Tag: Israel/Palestine

Worse than I thought

My initial reaction to the Administration’s “Peace to Prosperity” plan for settling Israel/Palestine issues was negative, but insufficiently so. The “peace” plan is far worse than I thought.

First, there is the map. President Trump claimed the Palestinian state would be contiguous. It is not. Even on the West Bank that isn’t true, and there are several enclaves in the Negev Desert completely separated from the main populated areas, not to mention an infeasible tunnel linking Gaza with the West Bank. Palestine would be like ink drops on a greater Israel:


Second, Israel would maintain overall security control of Palestine, or should we call it Palestan, as well as the Jordan River valley. De-militarization of Palestine I understand, and in principle Mahmoud Abbas has agreed. But that is different from allowing Israel to intervene whenever and wherever it wants, as it does today, in the West Bank (and presumably Gaza in the future). Nor do I understand why Israeli tanks are needed on the Jordan River: the Kingdom on the other side depends heavily on Israel for its security and isn’t going to attack. What is the purpose of holding on to the Jordan River valley? How defensible would it be if something were to happen, with Palestinians in the rear? If the purpose is border control, there is really no need for territorial control but only an Israeli presence at Palestinian border posts.

There is more, because the plan not only imposes unreasonable limits on Palestinian sovereignty but also gives Israel just about everything it has ever asked for: all of Jerusalem, all the main settlements on the West Bank constituting about 30% of the territory, and recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. No wonder Prime Minister Netanyahu wanted this plan out in public before the next Israeli election: it is a wet dream for the Greater Israel chauvinists.

The economic portion of the plan is mostly smoke and mirrors. Lots of OPM (other people’s money) going not just to the Palestinians but also to several Arab countries to buy their silence. The million jobs created is just aspirational. There is no real plan for that or other economic benefits.

Besides: nothing happens to implement this wretched deal until Hamas is gone from Gaza. I suppose that may happen some day, but there are no indications it will be soon. The plan is counterproductive to that end, as it provides a strong incentive to vote for more radical political forces.

The Israelis it should be noted get what they want right away. Trump has greenlighted the annexation of the West Bank settlements, which the Knesset intends to pass into law promptly. This is a real estate deal in which the land grab comes first, with vague promises of payment in the future, if the Palestinians behave themselves and accept a less than sovereign and independent state. That’s worse than I thought.

For those who may wonder what the Jewish community in the US is thinking, here is a video from J Street, which is closer to the majority liberal and conservative factions than the more often cited AIPAC:

PS: One reader reports that the video doesn’t work for him. If you are having trouble, it is also up on the J Street website.

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Stevenson’s army, January 29

– President Trump unveiled his vision for Arab-Israeli peace.  NYT says the Arab reaction was “muted.” 
The only money figure I noted was “$50 billion” in “investment” in Palestinian territories, presumably only from Muslim nations. The Netanyahu government plans to seize the moment by annexing territories the Trump plan would allow.

– CNAS has a new report on how to deal with China, commissioned by Congress. It tracks the proposals by CFR and others. There seems to be a consensus on using foreign and domestic policies to compete vigorously with PRC.
– In class we’ll talk a lot about organizational cultures. There’s a new SOCOM report recognizing a need for some changes in its culture.
– Jim Lewis of CSIS analyzes the impact of the UK decision to use some Huawei products.
-FT warns that India and China are both facing stagflation.

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I plan to republish here. If you want to get it directly, To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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No real deal

President Trump’s much-vaunted “deal of the century” landed with a thud today. Conceived and developed without input from the Palestinians, it gives Israel the territory it has sought in Golan, the West Bank, and Jerusalem in exchange for a $50 billion aid package and a supposedly contiguous Palestinian state.

There are lots of ambiguities, which I suppose will be resolved only once we study the 80-page text (not yet on the White House website):

  1. The President claimed in his announcement that Jerusalem will be undivided but also said there would be a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem. That doesn’t make sense.
  2. He also said Palestinian territory would be “doubled,” which by my calculation suggests that at least 10% of the West Bank (and possibly much more) would be taken by Israel without land swaps.
  3. There would be a four-year period during which Israel would not encroach further on the West Bank, but it is not clear whether this would require prior Palestinian acceptance of the plan, which is not forthcoming.
  4. The President did not mention the Jordan River valley, but given his claim that Israel’s security would not be even marginally compromised it is likely the idea is for Israel to hold on to it.
  5. The plan is said to be “conceptual” and will now be elaborated further in a joint committee, which isn’t going to happen as the Palestinians won’t go along.

