Tag: Israel/Palestine

Peace Picks | June 1 – 5

Notice: Due to recent public health concerns, upcoming events are only available via live-streaming.

  • Webinar: How COVID-19 and the oil shock will reshape the Middle East | June 1, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM | Brookings | Register Here

COVID–19 and the recent plunge in oil prices have shaken the Middle East to its core. Middle East economies rely heavily on oil, remittances, and tourism, all three of which have been decimated by the second-order effects of the pandemic. The simultaneous shocks will challenge states across the region, particularly those that are already struggling or are otherwise fragile. With added pressure on governments to slow the spread of the virus, the pandemic will ultimately change both domestic and regional politics and economies in the Middle East.  


Hady Amr (Moderator): Nonresident Senior Fellow, Center for Middle East Policy

Jihad Azour: Director, Middle East and Central Asia Department – International Monetary Fund; Lebanon’s Finance Minister 2005 – 2008

Samatha Gross: Fellow, Foreign Policy, Energy Security and Climate Initiative

Rola Dashti: Undersecretary General and Executive Secretary – United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia; Former Minister of Planning and Development for Kuwait

  • Egypt’s Diplomacy in War, Peace, and Transition | June 1, 2020 | 10:30 AM | Middle East Institute | Register Here

The Middle East Institute (MEI) is pleased to host a virtual panel with the American University in Cairo (AUC) to launch Egypt’s Diplomacy in War, Peace and Transition, a book by AUC’s dean of the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP), Nabil Fahmy. The book examines the transformation of Egyptian diplomacy within the region and globe, covering a wide range of issues including the Arab-Israeli peace process, nuclear proliferation in the Middle East, and relations with major international and regional players. Fahmy offers unique insights sharing his experiences as the country’s Foreign Minister and Ambassador to Japan and the United States. 

Given Egypt’s myriad economic and geopolitical challenges, what role might it play in the regional de-escalation efforts? Egypt’s Diplomacy in War, Peace and Transition offers a series of potential trajectories for the future of Egypt and its relations within the region and the world. The panelists will discuss the development of Egypt’s foreign policy as well as the past and ongoing regional processes.


Lisa Anderson: Former President, The American University in Cairo

Amb. Nabil Fahmy: Former Foreign Affairs Minister of Egypt, Founding Dean of GAPP and Distinguished University Professor of Practice in International Diplomacy, The American University in Cairo

Paul Salem: President, Middle East Institute

Tarek Masoud (Moderator): Professor of Public Policy and Sultan Qaboos bin Said of Oman, Professor of International Relations, Harvard University

  • Navigating the Future of South Yemen | June 2, 2020 | 11:00 AM | Middle East Institute |Register Here

South Yemen today faces many turbulent converging challenges, from the spread of COVID-19 to floods, electricity cuts, and The Southern Transitional Council’s (STC) self-rule decision. The April 25th self-rule decision by the STC drew international concern about the potential for escalation in the South and implications for the Riyadh agreement, which the Saudis brokered between the internationally recognized government of Abed Rabbeh Mansour Hadi and the STC last year. Meanwhile, military confrontations in Abyan threatens a new conflict south of the country.  

The Middle East Institute (MEI) is pleased to host a virtual panel of Yemeni experts to explore the various current dynamics impacting South Yemen and how they view the path forward. What are the hurdles facing the implementation of the Riyadh agreement? How will the STC’s self-rule decision impact future peace negotiations? How has the Hadi government responded to the flooding and electricity cuts and COVID19? Is the STC capable of dealing with the security and economic challenges and delivering good governance?


Dr. Saadaldeen Ali Talib: Former Minister of Industry and Trade, Yemen

Dr. Abdelqader al-Junaid: Physician and well-known political activist in Ta’iz

Yasmin Al-Nadheri: Executive Director, Peace Track Initiative

Amr Al-Beidth: Member of the Presidential Council, the Southern Transitional Council

Fatima Abo Alasrar (Moderator): Non-resident Scholar, Middle East Institute

  • Breaking Bread: Food in Times of COVID-19 | June 2, 2020| 9:30 AM| Middle East Institute | Register Here

In this period of global lockdown and anxiety, food has emerged as a central player – a source of comfort and community-building for some, for others a reminder of growing economic uncertainty and inequality.
In the Middle East, with its strong culinary culture, the pandemic has led to a revival of traditional food practices and recipes that have long been advocated by many, as well as to questions about how to advance small scale farming and more sustainable agriculture, in response to growing economic challenges. 
The panel “Breaking Bread: Food in Times of COVID-19″ will explore the role that food has played during this unprecedented pandemic with a focus on Middle Eastern communities. Bringing together voices from the Arab world, whose contributions have shaped this conversation, panelists will also explore how this pandemic might change our relationship to what we eat and how we grow it.


