Tag: Egypt

Hammer out danger

What has Pete Seeger, who died yesterday, got to do with Egypt?

Many Egyptians are genuinely enthusiastic about Field Marshall Sisi’s impending run for the presidency.  They hope he will bring stability to a country in its third year of revolutionary upheaval.  They want the economy to recover and their families to return to a more normal existence.

Rarely are international commenters more unanimous in their opposing views:  Sisi, the finest intellects think, has little chance of providing the stability Egyptians crave unless he changes course and enables a far more inclusive polity.  The current crackdowns on both the Muslim Brothers, who are many, and Sisi’s secularist opponents, who are few, will serve only to drive Egypt further into autocracy and an eventual return to turmoil.

Who is right?  The Egyptians in the street who proudly point to airbrushed pictures of the Field Marshall?  Or the international intellectuals, none of whom have ever run a country?

My heart is with the Egyptians.  They should get what they want.  It is not for me or any non-Egyptian to choose who leads Egypt, or to tell Egyptians what system they should install to gain their aspirations.  If they want to restore the military autocracy, or something akin to it with a few more power centers, why should I object?  Each to his own. Read more

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Peace Picks, January 27-31

1. War Crimes, Youth Activism & Memory in the Balkans

Monday, January 27 | 12pm – 1pm

Woodrow Wilson Center 6th floor, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW


Past post-conflict justice processes in the Balkan region were comprised of a variety of protagonists, such as governments, international institutions, and civil society. Mechanisms to cope with mass atrocities committed during the conflict in the 1990s included international trials in The Hague, domestic trials in many of the former states of Yugoslavia, and several truth commission attempts. In recent years there has also been a rise in youth activism to confront war crimes. However, literature in transitional justice that addresses this phenomenon remains underdeveloped. This research draws on over two-dozen in-depth interviews with youth activist leaders across the former Yugoslavia focusing on their performance-based campaigns. Additional data was collected from online prosopographic analysis—which consists of studying common characteristics of these activists by means of a collective study of their lives and careers. In his findings, the author explains why the emergence of transitional justice youth activism in the Balkans falls short of the significant institutional reforms of earlier youth movement mobilizations in the regions. He also throws light on why their performance activism is distinct from practices of older, established human rights organizations in the region. Notwithstanding, he argues that this performance-based advocacy work has fueled the creation of a new spatiality of deliberation—so called strategic confrontation spaces—to contest the culture of impunity and challenge the politics of memory in the former Yugoslavia.

Arnaud Kurze: Visiting Scholar; Center for Global Studies, George Mason University

John R. Lampe: Senior Scholar Professor Emeritus; Department of History, University of Maryland – College Park Read more

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Rethinking Islamist Politics

Why and how have Islamist politics thrived?  Thursday afternoon the Project on Middle East Political Science hosted a panel discussion analyzing Islamist politics in the Middle East.  Featured speakers were François Burgat (Institut de Recherches et d’Études sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman), Thomas Hegghammer (Norwegian Defense Research Establishment), Bruce Lawrence (Duke University), and Tarek Masoud (Harvard University). Marc Lynch (George Washington University) moderated.

François Burgat: The problems that societies are facing in the Arab world today cannot be related to the fact that Islamists are or have been in power. They are linked to circumstances at the end of an authoritarian period in which societies were de-institutionalized.  Islamists were not visible in the first stages of the protests.  They seemed to have disappeared. Some scholars claimed “No one in the Arab world will vote for Islamists!”  Three weeks later, 66% of the voters in Egypt voted for Islamists.

We are in the wrong time frame. If an Islamist government faces difficulties, that is not the end of Islamism. It is not the end of the capacity for mobilization that is specific to the Islamic reference.  The fact that people are comfortable identifying as Muslims is written in a time frame that is much longer than the failure of one government in Tunisia or Egypt. The strength of the Islamic reference does not come from its being sacred, it comes from the fact that it is indigenous. Read more

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Obama will need to decide

My piece on the Egyptian constitutional referendum was published on Al Jazeera America yesterday.  Bottom line:  the 98% “yes” vote was real, but just as real was government intimidation of those who might have voted no, a boycott by the Muslim Brotherhood and some more secularist political forces, and “couch party” indifference.  Still, about twice as many voters approved this constitution as the one President Morsi put before the voters in June 2012, when turnout was lower and “no” voting higher.

The sincerity and enthusiasm of the “yes” voters should not be doubted.  Judging from my admittedly brief conversations with them while observing the referendum for Democracy International, they had no interest in the substance of the constitution but were anxious to vote for stability and an improved economy.   The “revolution” has acquired a bad name.  It stands for disorder and strife.  Many Egyptians want to restore law and order so that they can return to earning a living, albeit a paltry one for most of the population.