What happens now? Nothing much. Most of the Arab world seems to have shunned the announcement–the President mentioned only that the Omani, Bahraini, and Emirati (he said Emiratris) were present. That would mean most of the political heavy hitters, including Egypt and Saudi Arabia, stayed away.

The main destinations for this peace plan are the political campaigns of President Trump–whose impeachment trial was ongoing while he made the announcement–and Prime Minister Netanyahu, who today was indicted on corruption charges (specifically fraud, breach of trust, and bribery). They are both hoping to get a bit of political boost out of the White House peace plan, which will likely be forgotten within days.

There is however a broader significance: the playing field has tilted against the West Bank Palestinians in recent years, in part because they have mostly abandoned violence against Israelis and internationals. It would be surprising if no one noticed how their cause has suffered from resorting to nonviolence.

Trump and Netanyahu are trying to supplant the “land for peace” formula that has prevailed in negotiations since 1967. They want “money for peace” instead. It should be no surprise that Trump views the Israeli/Palestinian conflict as requiring a real estate deal for its resolution. But then remember: Trump was no good at real estate and made most of his money franchising his name. Like so many of his deals, this one is a sales gimmick. There is no real deal.

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Stevenson’s army, January 27

The big Washington news today is the NYT report that John Bolton’s forthcoming memoir confirms that President Trump specifically linked Ukraine aid to investigations of the Bidens and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Analyzing a leak is like figuring out a murder mystery. First ask cui bono — who benefits? The answer: Bolton himself, since his book was due to be published March 17; also the House Managers of the impeachment trial, though they presumably did not have access to the manuscript; and the administration officials who believe that the president should be removed from office [people like Anonymous, who has always been vaguely cited as a “senior official”]. The Times story identifies who has copies of the manuscript:
drafts of a manuscript he has circulated in recent weeks to close associates. He also sent a draft to the White House for a standard review process for some current and former administration officials who write books.
Of course the publisher also has copies. While it could have been someone in the WH, my guess is it’s more likely to be a Bolton friend who supports impeachment. And he didn’t mind that it got reported.

Curiously, the Haberman-Schmidt story has no actual quotes from the manuscript, suggesting that they relied on descriptions or agreed not to use quotes. Another curiosity is that only a second NYT story, by impeachment reporter Noah Weiland, quantifies the sourcing, saying
Multiple people described Mr. Bolton’s account. This suggests that the original recipient of the leak got others to admit that they had seen it and confirmed the account. But what’s important is that many people knew and were willing to talk.
Despite the hype, in fact Bolton merely confirms — though at first hand — what his subordinates have already testified.
This morning, Peter Baker has an analysis.

In other news, SecState Pompeo is being properly chastised for mistreating an NPR reporter — and for poor management of State.
NYT has background on the development of the administration’s Arab-Israeli “peace plan,” which will be discussed with leading Israeli politicians this week.
Fred Kaplan reports on Congress’ truncated effort to understand presidential controls over nuclear weapons.

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I plan to republish here. If you want to get it directly, To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to stevensons-army+subscribe@googlegroups.com. You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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Peace Picks | January 27- 31

Demolishing Democracy: How Annexationism is Bulldozing Israeli Institutions| January 27, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM | The Middle East Institute | Register Here

Around the world today, peoples are contending with the “democratic recession” and the rise of illiberalism. In Israel, these phenomena are inextricably linked to and driven by the occupation, settlements, and the quest for annexation.

At the outset of 2020, Israeli annexationists — egged on by fellow travelers in the Trump Administration and the U.S. Jewish and Evangelical communities — appear to be on the cusp of achieving their goal of formal annexation of the West Bank by Israel. The current situation did not arise overnight. Rather, it is the result of a decades-long drive to transform the territories occupied by Israel in the 1967 War into an integral part of sovereign Israel. This drive has inflicted serious damage on the institutions that comprise and are supposed to defend Israeli democracy.