Aisha Al Fadhalah: Co-Founder, MERA Kitchen

Mirna Bamieh: Artist, cook and Founder of Palestine Hosting Society

Kamal Mouzawak: Founder of Lebanon’s first farmer’s market, Souk El Tayeb, restauranteur, and food entrepreneur

Antonio Tahhan (Moderator): Syrian-Venezuelan food writer, researcher and storyteller

  • The Threat of Israeli Annexation: Regional and International Implications | June 3, 2020 | 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM | Arab Center Washington DC | Register Here

Arab Center Washington DC and the Institute for Palestine Studies are organizing a webinar to discuss the implications of the Israeli plan to annex vast areas of Palestinian land and extend Israeli sovereignty over illegal settlements in the West Bank. The discussion will also explore the implications of the recent announcement by Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas that the PA will end all agreements and understandings signed with Israel and the United States.


Noura Erakat: Human Rights Attorney, Assistant Professor, Rutgers University

Leila Farsakh: Associate Professor and Chair, Political Science Department, University of Massachusetts Boston

Khalil E. Jahshan: Executive Director, Arab Center Washington DC 

Rashid Khalidi: Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies, Columbia University, Co-Editor, Journal of Palestine Studies, President, Institute for Palestine Studies-USA 

Nasser Al-Kidwa: Chairman of the Board of Directors, Yasser Arafat Foundation, Former Palestinian Representative to the United Nations

Raef Zreik: Associate Professor of Law, Ono Academic College, Co-Director of Minerva Center for the Humanities, Tel Aviv University

Tamara Kharroub (Moderator) : Assistant Executive Director and Senior Fellow, Arab Center Washington DC

  • East Asia in the Post-COVID-19 World: China and Beyond | June 3, 2020 | 11:00 AM – 12:30PM | Johns Hopkins SAIS | Register Here

This webinar will discuss the Reischauer Center’s new COVID-19 Policy Research Task Force report, examining how East Asia’s successful COVID-19 response is accelerating the region’s geopolitical rise. While considering the changing role of China in regional and global affairs, the seminar will also examine in detail the heightened evaluation of other nations, including Korea, Japan, and Singapore, due to their effective pandemic responses and dynamic medical diplomacy. The webinar will also consider emerging patterns of conflict, and how East Asia’s centrality in the world medical supply chain may be reconfigured as Europe and the United States legislate medical supply reforms.

  • Turkish-Russian Cooperation and Implications for Black Sea Security | June 4, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Middle East Institute | Register Here

Defying warnings and threats of sanctions from its NATO allies, Turkey went ahead with its purchase of the Russian S400 missile defense system. The first elements of the system arrived in Turkey last summer. Subsequently, the US has removed Turkey from the F35 Joint Strike Fighter program. Turkey will not be able to import any F-35s, and its aerospace industry will lose out on billions of dollars in F-35 contract work and the associated technology transfer. But Turkey still needs fighter jets. The Middle East Institute (MEI) Frontier Europe Initiative is pleased to host a panel of experts to discuss the future of Turkey’s defense posture.

What are Turkey’s options? Can Russia fill the gap? Where does Turkey’s S400 decision and the US decision to kick Turkey out of the F35 program leave NATO? Will this lead to a fundamental shift in Turkey’s geostrategic outlook?


Caglar Kurc: Adjunct Instructor, Department of International Relations, Bilkent University

Aaron Stein: Director, Middle East Program, Foreign Policy Research Institute

Maxim Suchkov: Senior Fellow and Associate Professor, Moscow State Institute of International Relations

Gonul Tol (Moderator): Director of Turkey Program and Senior Fellow, Frontier Europe Initiative, Middle East Institute

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Never let a crisis go to waste

“The region already faced significant economic fragility prior to the pandemic, but the coming recession will hurt the Middle East especially hard.” On May 1, the Wilson Center hosted a panel discussion on “The Middle East Workforce and COVID-19: Resetting the Regional Economic Formula.” The discussion featured six speakers:

Sheikh Meshal bin Hamad Al-Thani: Ambassador of the State of Qatar to the US

Theodore Kattouf: President of AMIDEAST and Former United States Ambassador to Syria and the United Arab Emirates

