Tag: Israel/Palestine

Stevenson’s army, November 21

RollCall has the tentative Senate 2024 calendar  — here

Senate voted to halt Azerbaijan aid.

Economist has story on Hamas financing.

CFR has links to background materials on international law and Gaza:

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I republish here, with occasional videos of my choice. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Stevenson’s army, November 17

-WaPo shows how Israel’s Iron Wall failed.

– Defense News notes how the CR hurts defense.

– GOP Senators again pressed Tuberville

-Reuters sees new source of political violence

– Cybersecurity prof questions relevance of AI for the military

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I republish here, with occasional videos of my choice. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Stevenson’s army, November 16

– The Senate has formally insisted on a conference with the House on the NDAA instead of following the recent practice of reaching agreement informally. I’m not sure why the GOP wanted this, but one consequence is that a formal conference sets up a complex array of parliamentary moves in each house on amendments in disagreement and questions of scope — more than you need to know for class, but maybe fun to watch. One of the first steps may be instructing conferees. Another consequence is that final action is likely to be delayed because of the maneuvering and parliamentary requirements.

-SAIS Prof Chivvis has authored a thorough and valuable paper on The Role of Congress in US-Chinese relations.

-Politico’s China Watcher has a good summary of the Biden-Xi summit.

-CFR has good background on Biden’s IPEF, which fell short at the APEC meeting.

– WSJ says intercepts persuaded US intelligence of Hamas use of hospitals.

– WaPo says hostage deal looks promising.

-WaPo summarizes US opinion on Israel and Ukraine.

– Pew says 32% of Americans under 30 get their news from TikTok.

– NYT summarizes recent articles on Trump policy plans.

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I republish here, with occasional videos of my choice. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Stevenson’s army, November 11

– NYT has interactive graphic on the Gaza tunnels.

– WOTR writer revisits his article on Israel’s urban warfare

– Prof Hal Brands analyzes Chinese strategies for Taiwan

Politico discusses the Trump plan for Gaza:

LET IT BURN: Trump has a plan for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: just let it burn.

“You have a war that’s going on and you’re probably going to have to let this play out … because a lot of people are dying,” he also told Univision reporter ENRIQUE ACEVEDO last night. “There is no hatred like the Palestinian hatred of Israel and Jewish people. And probably the other way around also, I don’t know. You know, it’s not as obvious, but probably that’s it too. So sometimes you have to let things play out and you have to see where it ends.”

“Eventually there’s peace, because you’re going to have a winner and a loser,” Trump continued.

It’s as pure a distillation of EDWARD LUTTWAK’s “let it burn” theory as there exists. In his seminal 1999 Foreign Affairs article “Give War a Chance,” Luttwak wrote “an unpleasant truth often overlooked is that although war is a great evil, it does have a great virtue: it can resolve political conflicts and lead to peace … fighting must continue until a resolution is reached.”

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I republish here, with occasional videos of my choice. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Stevenson’s army, Novemberr 10

– FT says Israel got warnings about Hamas.

– WaPo says Congress isn’t getting review of Israel aid

– US raises concerns about West Bank settlers

– House GOP still confused

War Powers law has had good effect [a view I share]

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I republish here, with occasional videos of my choice. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Stevenson’s army, November 9

Hamas leaders –in Doha — tell NYT their plans for the war.

– SecState Blinken explains US requirements for a peace. See also WSJ. And NYT critique.

– DOD explains US military role.  [Note: still no US AUMF for Israel]

– Politico reports on State dissent memo on Israel.

– Andrew Exum has lessons from Lebanon.

– Dan Drezner questions Israel’s ability to restore deterrence.

– Don’t forget: there’s also a tragic war in Sudan.

– Notice: there’s nothing on the plans to fund the government after Nov 17 because too many people have too many plans

-House GOP sets 2024 calendar. Printout here.

– Intelligence analyst argues Putin decided on war before US Afghan debacle

– Politico has good backgrounder on next week’s APEC summit

– NYT magazine answers: What does Space Force do?

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I republish here, with occasional videos of my choice. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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