edward I-hsin Chen, will join Carnegie’s James L. Schoff to discuss maritime disputes in the region, and prospects for their peaceful resolution. Peter Dutton, a noted expert on Chinese territorial claims at the U.S. Naval War College, will moderate.

Register for this event here.


18. Has the Arab Spring Come to Jordan?, Friday December 7, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM, Johns Hopkins SAIS

Venue:  Johns Hopkins SAIS, Rome Building, 1619 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036

Speakers: Marwan Muasher, Randa Habib, Naseer Alomari, Yassin Sabha

Marwan Muasher, director of the Carnegie Endowment Middle East program and former Jordanian Deputy Prime Minister; Naseer Alomari, Jordanian blogger; Randa Habib (participating through Skype), director of the Agence France Presse Foundation and journalist; Yassin Sabha (President of MENA Club and Jordanian political analyst).

Note: SAIS will also host a live webcast of the event at www.sais-jhu.edu/pressroom/live.html

RSVP for this event to menaclub.sais@gmail.com.

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