Denise Lamaute: Economic Officer, Middle East Bureau, USAID

Andrew Baird: President and CEO, Education for Employment-Global

Alexander Farley: Research Associate

Merissa Khurma: Project Manager, Middle East Special Initiatives, moderated

Current context

In Ambassador Al-Thani’s keynote speech, he pointed out that unemployment, the lack of human development, and the absence of social justice have posed a threat to political, economic, and social instability in the Middle East. The outbreak of COVID-19 across the world has led to a greater challenge. The collapse of oil prices as well as the decline of tourism revenue, emigrant remittances, and economic demand are aggravating the region’s structural weaknesses. Limited opportunities for youth and their lack of prospects will create discontent and generate distrust to political leaders. Al-Thani believes that this is the main reason of the Arab Spring.

Baird thinks that COVID-19 is an enormous disrupter. The hospitality industry, including restaurants, hair salons, and manufacturing, are suffering from this crisis. There are, however, winners at this point, including home health care, public health workers, transportation, agriculture, and the information technology sector. Baird is concerned that this crisis may have a long-term impact on SMEs, making them more vulnerable. They will take a longer time to recover than larger businesses. Additionally, Baird emphasized that the crisis will widen the digital divide between men and women.

Education and workforce

Farley summarized key findings of An Analysis of Workforce Asymmetries in the Middle East and North Africa:

  1. The skills mismatch and deficit of needed skills in the labor market
  2. Private sector and education uncoordinated
  3. Education systems do not emphasize essential skills
  4. Technical vocational education and training (TVET) is neglected and suffers stigma
  5. Mindsets adhere to a hierarchy of public over the private sector
  6. SMEs face barriers to expansion, economic growth is limited
  7. Entrepreneurship and new business creation is low
  8. Women ahead in education but behind in workforce participation

Kattouf said that during the Ottoman period, there was no education except for certain elites who were educated by the British and French to serve colonists’ needs. In the Gulf, most of the current countries were protectorates without education. It was not until Nasser and Arab socialism that an aspiration for universal education and literacy started.

While the number of educational institutions is now overwhelming, the quality of higher education is decreasing as more students are admitted to public universities and good professors prefer to teach in the Gulf for higher salaries. Kattouf added that when the youth graduate from tertiary education, they are equipped with fewer skills than expected and there are fewer jobs than needed.


Al-Thani believes that Middle Eastern states need to take collective action to make long-term, youth-centered development agendas in order to address the challenge of workforce asymmetries, including protecting youth rights and allowing them to participate in public life.

Farley listed various recommendations from An Analysis of Workforce Asymmetries in the Middle East and North Africa:

  1. Realigning education systems to labor market needs
  2. Rethinking assessment and tracking student progress
  3. Upgrading the TVET pathway
  4. Strengthening entrepreneurship and SMEs
  5. Increasing female labor force participation through multiple interventions

Denise suggests that governments, the private sector, and education systems should pursue a firm understanding of the region’s demographics, the evolving demands for skills, and the connections between providing goods and providing services. Since the pandemic forces people to embrace digital tools, it may push a “fourth Industrial Revolution.” This revolution can lead to faster technology adoption, increased productivity and performance, emergence of new markets and new consumers, the relocation of value chains, and job loses as well as job gains. Since the MENA region possesses a young workforce, they will be ready to adopt the “fourth Industrial Revolution” to create more opportunities and changes.

Baird resonated Denise’s point to never let a good crisis go to waste. He suggests that the financial system can bring the private sector closer to education. As governments exert more control over the private sector, they can take advantage of it to propose women friendly policies, including women friendly transportation, anti-harassment policy, and day care.

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Stevenson’s army, April 27

– In Australia and New Zealand, they seem to have vanquished the virus, at least for now.
Global military spending is surging.

– WaPo says Trump administration has multi-pronged effort to marginalize WHO.
– In effort to force continued sanctions on Iran, US has told JCPOA signatories that US is still legally part of the agreement.
– Jackson Diehl notes that US has a veto over Israeli annexation.
– CDC says Covid-19 is more complex than previously understood.  And the number of basic questions is huge.
– Who deserves to be rescued in the shrinking economy? NYT notes that FDR saved artists.

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I plan to republish here. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Stevenson’s army, April 23

– Washington seems to have a “kick ’em when they’re down” culture. SO today we have reports when multiple sources blame the HSS secretary for his failings.

And they note that his chief of staff is unqualified, except perhaps for dog breeding.

