Tag: Egypt

Things are not going well

Things are not going well in many parts of the world:

  1. The Syrian peace talks ended at an impasse over the agenda.  The regime wants to talk terrorism.  The opposition wants to talk transition.  The US is looking for options.
  2. Ukraine’s peaceful protests are ending in an explosion of violence.  Russia is financing and encouraging the government.  The US is ineffectually urging restraint.
  3. The UN has documented crimes against humanity in North Korea.  No one has the foggiest notion what to do about a regime that has now starved, tortured and murdered its citizens for more than six decades.
  4. Egypt is heading back to military rule.  The popular General Sisi is jailing both his Muslim Brotherhood and secularist oppositions.  Terrorism is on an upswing.
  5. Libya’s parliament has decided to overstay its mandate.  A new constitution-writing assembly will be chosen in elections tomorrow, but in the meanwhile violence is on the increase and oil production down.
  6. Yemen’s president has short-circuited the constitutional process altogether.  He announced a Federal structure that divides the South, whose secessionists reject the idea.
  7. Afghanistan’s President Karzai is putting at risk relations with the US, because he is trying despite the odds to negotiate a political settlement with the Taliban.
  8. Nationalism is heating up in Japan, South Korea and China.  Decades of peace in Asia are at risk as various countries spar over ocean expanse and the resources thought to lie underneath.
  9. Nuclear talks with Iran are facing an uphill slog.  The interim agreement is being implemented, but prospects for a comprehensive and permanent solution are dim.
  10. Israel/Palestine negotiations on a framework agreement seem to be going nowhere.  Israel is expanding settlements and increasing its demands.  Palestine is still divided (between Gaza and the West Bank) and unable to deliver even if an agreement can be reached.

For the benefit of my Balkans readers, I’ll add: Read more

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Peace Picks February 10-14

1. Iran’s Tumultuous Revolution: 35 Years Later

Monday, February 10 | 11am – 12:30pm

6th Floor, Woodrow Wilson Center; 1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW


Presented by The Middle East Program of the Woodrow Wilson Center and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Shaul Bakhash
Clarence J. Robinson: Professor of History, George Mason University 

Mehdi Khalaji
Senior Fellow, Washington Institute for Near East Policy

John Limbert
Distinguished Professor of International Affairs, United States Naval Academy

Karim Sadjadpour
Senior Associate, Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Haleh Esfandiari
Director, Middle East Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

There will be a live webcast of this event.

2. Aghanistan Development Goals: 2014 and Beyond

Monday, February 10 | 12:15pm – 1:45pm

New America Foundation, 1899 L Street NW Suite 400


The drawdown of American troops in Afghanistan, together with the forming of a new Government of Afghanistan following the upcoming elections scheduled for this April, will present new challenges for the United States in how it can most effectively deliver assistance in Afghanistan.

What are the challenges and how will the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) approach them? How will USAID build on the successes it has achieved over the past ten years? Furthermore, as USAID assistance transitions to longer-term development with a focus on health, education, gender, and economic growth led by agriculture, how will the agency continue to conduct effective oversight and monitoring in an ever evolving environment to ensure that U.S. taxpayers’ funds are used effectively?

One of the people that can help address those concerns is Donald “Larry” Sampler Jr., who was recently sworn in as the Assistant to the Administrator for USAID’s Office of Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs, officially taking over responsibility for two countries with the largest USAID budgets. Mr. Sampler will make remarks regarding these issues, which will be followed by a panel discussion to explore these and other questions further.  For the discussion, Mr. Sampler will be joined by the U.S. State Department’s Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Jarrett Blanc, who works on international partnership, reconciliation, and political transition issues.

The New America Foundation is pleased to host this dialogue about the U.S. government’s development goals in Afghanistan both in 2014, a year of many transitions in the country, and beyond.

Donald “Larry” Sampler, Jr.
Assistant to the Administrator, Office of Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs, U.S. Agency for International Development

Jarrett Blanc
Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, U.S. Department of State

Omar Samad
Senior Central Asia Fellow, New America Foundation
Former Afghan Ambassador to Canada and France

There will be a live webcast of this event here.

