Tag: Israel/Palestine

Israel hostage to its own right wing

The Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes was recently torched by Jewish extremists. PC: Eddie Grove
The Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes was recently torched by Jewish extremists. PC: Eddie Grove

On Wednesday, the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) in Philadelphia hosted a talk entitled The Threat from Within: Israel’s Extremist Dilemma by Barak Mendelsohn, FPRI senior fellow and associate professor of political science at Haverford College.  Mendelsohn is an Israeli expert on radical Islam, who also served in the Israeli Defense Force for five years. Alan Luxenberg  moderated. Audio of the conference can be found here.

Mendelsohn explained that most of his work focuses on jihadism, but his research on how actors interpret religion led him to probe similarities between jihadism and Jewish extremism.  A few years ago, he was an isolated voice but sadly now finds himself vindicated, with the two recent attacks at the Pride Parade in Jerusalem and at Duma in the West Bank.

A beautiful menorah lighting for Hannukah in Rabin Square, Tel Aviv.  Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated here in 1995.  PC: Eddie Grove
A beautiful menorah lighting for Hannukah in Rabin Square, Tel Aviv. Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated here in 1995. PC: Eddie Grove

Religious Jewish terrorism is not new in Israel.  There have been several attacks and attempted attacks since the 1980s.  Baruch Goldstein’s massacre of Arabs at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron in 1994 and Rabin’s assassination in 1995 are among them.  Jewish terrorism cannot be separated from the settlement project of Israel’s messianic right-wing. It incubates Jewish extremism.

Every monotheistic religion can clash with the state because of the conflict between divine authority and temporal authority.  But many religious people have found ways to reconcile God and the state.  Religious Zionism saw the emergence of Israel as part of God’s redemptive process.  Religious Zionists tolerated state action that conflicted with their preferences because the will of God was represented in the state’s authority.

Many Religious Zionists looked at the victory of 1967 as God’s plan for Israel.  They were excited to return to lost Jewish lands, especially Judea and Samaria (the West Bank).  The costly 1973 war led to gloom. Religious Jews began to sanctify land over other Jewish values, including the sanctity of life.  If the state went against this value, the state was to be opposed.

The beautiful Hurva Synagogue was raised along with the rest of Jerusalem's Jewish Quarter in 1948 by the Jordanians.  When Israel recaptured the Jewish quarter in 1967, the synagogue was rebuilt.  PC: Eddie Grove
The beautiful Hurva Synagogue was razed along with the rest of Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter in 1948 by the Jordanians. When Israel recaptured the Jewish Quarter in 1967, the synagogue was rebuilt. PC: Eddie Grove
Jews were unable to pray at the Kotel between 1948 and 1967.  During the 1967, the chief chaplain of the IDF sounded a shofar at the Kotel, which was an emotional and joyous moment for many Israelis.  PC: Eddie Grove
Jews were unable to pray at the Kotel between 1948 and 1967. During the 1967 war, the chief chaplain of the IDF sounded a shofar at the Kotel, which was a joyous emotional moment for many Israelis. PC: Eddie Grove

All Israeli governments since have pandered to Jewish extremists, not just Likud governments.  The messianic right built settlements without state authorization.  State institutions provided aid to unauthorized settlements. Many were retroactively recognized, even when built on private Palestinian land.  The IDF role in the West Bank was was to protect settlers from Palestinians, not protecting Palestinians.  When members of the messianic right took illegal actions, few were prosecuted.  The courts handed down mild sentences to those who were. Politicians granted amnesty.

In the 1990s, the view that a two-state solution was necessary became dominant among Israel’s political establishment.  But the state was unable to act according to its strategic interests and dissociate itself from the messianic right. The state found itself tied to interests that clashed with its own.  The messianic movement’s settlements built close to Palestinian cities prevented their expansion and led to increased friction and hostility.  This created a self-fulfilling prophecy that made finding a solution to the conflict more difficult.

An example of friction between settlers and Palestinians in Hebron.