And a vaccine doctor says he was fired for political reasons.
Meanwhile, Israel seems to be warning Hezbollah forces of impending attacks in order to avoid casualties.
Maduro and Guaido are having secret talks.
AEI has a report on radical Islamic groups in the Sahel.
GMF has report on Chinese political interference programs.

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I plan to republish here. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Peace Picks| April 18- April 25

Public Health Surveillance, Al bias, and Risks to Privacy in the Fight against COVID-19 | April 21, 2020 | 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM | Brookins Institution | Register Here

To help fight COVID-19, U.S. tech companies have recently announced efforts to leverage public health surveillance, including tracking the spread of the coronavirus using Bluetooth-enabled devices. China, South Korea, and Israel are already engaged in some form of citizen tracking to mitigate and reduce their infection rates. Artificial intelligence (AI) and other digital tools have the capability to capture biometrics, location data, and other indicators of infection. Given these existing and potential uses of AI, what are the privacy implications for the collection of such health data? Which groups are at risk of unintended and potentially discriminatory outcomes? How transparent will these systems be?


Alex Engler: Rubenstein Fellow, Governance Studies

Michelle Richardson: Director, Privacy and Data Project, Center for Democracy and Technology

Nicol Turner Lee (Moderator): Fellow, Governance Studies, Center for Technology Innovation

LGBTQ+ Movements in the Middle East: Navigating Political Unrest and Global Pandemic | April 22, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Middle East Institute | Register Here

Acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community is low across the Middle East, and LGBTQ+ individuals face a number of unique challenges due to their identity. The Middle East Institute (MEI) is pleased to host a virtual panel which will seek to explore the ways in which these communities have organized in the Middle East in order to raise visibility and advocate for greater rights, and how these efforts are under attack across the region. Panelists will discuss the impacts that governments, laws, and society have on the lives of LGBTQ+ people, and the ways in which grassroots organizations and initiatives strive to support this community in the face of backlash and the challenges of navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. 
What are the major challenges LGBTQ+ people face in the Middle East? In what ways have LGBTQ+ rights been integrated into broader social and political movements in countries like Lebanon and Iraq?  How has COVID-19 impacted important advocacy work, and how are activists and organizations adapting to continue to protect these communities? Is there any hope for future protection of LGBTQ+ people in the wake of regional and global crises?  


Amir Ashour: Founder and executive director, IraQueer

Roula Seghaier: Executive Member, Masaha: Accessible Feminist Knowledge

Rasha Younes: Researcher, LGBT rights program, Human Rights Watch

Antoun Issa (Moderator): Non-resident scholar, MEI

The Oil Market and the Economic Impact of COVID-19 in the Arab World | April 22, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Arab Center Washington DC | Register Here

Arab Center Washington DC is organizing a webinar to discuss the impact of COVID-19 and the plunging oil prices on the economic outlook in the Arab world, including how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting economies in the region in the short and long-term, the implications of the recent price wars on Gulf economies, and the outcomes of the OPEC+ meeting.


Garbis Iradian: Chief Economist for Middle East and North Africa, Institution of International Finance

Bessma Momani: Interim Assistant Vice-President of International Relations and Professor of Political Science, University of Waterloo

Khalil E. Jahshan: Executive Director, Arab Center Washington DC

The Path to Intra-Afghan Talks | April 22, 2020 | 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM | United States Institute of Peace | Register Here

Since the signing of the landmark U.S.-Taliban agreement on February 29, efforts to reach the next phase in the Afghanistan peace process have faced numerous obstacles, both old and new. Comprehensive Intra-Afghan negotiations, originally planned to begin within 10 days of the U.S.-Taliban agreement, have yet to occur—delayed by disagreements over the presidential election results, prisoner releases, and now the spread of coronavirus in Afghanistan and the region. One hopeful sign, however, was the announcement of a politically and ethnically inclusive negotiation team to represent the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in talks with the Taliban.

The 21-member delegation will be led by former Minister Masoom Stanekzai and includes five women. Now that a team has been formed, negotiators will need to plan their strategy for the intra-Afghan talks and develop negotiating positions on key substantive issues—including political power-sharing, the role of Islam, and the future of human rights protections and democracy in Afghanistan.