3. Champions for Justice: Bahrain’s Prisoners of Conscience

Hosted by Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain and Creative Peace Initiatives

Tuesday, February 11 | 11am – 1pm

Abramson Founders Room, SIS Building, American University; 4400 Massachusetts Ave NW 

To RSVP, please e-mail events@adhrb.org

Dr. Jeff Bachman, SIS Professor and Director of Ethics, Peace, and Global Affairs Program

11 – 11:30am – Q&A segment featuring:

Matar Ebrahim Matar
Political activist, Former Opposition Leader and Member of the Bahraini Parliament

11:45 – 1pm – Panel featuring:

Joshh Colangelo-Bryan, Pro Bono Attorney for Imprisoned Human Rights Activist Nabeel Raja, Consultant for Human Rights Watch

Brian Dooley, Director of Human Rights Defenders Programs at Human Rights First

Dr. Shadi Mokhtari, SIS Professor focused on Human Rights, Middle East Politics, and Political Islam

4. Understanding the Continuing Violence in Iraq

Tuesday, February 11 | 12pm

Hayek Auditorium, Cato Institute; 1000 Massachusetts Ave NW


More than three years after the departure of U.S. combat troops from Iraq, a determined insurgency rages against the government led by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. Violence has claimed thousands of lives. Some question whether the Iraqi government can maintain control of several major cities, including Fallujah, the scene of some of the toughest fighting during the eight-year-long U.S. war in Iraq. Some of Maliki’s critics accuse him of stoking the unrest by refusing to make concessions to minority groups in Iraq, in particular Iraq’s Sunni Arab community. Others say that the prime minister should firmly reassert his authority by going after violent extremism and deterring others from supporting the insurgency. The panelists will consider several questions, including: What explains the continuing violence in Iraq? Can Iraq’s disparate communities unite behind a strong central government? And what role, if any, should the United States play?

Douglas Ollivant
, Senior National Security Fellow, the New America Foundation

Harith Hasan, Author of Imagining the Nation: Nationalism, Sectarianism and Socio-political Conflict in Iraq 

Christopher Preble, Vice President for Defense and Foreign Policy Studies, Cato Institute

Moderated by
Justin Logan, Director of Foreign Policy Studies, Cato Institute.

Watch this event online at http://www.cato.org/live

Luncheon to follow this event.

5. Achieving Greater Inclusion in post-Arab Spring Countries

Tuesday, February 11 | 2pm – 3:30pm

Saul/Zilkha Rooms, Brookings Institution; 1775 Massachusetts Ave NW


The Arab Spring was about political and economic inclusiveness. Three years later, the outcomes of the revolutions have been mixed. In Morocco, the king responded by revising the constitution, carrying out free parliamentary elections and letting the winning party form a new government. In Tunisia, political parties debated on a new constitution for nearly three years and now a neutral government has been appointed to supervise elections. Meanwhile, in Egypt, the struggle between Islamists and secular-nationalists has turned violent, weakening economic growth and increasing unemployment.

On February 11, Global Economy and Development at Brookings will host a discussion on inclusive growth in the post-Arab Spring countries. The discussion will be based on a series of papers on the political economy of the Arab transitions and efforts to foster inclusive growth in the region. The papers are authored by Brookings scholars and their colleagues from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and present case studies from Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia.

Kemal Derviş
Vice President and Director, Global Economy and Development and The Edward M. Bernstein Scholar

Hafez Ghanem
Senior Fellow, Global Economy and Development

Daniela Gressani
Deputy Director, Middle East and Central Asia International Monetary Fund

Akihiko Koenuma
Director-General, Middle East and Europe Department Japan International Cooperation Agency

6. Inside Aleppo: New Tools for Understanding the Syrian Conflict

Thursday, February 13 | 8:30am – 9:30am

American Security Project, 1100 New York Ave NW

REGISTER by Wednesday, February 12th

The American Security Project will host Dr. David Kilcullen and Mr. Nate Rosenblatt of Caerus Associates who will provide a briefing on findings from what may be the most detailed, publicly available assessment of the ongoing conflict in Syria to date.

Findings will be based on four months of in-depth, time-series research from within Aleppo, Syria’s largest, most diverse, and most economically relevant city. Today, Aleppo is one of the most divided cities in the country. Tomorrow, its future may resemble that of other, large, non-capital cities in post-conflict Middle Eastern states such as Libya’s Benghazi or Iraq’s Mosul.

The presentation will examine research findings that suggest that while the national picture in Syria looks bleak, important insights gained at the city-level can help policymakers and scholars think of new ways of examining the trajectory of Syria’s conflict. In addition to findings specific to Syria, the presenters will be joined by Mr. Matt McNabb of First Mile Geo, who will discuss how innovative technologies can be leveraged for collecting, visualizing, and analyzing high-fidelity data from the first mile of conflict affected parts of the world.

Moderated by Stephen A. Cheney, Brigadier General USMC (Ret.)