Today, Israel’s democratic institutions are under ever-growing threat, including attacks and delegitimization from Israeli political leaders. With a final push to formal annexation looming, the integrity and viability of these institutions – and with them, the future of Israeli democracy – hang in the balance.

At this critical juncture, Yehuda and Debra will discuss how this happened, what it would take to change course, and what all of this means for Israel’s future and the future of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Yehuda Shaul served in the IDF from 2001-2004 in the West Bank. He founded Breaking the Silence in 2004 with a group of fellow veterans. 

Debra Shushan Director of Government Affairs at J Street. 

Betrayed by an Ally: U.S. National Security in the Middle East | January 27, 2020 | 1:00 – 2:30 PM | Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies | Register Here

Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners have transferred American-made weapons to al Qaeda-linked fighters, hardline Salafi militias, and other factions waging war in the Middle East, putting U.S. national security interests in jeopardy.

Our expert panel will break down the variables surrounding this topic.


Joel Rubin: Jewish Outreach Director for the Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign 

Bassima Alghussein: CEO, Alghussein Global Strategies, Former White House Appointed Congressional Advisor

Jeff Stacey: Contributor to the New York Times 

Edward P. Joseph: Broadcast and print commentator, US Foreign Policy Professional, U.S. Veteran

Economic Sanctions: Assessing their use and implications for U.S. Foreign Policy | January 27, 2020 | 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM | Brookings Institute | Register Here

In the nearly two decades since the 9/11 attacks, the United States has expanded its use of economic sanctions to address a broad range of national security and foreign policy objectives. Through the innovative use of financial penalties and greater integration in the global banking system, sanctions have become the go-to tool of economic warfare. They are widely applicable, scalable, and can be comprehensive or targeted. Yet, with Washington’s increasing reliance on these policy instruments, serious questions remain about their long-term effectiveness and their potential to produce unintended consequences.

For sanctions to achieve strategic objectives they must be adapted to a new era of geopolitical competition and coordinated with other forms of diplomacy. To help make sense of the design, implementation, and implications of sanctions, Foreign Policy at Brookings will host a panel of experts with a combined background in the use of sanctions in Latin America, Europe, North Korea, and the Middle East.

Bruce Jones, vice president and director of the Foreign Policy program, will kick off the event with introductory remarks. He will be followed by a panel discussion with Brookings Senior Fellows Suzanne Maloney, Jung Pak, Ted Piccone, and Tom Wright, moderated by Jim Goldgeier, Robert Bosch senior visiting fellow. The session will conclude with questions from the audience.


Bruce Jones Vice President and Director at Brookings Institute

Suzanne Maloney Deputy Director of the Foreign Policy program at the Brookings Institute

Jung H. Pak Senior Fellow at the SK-Korea Foundation Chair in Korea Studies at Brookings Institute

On the Horizon: What to Expect in 2020 Wilson Center Experts Weigh In| January 27, 2020 | 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM | The Wilson Center | Register Here

In a world marked by complexity, volatility, and a din of competing agendas, the Wilson Center is the nation’s indispensable resource for decoding today’s most pressing foreign policy challenges. Leveraging its global expertise and perspective, award-winning scholarship and analysis, and a fiercely nonpartisan spirit, the Center informs actionable ideas for policymakers across the political spectrum.

Join Wilson Center experts for a global roundup of what’s on the horizon in 2020—from Russia, to Asia, to the ongoing regional trade negotiations—and what economic, political, and security trends are emerging regionally and throughout the world.