Masoom Stanekzai: Head of the Afghan Government Negotiation Team; former Chief of the National Directorate of Security

Habiba Sarabi: Afghan Government Negotiation Team Member; Deputy Chair, Afghanistan High Peace Council

Alexander Thier: Senior Adviser, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Founder of Triple Helix Consulting

Ambassador Richard Olson (Moderator): Senior Advisor, USIP; former US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan

Andrew Wilder (Welcoming remarks): Vice President, Asia Center, USIP

COVID-19: Implications for peace and security in the Middle East | April 22, 2020 | 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM | Brookins Institution | Register Here

The Brookings Doha Center is pleased to invite you to a webinar discussion on the implications of Covid-19 for regional peace and security. What are the short and long-term implications of the pandemic for regional security? How can regional and international powers mitigate the fallout from the pandemic? Will the crisis expand and intensify existing conflicts or could it become a rallying call for conflict resolution? How can vulnerable communities be protected? These questions, and others, will be addressed by a distinguished panel of experts.


Tanya Gilly-Khailany: Director, SEED

Frederic Wehrey: Senior Fellow, Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Galip Dalay: Nonresident Fellow, Brookings Doha Center

Ranj Alaaldin (Moderator): Visiting Fellow, Brookings Doha Center

Pakistan’s Coronavirus Crisis: Impact and Solutions | April 23, 2020 | 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM | United States Institute of Peace | Register Here

In addition to the severe human cost, the COVID-19 crisis has forced Pakistan’s already suffering economy to a grinding halt. Social distancing policies, necessary to stop the spread of the virus, have sent the global economy reeling, paralyzed the informal economy, and left Pakistan’s most vulnerable without income and sustenance. Meanwhile, despite a $7.5 billion relief package, both central and provincial governments have struggled to respond as the number of confirmed cases continues to rise daily. As the situation stands, much more will be needed for Pakistan to effectively address the crisis.


Cyril Almeida: Visiting Senior Expert, USIP

Khurram Hussain: Business Editor, Dawn Newspaper

Elizabeth Threlkeld: Deputy Director, South Asia, Stimson Center

Uzair Younus: Nonresident Fellow, Atlantic Council

Tamanna Salikuddin (Moderator): Director, South Asia, USIP

Economic Shocks of COVID-19: What Next for the Caspian Basin and South Caucasus? | April 23, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Middle East Institute | Register Here

The economic toll of COVID-19 around the world has been significant and the impact of this crisis will reverberate for the next few years. Iran is among the hardest hit economies but the fallout is also already felt among Iran’s immediate neighboring states, including the countries of South Caucasus and the Caspian Basin. With US sanctions severely limiting its international trade, Tehran has in recent years banked on trade with immediate neighbors as a stopgap remedy to its economic needs. This policy of prioritizing trade and other economic ties with immediate neighbors is now under seven more pressure due to COVID-19. While Iran is expected to experience a sharp economic contraction in 2020, the economic growth forecasts have also been cut in neighboring Caucasus states, requiring swift and decisive action from leaders and international partners.

The Middle East Institute (MEI) will bring together a panel of experts to explore the economic impacts of COVID-19 on Iran, the South Caucasus and the question of regional economic cooperation and integration. Besides looking at what has driven Iran’s neighborhood policy in recent years, and how it is in danger of crumbling due to COVID-19 restrictions, the panel will focus on the specific case of the energy sector where regional integration was moving ahead albeit slowly. Meanwhile, the role played by third-parties – including Russia and the US – will also be tackled by the panelists as they reflect on Iran-South Caucasus economic connections.


Aleksi Aleksishvili: Chairman and CEO, Policy and Management Consulting Group

Rauf Mammadov: Resident scholar on energy policy, MEI

Suzanne Maloney: Interim vice president and director, Foreign Policy program, Brookings Institution

The Middle East on Lockdown: The Impact of COVID-19 on Regional Economies | April 23, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Wilson Center | Register Here

The COVID-19 pandemic has driven most of the world to shut borders, close businesses, and impose lockdowns on citizen movement to mitigate the spread of the novel virus. In the Middle East and North Africa, many countries shuttered businesses and banned public gatherings accompanied by strict curfews enforced by police or national militaries. Oil and Gas producing countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE injected billions into their economies to ease the economic fallout. However, resource-scarce countries already suffering from economic fragility also took measures to support small and medium-sized enterprises which make up the backbone of their private sectors. With the world heading into a deep recession, the economic future of the region is indeed dire. This will likely reignite political tensions that are temporarily subdued by the lockdown and will drive a renew wave of unrest across the region.