The “yes” voters were also enthusiastic about the Egyptian army and General Sisi in particular.  In the land of the pharaohs, leaders are deified.  Sisi is more than a general or politician to his fans.  He is the epitome of all that is good and clean in an Egypt that has seen a lot of nastiness and dirt.  His picture and name are proudly displayed and chanted at international election observers, apparently in an effort to impress them with his support and send a message back to Washington. Read more

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Peace Picks, January 20-24

It’s a shortened week in DC, as Monday is Martin Luther King Day.  But still lots of good events from Tuesday on:

1. What Will 2014 bring for North Korea’s Nuclear Program?

Tuesday, January 21 | 9am – 12pm

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1779 Massachusetts Ave. NW


2013 witnessed new levels of threatening behavior from North Korea: a satellite launch that could portend an improved long-range ballistic missile capability; a third nuclear test; and declarations that the Korean peninsula would witness “an all-out war, a nuclear war.” Recent perturbations among the North Korean leadership also raise the possibility of greater instability and unpredictability.  What will 2014 bring in terms of North Korean nuclear behavior?

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Asan Institute for Policy Studies invite you to a discussion on what to expect from North Korea on nuclear matters in 2014.  Five experts will discuss the status of North Korea’s nuclear activities, what negotiating tactics North Korea might attempt, and whether there are lessons to be drawn in managing North Korea’s nuclear ambitions from the Iranian and South Asian experiences.

Toby Dalton is the deputy director of the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. His research focuses on cooperative nuclear security initiatives and nuclear challenges in South Asia and East Asia.

Choi Kang is a senior research fellow and the vice president for research at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies. He was previously the dean of Planning and Assessment at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy.

Joel Wit is a visiting scholar at the US-Korea Institute at SAIS and a senior research fellow at Columbia University Weatherhead Institute for East Asian Studies.

Park Jiyoung is a research fellow and director of the Science and Technology Policy Center at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies. Park was previously managing director of the Research and Development Feasibility Analysis Center at the Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning.

Shin Chang-Hoon is a research fellow and the director of the International Law and Conflict Resolution Department at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies. He is also the director of the Asan Nuclear Policy and Technology Center.

James L. Schoff is a senior associate in the Carnegie Asia Program. His research focuses on U.S.-Japanese relations and regional engagement, Japanese politics and security, and the private sector’s role in Japanese policymaking.

Go Myong-Hyun is a research fellow and the director of the Center for Risk, Information, and Social Policy at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies. Go’s research focuses on social networks, complex social interactions over space, and geospatial modeling of disease.


2. Peace for Israel and Palestine? Public Opinion 20 Years after Oslo 

Wednesday, January 22 | 9:30 – 11am

New America Foundation, 1899 L St NW, Suite 400


As Secretary of State John Kerry’s April deadline for a peace agreement approaches, a key concern is whether the Israeli and Palestinian publics are ready to support an agreement. Where do Israelis and Palestinians stand on key issues, and what kind of peace agreement do they want?

Twenty years after the signing of the Oslo Accords, Zogby Research Services examined these questions in its latest public opinion poll on Israeli and Palestinian attitudes toward the peace process. Please join the Arab American Institute and the New America Foundation’s Middle East Task Force for the survey’s public release and a discussion of its findings. The poll, conducted for the Sir Bani Yas Forum in the UAE, provides critical insights for today’s peace negotiators as they seek a viable agreement that both the Israeli and Palestinian publics can support.

In collaboration with the Arab American Institute.

James Zogby, President, Arab American Institute and Zogby Research Services

Khaled Elgindy, Fellow, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, Brookings Institution
Lara Friedman, Director, Policy and Government Relations, Americans for Peace Now

Leila Hilal, Director, Middle East Task Force, New America Foundation

If you are unable to join us in person, please tune in to our live webcast of the event.


3. The Role of Entrepreneurship in Building a Better Egypt

Wednesday, January 22 | 12 – 1:45pm

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1779 Massachusetts Ave. NW


In Egypt, innovative enterprise development has taken off in the wake of the 2011 protests with thousands of youth turning to entrepreneurship as a means of creating economic opportunity as well as addressing social challenges.