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Peace picks August 10-14

1. After the Iran Deal: Regional Repercussions and Dynamics | Monday, August 10th | 12:00 – 1:30 | MEI | REGISTER TO ATTEND | The Middle East Institute (MEI) is pleased to host a discussion of expectations across the region following Iran’s agreement with the P5+1 on its nuclear program. The historic deal may end Iran’s status as a pariah state, particularly in capitals outside the region. How have leaders in Tehran indicated they may proceed? How do the Arab states and Turkey view the implications of an Iran empowered by sanctions relief and diplomatic normalization? How might regional states react if Iran steps up its interventions in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and elsewhere? And what actions are America’s allies in the region likely to want of the United States in managing Iran?  Discussing these and other questions will be MEI senior fellow Robert S. Ford, MEI scholar Thomas W. Lippman, director of the Center for Turkish Studies Gönül Tol, and senior fellow Alex Vatanka. MEI’s vice president for policy & research Paul Salem will moderate the conversation.

Israel (top left), Jordan (top right), Bahrain (bottom left) and Oman (bottom right) are four key US regional allies that likely have four different responses to the deal.  PC: Eddie Grove
Israel (top left), Jordan (top right), Bahrain (bottom left) and Oman (bottom right) are four key US regional allies that likely have four different responses to the deal. PC: Eddie Grove

2. Naval Aviation Wednesday, August 12th | 9:00-10:00 | CSIS | REGISTER TO ATTEND | Please join CSIS and the U.S. Naval Institute (USNI) for a discussion with Lieutenant General Jon Davis, Deputy Commandant for Aviation and Vice Admiral Mike Shoemaker, Commander, Naval Air Forces moderated by Admiral Joseph Pureher, USN, Ret. Vice Admiral Peter H. Daly, USN, Ret., CEO, USNI will provide an introduction.  The Maritime Security Dialogue brings together CSIS and USNI, two of the nation’s most respected non-partisan institutions. The series is intended to highlight the particular challenges facing the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, from national level maritime policy to naval concept development and program design. Given budgetary challenges, technological opportunities, and ongoing strategic adjustments, the nature and employment of U.S. maritime forces are likely to undergo significant change over the next ten to fifteen years. The Maritime Security Dialogue provides an unmatched forum for discussion of these issues with the nation’s maritime leaders.

3. Thailand and the Changing Geopolitical Dynamics of Southeast Asia | Wednesday, August 12th | 10:00 – 11:30 | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | REGISTER TO ATTEND | In the Asia-Pacific, economic development and interconnectivity is growing alongside increasing tensions between neighbor states. This is no clearer than in the fight for building Thailand’s infrastructure. Nobuhiro Aizawa will discuss how Thailand’s 2014 coup and competing infrastructure bids are altering the geopolitics and international relations of Southeast Asia. Abigail Friedman will offer comment, and Carnegie’s James L. Schoff will moderate.  Speakers include: Nobuhiro Aizawa, associate professor, Kyushu University, Abigail Friedman, founder and CEO, The Wisteria Group.  Moderator: James L. Schoff, senior associate, Asia Program,Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

4. The Threat from Within: Israel’s Extremist Dilemma | Wednesday, August 12th | 11:30 | FPRI (n.b. this event is in Philadephia but FPRI posts video and/or audio of its events) REGISTER TO ATTEND | “We have been lax in tackling Jewish terrorism,” said Israeli President Reuven Rivlin this week in response to the attacks at the gay pride parade and then the firebombing of a home in the West Bank, resulting in the burning to death of an 18-month-old child. These are not isolated incidents, however, and pose a threat to the Israeli government’s authority, Israeli democracy, and add yet another impediment to peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. We have asked Barak Mendelsohn to explore the rise of Jewish extremism in Israel, the dilemmas it poses for Israel, and what might be done to alleviate it.  Barak Mendelsohn is a senior fellow at FPRI and associate professor of political science at Haverford College. This past academic year, he served as a fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Security at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He has already written extensively on the Messianic movement inside Israel, in addition to his work on radical Islam and jihadism. He served in the IDF for 5 years and received his Ph.D. in government from Cornell University. His books include Combating Jihadism (University of Chicago Press, 2009) and The Al Qaeda Franchise (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2015).