David Ottaway: Middle East Fellow, Middle East Specialist and Former Washington Post Correspondent

Ibrahim Saif: CEO of Jordan Strategy Forum

Bessma Momani: Assistant Vice President of International Relations at University of Waterloo

Merissa Khurma (Moderator): Project Manager, Middle East Special Initiatives

A Changing World: What’s Next for the Middle East? | April 23, 2020 | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Turkish Heritage Organization | Register Here

Join THO on Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 11AM EST for a webinar on “A Changing World: What’s Next for the Middle East?“.


William F. Wechsler: Director, Rafik Hariri Center & Middle East Programs, Atlantic Council

Benjamin H. Friedman: Senior Fellow and Defense Scholar, Defense Priorities Lecturer, George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs

Amb. Selcuk Unal: Director General for Syria, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Peace Picks| April 11- April 18

Notice: Due to recent public health concerns, upcoming events are only available via live-streaming.

Unpacking the Covid-19 Crisis in Africa | April 13, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM | CSIS | Register Here

The confirmed cases and fatalities from the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) continue to rise in sub-Saharan Africa, creating dire economic and political challenges. As governments in the region scramble to implement containment strategies, manage the economic fallout, and work through a busy election calendar, how can they minimize long-term negative impacts? The CSIS Africa Program invites you to virtually attend the first event in a series of partnerships with premier research institutions across Africa. Experts from the Institute for Security Studies (ISS Africa) and the University of Pretoria join CSIS Africa Program Director, Judd Devermont to discuss the political, economic, and health implications of the coronavirus pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa. Additional information on speakers will be added closer to the event date.


Dr. Jakkie Cilliers: Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Head of the African Futures and Innovations, Institute for Security Studies

Marius Oosthuizen: Faculty at the Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria

Wafaa El-Sadr: University Professor and Dr. Mathilde Krim-amfAR Chair of Global Health, Columbia University

Judd Devermont: Director, Africa Program

Israeli Democracy at a Crossroads | April 13, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM | Middle East Institute | Register Here

After a record-breaking three elections in the span of just one year and several weeks of political maneuvering and intrigue, including a constitutional crisis prompted by an unprecedented suspension of the Knesset, the announcement of a new unity deal between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud and opposition figure Benny Gantz appears to have put an end to Israel’s longstanding political stalemate. In doing so however it has also gutted Gantz’s opposition Blue and White faction and alienated the Arab-dominated Joint List while ensuring Netanyahu’s premiership until at least September 2021. Any hope of a return to something resembling normalcy meanwhile remains elusive as Israelis continue to grapple with a ballooning public health crisis sparked by the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), which has brought social, economic, and political life in Israel to a virtual standstill.

Given these varying challenges, what are the prospects for the new “emergency” government in Israel? What will this new arrangement mean for the political opposition in general and for the Joint List in particular? Moreover, what do these developments mean for the future of Israeli democracy and for Israel’s broader role in the Middle East?


Ari Heistein: Researcher and Chief of Staff to the Director, INSS

Dahlia Scheindlin: Co-founder and columnist, +972 Magazine

The Honorable Aida Touma-Sliman: Member, Knesset (Joint List)

Khaled Elgindy (Moderator): Senior fellow and director of the Program on Palestine and Palestinian-Israeli Affairs, MEI

Oil Market Mayhem Redux: The market and geopolitical implications of the OPEC+ and G20 negotiations | April 13, 2020 | 1:00 PM | Atlantic Council | Register Here

An unprecedented crisis in the oil market is looming. With demand in free-fall, a price war bringing oil prices to multi-decade lows, and a flood of oil supplies overwhelming available storage, a consensus to take action is emerging – but the parties have struggled to agree about what type of action and by whom. As OPEC concludes an extraordinary meeting of OPEC and non-OPEC members and Saudi Arabia hosts an emergency meeting of the G20, the intersection of energy markets and geopolitics is shaping how the global community responds to the oil market crisis (and whether it is enough). What emerges from these four days will have a transformative effect on the market long after the coronavirus passes.

As markets digest these moves on Monday, please join the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center for an expert briefing on the details of the OPEC meeting and G20 summit and what those decisions mean for the market, geopolitics, and the future of the oil industry.