Breakfast snacks and refreshments will be served at 8:00am

7. Soft Power in Countering Extremism from the Horn of Africa to the Western Sahel

Thursday, February 13 | 9am – 11am

Lindner Commons (Room 602), The Elliot School of International Affairs; 1957 E Sreett NW


The rise of radical Islamism and its ideological force have migrated from Somalia in the early 1990s westward through the northern part of Africa known as the Sahel. Crises related to religious extremism, including jihadism and the application of Shar’ia law, have spread rapidly from Somalia to Kenya and across the Sahel to Nigeria, Mali and Algeria with evidence of propagating radicalizing even diaspora populations living in the West.

The panelists, all experts in the role of communication and soft power in countering radicalization, will discuss and debate the strategic influence of Western powers, in particular the US and the UK, in changing the narrative toward stability, tolerance, and democratization.

About the Panelists
Sir Robert Fry
 is chairman of Albany Associates and former Deputy Commanding General of Coalition Forces in Iraq of the Royal Marines. He is involved in a number of boards and advisory roles to companies in the security and banking sectors throughout Europe, North America, and the Middle East. Currently, he is a visiting professor at Reading University and a visiting fellow at Oxford University.

Simon Haselock is co-founder and chief operating officer of Albany Associates. From 1995-96, he served as the NATO spokesman in Sarajevo and later as Media Commissioner in Kosovo. He went on to lead the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for Media Development in Iraq.

Alberto Fernandez is the coordinator of the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications at the U.S. State Department. Previously, he served as U.S. ambassador to Equatorial Guinea and chargé d’affaires to Sudan. His other posts include senior level public diplomacy positions at the embassies in Afghanistan, Jordan, and Syria. A veteran of the U.S. Army, Fernandez speaks fluent Spanish and Arabic through his training at the Defense Language Institute.

Todd Haskell is the director for Press and Public Diplomacy in the Bureau of African Affairs at the State Department. Previously, he served as a Public Affairs Officer in Santo Domingo, Johannesburg, and Ouagadougou. Other overseas assignments include Pakistan, the Philippines, Israel, and Mexico. He is a graduate of Georgetown University. 

8. A Mixed Picture: the Political and Economic Future of the Arab Transitions

Thursday, February 13 | 3:30pm – 5pm

12th Floor, Atlantic Council; 1030 15th Street NW


The last few tumultuous years in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and Yemen present a complex picture of progress and setbacks. Three years after Egyptians successfully toppled a thirty-year old dictatorship, there are fears of a return to military-backed rule. In contrast to the bleaker picture from Cairo, Tunisians have successfully navigated political deadlock and approved a new constitution. Yemenis have concluded an inclusive National Dialogue process, and Libyans are gearing up to elect a constitution-drafting body and initiate their own national dialogue. While there are significant challenges ahead and security issues are paramount, citizens of all four countries are unlikely to continue to tolerate the corruption, mismanagement, and exclusion that characterized the pre-revolution era. Given this dynamic, what are we likely to see in the next few years?

Lina Khatib will describe key political trends that will shape the next phase of these transitions and Mohsin Khan will discuss the economic state of affairs and how these economies will fare moving forward. Placing the Arab awakening within the global context, Ellen Laipson will compare the Arab transitions to other previous cases of political and social upheaval.

This event also marks the release of two major Hariri Center publications: Mohsin Khan‘s Issue Brief, “The Economic Consequences of the Arab Spring,” and a report on “The State of the Arab Transitions” by Mirette F. Mabrouk and Stefanie Hausheer.

Lina Khatib

Carnegie Middle East Center

Ellen Laipson
President and CEO
Stimson Center

Mohsin Khan
Senior Fellow, Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East
Atlantic Council

Moderated by
Mirette F. Mabrouk
Deputy Director for Regional Programs, Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East
Atlantic Council

Please use the West Tower elevators when you arrive.
The event will be followed by a wine & cheese reception.

A live webcast of the event can be seen here

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Peace Picks, February 3-7

Relatively few events this week, as the nation’s capital thaws from the deep freeze:

1. Peace and Stability in Afghanistan Post-2014: What Role for Regional Actors?

Tuesday, February 4 | 2pm – 3:30pm

Atlantic Council, 1030 15th St NW, 12th Floor


The peaceful future of Afghanistan is intertwined with the peaceful future of the region even more so once the withdrawal of International Security Assistance Forces from Afghanistan will be completed by the end of 2014. The country’s direct and regional neighbors will have the honor and responsibility to support Afghanistan’s quest for independent, secure, and prosperous development.