Jane Harman Director, President, and CEO, Wilson Center 

Cynthia J. Arnson Director, Latin American Program 

Robert Daly Director, Kissinger Institute on China and the United States 

Abraham Denmark Director, Asia Program 

James Dickmeyer Acting Director, The Canada Institute

Jean H. Lee Director Hyundai Motor-Korea Foundation Center for Korean History and Public Policy

Robert S. Litwak Senior Vice President and Director of International Security Studies 

Michael Morrow Senior Diplomatic Fellow

William E. Pomeranz Deputy Director, Kennan Institute

Matthew Rojansky Director, Kennan Institute

Michael Sfraga Director, Global Risk and Resilience Program and Director, Polar Institute

Duncan Wood Director, Mexico Institute

Russia in the Middle East at a Time of Growing Tensions: A View from Israel | January 28, 2020 | 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM | Woodrow Wilson Center | Register Here

As the targeted killing of Qassem Suleimani is reshaping power alignments in the Middle East, Russia is determined not to let its influence in the region weaken. From Russian weapons deliveries to Turkey and Iran, to the civilian nuclear reactor the Kremlin is helping Egypt build, to Vladimir Putin’s recent surprise visit to Syria: all of these are meant to send a message of the Kremlin’s intention to remain a player in the region. What are Russia’s strategic objectives in this moment of change? Is Russia looking to fill the power vacuum left by a weakening Iran? Two top Israeli analysts offer their perspectives.


Major General (Res.) Amos Gilead Executive Director of the Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS), IDC Herzliya; Chairman of the IPS Annual Herzliya Conference Series

Ksenia Svetlova Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Policy and  Strategy (IPS),  Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya

Middle East in 2020: A Challenge for World Peace? | January 29, 2020 | 11:00 PM – 12:30 PM | Turkish  Heritage Organization | Register Here

Please join us for a timely panel to assess the recent security developments in the Middle East and implications for the world. 


Moderator, Isil Acehan Visiting Professor, George Mason University 

Elena Pokalova Chair, College of International Security Affairs, National Defense University

James Carafano Vice President, Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy, E.W. Richardson Fellow, Heritage Foundation

The Future of Multilateral Peacebuilding | January 29, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM | United  States Institute of Peace | Register Here

In an era of rapid technological change and fraying traditional alliances, the international order that has overseen one of the most peaceful periods in human history is facing unprecedented challenges. While member states grapple with the utility and relevance of the United Nations in the 21st century, global fragility, conflict, and violence continue to escalate—exacting an enormous human toll. The imperative for collective global action to resolve the world’s most intractable conflicts has never been greater.

In light of these trends, it’s critical that the community of actors committed to global peace and security take stock of the successes, challenges, and innovations in multilateral conflict prevention, mediation, and peacebuilding. 

Join USIP, The Stimson Center, Alliance for Peacebuilding, and the United Nations Association of the National Capital Area for a timely discussion on the future of the multilateral system and the potential for practical, innovative reform with U.N. Undersecretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo, the highest-ranking American currently serving at the United Nations and the first woman to hold the position. As a precursor to the U.N.’s 75th anniversary in 2020, this event will consider how the U.N. has modernized its conflict prevention and management resources to address the changing nature of conflict; how reforms of the U.N.’s political and peacebuilding architecture have improved its effectiveness, as well as what steps are still needed; and what practical actions U.S. and international policymakers can take to support more durable multilateral peacebuilding efforts. Join the conversation with #DiCarloUSIP.


Honorable Nancy Lindborg President and CEO U.S. Institute of Peace

Ambassador Rosemary DiCarlo Undersecretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, United Nations

Ms. Victoria Holt Vice President, Stimson Center

Ambassador Jonathan Moore Acting Assistant Secretary,  Bureau of International Organization Affairs, U.S. Department of State

Ambassador Lynn Pascoe Board Member, United Nations Association of the National Capital Area; former UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs

Ms. Uzra Zeya President and CEO, Alliance for Peacebuilding 

Ambassador George Moose Vice Chairman of the Board, U.S. Institute of Peace; Advisory Council Member, United Nations Association of the National Capital Area

Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula: Different Ways, Same Goal | January 31, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Stimson Center | Register Here

The issue of denuclearization of the Korean peninsula faces diverse challenges, as the US and North Korea are driven by their own strategic goals and perspectives on how to achieve them. Further complicating this issue are the different interpretations and policy solutions by South Korean and US experts. In this time of diplomatic impasse, join experts from the Stimson Center and Korea Nuclear Policy Society for this timely discussion on how to move forward in the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.