Anders Aslund: Senior Fellow, Eurasia Center, Atlantic Council

Helima Croft: Managing Director and Global Head of Commodity Strategy, RBC Capital Markets

Kristen Fontenrose: Director, Scowcroft Middle East Security Initiative, Atlantic Council

David Goldwyn: Chair, Energy Advisory Group, Atlantic Council

Randolph Bell (Moderator): Director, Global Energy Center and Richard Morningstar Chair for Global Energy Security, Atlantic Council

Egypt’s Economy, Citizens, and the Pandemic | April 14, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Middle East Institute | Register Here

As the Middle East’s most populous country, Egypt’s domestic issues will invariably have significant regional ramifications as the country weathers the COVID-19 pandemic. Both domestic and international trade are likely to suffer, and international supply chains are already being disrupted. The international reverberations will hit some of Egypt’s main revenue streams hard, particularly trade via the Suez Canal, remittances from Egyptians working abroad, and the tourism sector.

While the economy is taking major hits at the macro level, things are likely to be as bad at the micro-level. The government appears to be trying hard to get a handle on both the spread of the virus through mitigation efforts such as early school closures, curfews, and other measures. It has also implemented a raft of economic relief measures in order to reduce pressure both on the market and on individuals, all while pressing as many people to work remotely as possible. However, millions cannot afford to work remotely; over 11 million people work in Egypt’s informal economy, without pensions or contracts and limited access to the country’s overburdened health system. 

Given these vast and converging challenges, what does Egypt’s economic future hold?


Angus Blair: CIB Professor of Practice, School of Business, American University in Cairo

Laila Iskandar: Former Minister for Urban Renewal and Informal Settlements, Egypt

Yasser El-Naggar: CEO, EN Investment

Mirette F. Mabrouk (Moderator): Director of Egypt Program, MEI

The GCC’s double dilemma: Tackling COVID-19 and falling oil prices| April 14, 2020 | 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM | CSIS | Register Here

The six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries are confronting a sharp downturn in economic activity due to the coronavirus outbreak, as the pandemic wreaks havoc across the global economy. However, unlike in other regions of the world, where the economic downturn is expected to be transient, the corresponding sharp fall in global oil prices presents a longer-term challenge to GCC member states.

GCC governments have announced economic stimulus packages totaling $97 billion to help the private sector absorb the shock of the crisis. They now must ensure that this stimulus is applied effectively to meeting the short-term demands of the coronavirus crisis, while tempering the long-term fallout of the drop in oil prices. GCC countries must also redouble their efforts to diversify their economies and set aside petty political differences and work together to mitigate the societal impact of the dual challenges.

The Brookings Doha Center is pleased to invite you to a webinar discussion on the economic challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic poses for the GCC. The discussion will address the following questions: What are the short- and long-term economic implications of the pandemic for GCC economies? How should GCC governments apply their stimulus packages to counter the adverse impacts of the pandemic and the drop in oil prices? What other policy priorities should GCC governments pursue to ameliorate the societal impact of the COVID-19 crisis?


Samantha Gross: Fellow, Foreign Policy, Energy Security and Climate Initiative

Hatim Al Shanfari: Professor of Economics and Finance, Sultan Qaboos University

Nasser Saidi: Founder and President, Nasser Saidi & Associates, Former Lebanese Minister of Economy

Nader Kabbani (Moderator): Director of Research, Brookings Doha Center; Senior Fellow, Global Economy and Development

Navigating Iraq’s Political and Economic Turbulence amid Pandemic | April 15, 2020 | 11:00 AM – 12:00 AM | Middle East Institute | Register Here

A perfect storm has hit Iraq: the Covid-19 virus is spreading throughout the country and overwhelming its healthcare system, a precipitous decline in oil prices is threatening the livelihoods of millions of Iraqis, increasing U.S.-Iran tensions are playing out on Iraqi territory, and a political crisis has stalled the process of government formation for months. On top of all that, millions of Iraqis remain displaced, ISIS still constitutes a major security threat, and pro-Iran militias are increasingly fragmenting, as different groups outbid each other over their loyalty to Tehran and their ability to target the U.S. presence in Iraq. On April 9, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi was named as prime minister designate, the third person to be appointed to the job since Adel Abdul-Mahdi’s resignation last November. He now has 30 days to form a government, a task his two predecessors failed to complete, although he appears to have more support across the Iraqi political spectrum and better chances at success than they did. Faced with these myriad socioeconomic, political, and security challenges, can Iraq maintain its tenuous balance? Will Mr. Al Kadhimi succeed in forming a government? What are the potential short- and medium-term economic scenarios for Iraq in light of the oil price war and decreasing global demand? What is the future of the U.S.-Iraq strategic relationship? 