In 2012, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) established a network of policy groups in Afghanistan, Central Asia, India, and Pakistan for a regional project entitled “Envisioning a Secure and Independent Afghanistan Post 2014. Perspectives and Strategies for Constructive Conflict Resolution from the Neighborhood.”

Sarah Hees
Regional Coordinator Peace and Security Policy

Mahmoud Saikal
Afghanistan Policy Group

Moderated by
Shuja Nawaz
Director, South Asia Center
Atlantic Council

Khalid Aziz, Convener, Pakistan Policy Group; Ashok Mehta, Convener, India Policy Group; Sanat Kushkumbayev, Convener (Kazakhstan), Central Asia Policy Group; and Haron Amin, Facilitator, Afghanistan Policy Group will also join the discussion.

Please use the West Tower elevators when you arrive.

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L’état c’est le soldat

Georgetown University’s conference on Egypt and the Struggle for Democracy included a final panel discussion on “Restoration of Democracy and the Rule of Law in Egypt: The Roles of Pro-Democracy Groups and the International Community” featuring Abdul Mawgoud Dardery  (former Freedom and Justice Party member of Parliament), Nathan Brown (George Washington University), Dalia Mogahed (CEO, Mogahed Consulting), and Emad Shahin (American Univesty in Cairo). Tamara Sonn (College of William & Mary) moderated.

Abdul Mawgoud Dardery: Egyptians have been suffering for decades living under a police state. In order to understand current events, it is crucial to understand the historical context. During the revolution, Egyptians were against Mubarak and also the entire system. On February 11, 2011, Mubarak fell, but the system did not.

The March 19 referendum was the first challenge to the revolution. It moved the country from a revolutionary mode to a reform agenda. The referendum put Egypt on the course of formal democracy, which is long and gradual. Some political actors thought siding with the military was an easier, faster way to move forward.

Morsi ruled with a nationally unified government, but the challenges it faced were tremendous. Forces of the old regime were still in place: the military, police, judiciary, and state bureaucracy. Some say Morsi failed. He was made to fail. In spite of this, Egyptians were pleased because they lived in a democracy where they were able to move and hold meetings freely. Read more

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The Cory Remsburg metaphor

The President’s State of the Union speech last night broke little new ground on foreign policy.  He is pleased to be finishing two wars and will resist getting the United States involved in other open-ended conflicts.  He may leave a few troops in Afghanistan to train Afghans and attack terrorists.  Al Qaeda central is largely defeated but its franchises are spreading in Yemen, Somalia, Iraq and Mali.  He will limit the use of drones, reform surveillance policies and get us off a permanent war footing.  He wants to close Guantanamo, as always, and fix immigration, as always.

He will use diplomacy, especially in trying to block Iran verifiably from obtaining a nuclear weapons and in resolving the Israel/Palestine conflict, but also in destroying Syria’s chemical weapons capability.  He will support the moderate Syrian opposition.  He will veto new Iran sanctions in order to give diplomacy a chance to work, maintain the alliance with Europe, support democracy in Ukraine, development in Africa, and trade and investment across the Pacific.  America is exceptional both because of what it does and because of its ideals.

The President didn’t mention Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan, Russia or Japan.  He skipped North Korea too.  His mother must have taught him that when you don’t have anything nice to say you shouldn’t say anything at all.  Those countries might merit mention, but all have in one way or another been doing things that we prefer they not do.  He mentioned China, but only as an economic rival, not a military one.  He skipped the pivot to Asia as well as Latin America.  For my Balkans readers:  you are not even on his screen. Read more

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Hammer out danger

What has Pete Seeger, who died yesterday, got to do with Egypt?

Many Egyptians are genuinely enthusiastic about Field Marshall Sisi’s impending run for the presidency.  They hope he will bring stability to a country in its third year of revolutionary upheaval.  They want the economy to recover and their families to return to a more normal existence.

Rarely are international commenters more unanimous in their opposing views:  Sisi, the finest intellects think, has little chance of providing the stability Egyptians crave unless he changes course and enables a far more inclusive polity.  The current crackdowns on both the Muslim Brothers, who are many, and Sisi’s secularist opponents, who are few, will serve only to drive Egypt further into autocracy and an eventual return to turmoil.

Who is right?  The Egyptians in the street who proudly point to airbrushed pictures of the Field Marshall?  Or the international intellectuals, none of whom have ever run a country?

My heart is with the Egyptians.  They should get what they want.  It is not for me or any non-Egyptian to choose who leads Egypt, or to tell Egyptians what system they should install to gain their aspirations.  If they want to restore the military autocracy, or something akin to it with a few more power centers, why should I object?  Each to his own. Read more

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