The Middle East Institute is proud to host a discussion about Egypt’s burgeoning start-up sector with entrepreneurs Yumna Madi (KarmSolar), Mona Mowafi (Rise Egypt), and Dina Sherif (Ahead of the Curve, Silatech), who will discuss their companies’ innovative ideas, the opportunities and challenges they face as entrepreneurs, and their hopes to see greater development and job creation in Egypt through the support of more innovators and start-ups. James A. Harmon,chairman of the Egyptian-American Enterprise Fund, will discuss U.S. and international support for emerging business initiatives in the country.  Christopher M. Schroeder, author of Startup Rising: The Entrepreneurial Revolution Remaking the Middle East, will lead the discussion.

* A light lunch will be served at this event

4. Pakistan Media: Democratic Inclusion, Accountability and Peaceful Contestation

Thursday, January 23 | 2:15 – 4pm

US Institute of Peace, 2301 Constitution Ave NW


The challenges and opportunities facing Pakistan’s media in many ways reflect the challenges and opportunities facing the country’s democracy. After a decade of transformation, Pakistan’s media have become an increasingly coherent platform for raising popular concerns and needs. Yet, considerable constraints remain. Decades of state manipulation undermined the development of robust media organizations. Legal protections are weak, security threats are many and the industry is not financially sound. Consequently the media remains vulnerable to exploitation by state and non-state actors as they compete for power.

This event will also feature a new policy briefing from BBC Media Action, a case study from USIP’s research into political violence reporting, and analysis from Pamela Constable, author and longtime reporter on Pakistan.


5. Perspectives on Colombia’s Peace Process and Opportunities for U.S. Engagement

Thursday, January 23 | 9am – 5pm

The Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University City View Room, 1957 E Street NW, 7th Floor


Colombia appears to be nearing an end to its bitter internal armed conflict. After 50 years, a death toll approaching a quarter million and the forced displacement of over five million, Colombia has its best chance in decades of securing peace. Peace talks between the government and the country’s largest guerilla group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, FARC), are in their second year. The parties have reached tentative agreements on the first two agenda points – land and political participation – and are now discussing a solution to the issue of illicit drugs. As the talks continue in Havana, Cuba, the potential for a positive US role in designing both policies and aid packages that support peace is becoming increasingly evident. In this three-panel event, Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) will convene leading human rights defenders, security analysts, and policymakers from the United States and Colombia to discuss the status of the talks and opportunities for US engagement.

The event will be held in English and Spanish, and simultaneous interpretation will be provided. A light lunch will also be provided. For more information, please contact Adam Schaffer at (202) 797 2171.

The event will be available via live stream at www.wola.org. To RSVP for the live stream, please click here. A video of the event will be available shortly after.


6. Rethinking Islamist Politics: A Panel Discussion

Thursday, January 23 | 12 – 2pm

Elliott School of International Affairs, Lindner Family Commons, Room 602; 1957 E Street NW


Join the Project on Middle East Political Science (POMEPS) to analyze the state of Islamist politics in the Middle East. The panel will examine the current directions of the Muslim Brotherhood and electoral politics, Salafism, and jihadist movements, as well as trends in the broader Islamic context.

François Burgat, Researcher, Institut de Recherches et d’Etudes sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman
Thomas Hegghammer, Research Fellow and Director of Terrorism Research, Norwegian Defense Research Establishment
Bruce Lawrence, Professor of Religion, Duke University
Tarek Masoud, Associate Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School of Government

Moderated by:
Marc Lynch, Professor of Political Science and International Affairs and Director of the Institute for Middle East Studies, GW

A light lunch will be provided.

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Egypt’s restoration referendum

I observed the Egyptian constitutional referendum yesterday and the day before in Minya governorate, whose provincial capital lies about 245 kilometers south of Cairo. The referendum was essentially a plebiscite on the July 3 removal of President Morsi by General Abdel Fattah al Sisi and the subsequent effort to restore the military to power behind the fig leaf of a civilian government.

My partner, translator and I visited about 30 polling stations in perhaps 15 polling centers as far south as Malawi and as far north as Bani Mazar.  This is a poor, mostly agricultural part of Egypt that largely supported the Mubarak regime and has suffered hard times since.  Many apartments lie unfinished or vacant.  Churches as well as mosques dot the landscape.  The rutted roads swirl with three-wheeled “took took” taxis driven by pre-adolescents, minibuses packed to the gills, donkeys hauling great mounds of greens, children playing in the dust as well as an abundance of cars and trucks, motocycles and bicycles.  Officially, Egypt drives on the right, like the US.  But that only applies when it is convenient–if you feel you need to be on the left, no one is going to stop you from driving there in Minya governorate.  The only moving thing that does what you expect is the Nile, which flows calmly through the turmoil, its banks heaped with trash. Read more

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