Farhad Alaaldin: Chairman, Iraq Advisory Council (IAC)

Hafsa Halawa: Non-resident scholar, MEI

Yesar Al-Maleki: Non-resident scholar, MEI

Mohammad Radhi Al-Shummary: Professor, Al-Nahrain University

Randa Slim (Moderator): Senior fellow and director, Conflict Resolution and Track II Dialogues Program, MEI

On the Front Lines: How Public Health Systems are Confronting the Covid 19 Crisis in the Middle East | April 16, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Middle East Institute | Register Here

COVID-19 has the potential to push public healthcare systems in the Middle East past their current capabilities.The number of coronavirus cases in the Middle East has risen to nearly 60,000, double the amount only a week ago. How will this current pandemic impact the region’s health care systems and preparedness for future crises? The Middle East Institute (MEI) will bring together a panel of experts to look beyond the immediate impact of COVID-19 on public healthcare systems in the Middle East. This group of experts will discuss the long term effects on the region’s public health systems and if this will cause them to become more resilient in the face of future threats. 

What will this current crisis mean for the future of the region’s health care systems?  What steps should public health services be taking now to ensure they will be better prepared for the next pandemic?  What is the role of international organizations like the World Health Organization to help regional public health services build resilience into their systems?


Amir Afkhami: Associate professor, George Washington University

Amira Roses: Professor of global health and epidemiology, George Mason University

Ross Harrison (Moderator): Senior fellow, MEI

COVID-19 and Conflicts in the Arab World: A Closer Look at Libya, Syria, and Yemen during the Coronavirus Pandemic| April 16, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM | Arab Center Washington DC | Register Here

Arab Center Washington DC is organizing a webinar to discuss the impact of COVID-19 in areas of conflict and war-affected and refugee populations in the Arab world, specifically focusing on Libya, Syria, and Yemen.


Noha Aboueldahab: Fellow, Brookings Doha Center

Yara M. Asi: Lecturer of Health Management and Informatics, University of Central Florida

Joost Hiltermann: Program Director, Middle East and North Africa, International Crisis Group

Afrah Nasser: Yemen Researcher, Human Rights Watch

Tamara Kharroub (Moderator): Assistant Executive Director and Senior Fellow, Arab Center Washington DC

The Middle East in an Era of Great Power Competition: A Conversation with Barry Posen and Stephen Walt | April 16, 2020 | 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM | Middle East Institute | Register Here

Of all the internal obstacles and external challenges the United States is likely to face in its pursuit of its new foreign policy priority of great power competition, the Middle East might prove to be the biggest. If the region continues to command U.S. attention and resources, Washington will struggle in its efforts to effectively pivot and counter Chinese and Russian ambitions in Asia and Europe, respectively.

How does or should the Middle East fit in America’s new grand strategy? Does the great power competition necessitate an entirely new U.S. approach toward the Middle East? Which U.S. approach best serves Washington’s new global plans?

To answer these questions and many others, the Middle East Institute (MEI) is honored to host a conversation with Professor Barry Posen from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Professor Stephen Walt from Harvard University.


Barry Posen: Ford international professor of political science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Stephen M. Walt: Professor of international affairs, Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government

Bilal Saab (Moderator): Senior fellow and director, defense and security program, MEI

Displacement During COVID-19: an Urgent Humanitarian Imperative | April 17, 2020 | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Middle East Institute | Register Here

As COVID-19 continues to devastate global economies and health systems with no end in sight, refugees and IDPs are among the world’s most vulnerable communities. Already facing tremendous challenges including loss of livelihoods, lack of citizenship, psychological trauma, and discrimination, displaced people in the Middle East must now contend with the pandemic and its devastation on the already-strained healthcare systems and economies of their host countries. Refugees are particularly susceptible to illnesses like COVID due to overcrowding in refugee camps, lack of proper sanitation, food, and water resources, and unprotected movement across borders. Meanwhile, the region’s conflicts, outbreaks of violence, and occupation continue, providing little relief in the most fragile environments. 

How are refugees in the Middle East withstanding the virus in countries such as Lebanon, Iraq, and Jordan? How does the impact of the virus expose existing fragilities in and create new challenges for the region’s healthcare services, particularly for refugee camps, which suffer from overcrowding and lack of proper sanitation? What are the new imperatives for governments and international organizations to provide assistance where it is needed most?


Kieren Barnes: Syrian Country Director, Mercy Corps

Aya Majzoub: Lebanon and Bahrain researcher, Human Rights Watch

Dr. Zaher Sahloul: President and founder, MedGlobal

Randa Slim (Moderator): Senior fellow and director, Conflict Resolution and Track II Dialogues program, MEI

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