Jenny Town Stimson Fellow and the Managing Editor of Stimson’s 38 North

Sang Hyun Lee Senior Researcher at the Sejong Institute in South Korea, and serves as President of the Korea Nuclear Policy Society (KNPS).

Yong-Sup Han Former Vice President and Professor of the Korea National Defense University and a former director of the Research Institute of National Security Affairs.

Il Soon Hwang Chair Professor of Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) and an Emeritus Professor in the School of Energy Systems Engineering at Seoul National University.

Clint Work Stimson Fellow, jointly appointed to its Security for a New Century program and 38 North

Humanitarian Aid to Venezuela: The Need for a Global Response | January 31, 2020 | 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM | Center for Strategic and International Studies | Register Here

Compared to other countries in crisis such as Syria, South Sudan, and Myanmar, Venezuela receives significantly less humanitarian aid from the international community. Venezuela’s humanitarian crisis is yet to be a significant donor priority, despite levels of displacement that rival Syria’s (currently more than 15 percent of Venezuela’s entire population), and disease and hunger levels comparable to those found in sub-Saharan Africa.

This event will feature a high level keynote speech (to be announced). Following the keynote, a panel of CSIS experts will discuss the importance of humanitarian assistance from multiple angles, including the mitigation of destabilizing factors in the region, addressing increasing flows of refugees and forced migrants to other countries, the health implications of this ongoing crisis on the population, and the steps the international community can take to assist Venezuela.


Moises Rendon Director, the Future of Venezuela Initiative and Fellow in the Americas Program

Katherine Bliss Senior Fellow, Global Health Policy Center 

Erol Yayboke Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, Project on Prosperity and Development

Jacob Kurtzer Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, Humanitarian Agenda 

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Honi soit qui mal y pense

President Trump tweeted this morning:

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump · 2hShifty Adam Schiff is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN, and probably a very sick man. He has not paid the price, yet, for what he has done to our Country!

This tweet conveys several messages:

  1. As the lead House Manager in the impeachment trial, Adam Schiff is doing a great job and making the accused President very nervous.
  2. Trump is signaling to his followers that Schiff is a legitimate target not only for criticism but also for violence.
  3. The President himself is a very sick man who has done a lot of damage to the United States–he consistently accuses opponents of doing what he is doing.

Trump has reason to be nervous. A Fox News poll today confirmed a previous CNN result that puts the percentage of Americans favoring his removal from office at 50% or higher. The tide is beginning to turn.

from fivethirtyeight.com

The question is how fast and far it will go. The Senate Republicans are trying to race through the trial without calling witnesses, knowing that any testimony or even documentary evidence would weigh against the President. Senate Majority Leader McConnell wants to complete the process well before the February 4 State of the Union address. The Democrats would prefer to hold the cloud over the President until well after that, though they too have an interest in finishing the trial so that some of their number can campaign in the primaries.

The two-thirds majority required to convict Trump still seems far out of reach. But he would be severely weakened if enough Republicans were to join the Democratic minority to get 50% to vote for removal from office. So far, there is no sign that even one Republican will break ranks, but I wouldn’t necessarily expect them to signal in advance their willingness to buck the President. Once one moves in that direction, a few others may well join.

This week’s effort to distract attention from the impeachment trial will be announcement of the President’s “peace plan” for Israel and the Palestinians. It has no chance of success at all. The Palestinians long ago decided not to talk with the Administration’s envoys, who are intent on giving a green light to annexation of large portions of the West Bank. The Palestinians can expect nothing more than a few economic sweeteners, but no state of their own or equal rights within Israel. The Trump plan is a dead letter, but it serves his domestic political interests to appear for a few days a peacemaker. If nothing else, he can declare to his roaring supporters that he deserves the Nobel Prize.

Meanwhile the Democrats are getting ready for the Iowa caucuses February 3 and the New Hampshire primary February 11. Bernie Sanders is leading in polls, but it still looks as if there will be three or four viable candidacies after New Hampshire. Nevada and South Carolina follow, but it will likely be Super Tuesday March 3, when more than 15 primaries are held, before the situation really clarifies. Trump will no doubt have choice words for whoever is emerging as a potential challenger. Honi soit qui mal y pense

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