In June, Israeli Jewish extremists torched the Church of the Multiplication (left) associated with Jesus's Multiplication of the Loaves & Fishes.  Authorities also found graffiti denouncing idol worship.  On his visit there, the author enjoyed some modern-day loaves and fishes beside the Sea of Galilee/ Kinneret (top right) in Tiberias.  Tiberias is also home to the tomb of Maimonides aka the Rambam, a Medieval Sephardic  Jewish Scholar.  Recently, Benzi Gopshtain, the head of the extremist group Lehava, used the Rambam's opinion that Christianity is idolatry as justification for torching churches. PC: Eddie Grove
In June, Israeli Jewish extremists torched the Church of the Multiplication (left) associated with Jesus’s Multiplication of the Loaves & Fishes. Authorities also found graffiti denouncing idol worship. On his visit there, the author enjoyed some modern-day loaves and fishes beside the Sea of Galilee/Kinneret in Tiberias (top right). Tiberias is also home to the tomb of Maimonides aka the Rambam, a Medieval Sephardic Jewish Scholar (bottom right). Recently, Benzi Gopshtain, the head of the extremist group Lehava, used the Rambam’s opinion that Christianity is idolatry as justification for torching churches. PC: Eddie Grove
View of the Thames River and the London Eye from St. Paul's Cathedral.  PC: Eddie Grove
View of the Thames River and the London Eye from St. Paul’s Cathedral. PC: Eddie Grove

5. From Coalition to Conservative Majority: What’s Next for UK Foreign Policy? |Wednesday, August 12th | 6:30 | British Embassy | REGISTER TO ATTEND | This past May, the United Kingdom took to the voting booths and surprised many pollsters by handing a slim majority to Prime Minister David Cameron’s Conservative Party, thereby electing the UK’s first Conservative majority government in over a decade. Meanwhile, former Tory coalition partners the Liberal Democrats, led by outgoing Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, managed to hold only about 15% of their previous seats, the Labour Party lost seats and the Scottish National Party became the third largest party in the Commons. Since the election, the UK has continued to play a major role in the international foreign policy scene, from announcing its commitment to maintaining NATO’s defense spending target of 2% of GDP to playing a leading role in negotiations on the Iran Nuclear Deal.  Young Professionals in Foreign Policy and the British Embassy invite you to join us for a post-election discussion moderated by Deputy Head of Mission to the United States, Patrick Davies. Mr. Davies, joined by a panel of experts from the Embassy, will discuss the new UK government, as the UK and its allies grapple with foreign policy issues such as combating ISIL, nuclear negotiations with Iran and EU reform.

6. Assessing the Iran Nuclear Agreement: Placing Sanctions in Context | Thursday, August 13th | 10:00-11:00 | The Heritage Foundation | REGISTER TO ATTEND | Sanctions are what convinced Iran to begin negotiations with the United States. However, the mechanics behind lifting sanctions and the differences among international, U.S. and European Union sanctions are complicated. All beg the question of how effective the Iran deal really is. This program will explore the role of sanctions in the Iran Deal. Our panelists will examine the structure of the sanctions regime, debate its various implications, and explore what we can do about it. Among the questions to be addressed are: What sanctions are currently in place on Iran? What is the difference between multi-lateral oil sanctions and unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States on Iran? Is it really possible for the sanctions to be “snapped back” if Iran violates the agreement? Would the sanctions regime really disband if there was no agreement?  Join us as our panel discusses Iran’s new sanctions regime and what it means for the future.  Panelists include: Ilan Berman, Vice President, American Foreign Policy Council, Emanuele Ottolenghi, Ph.D., Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Bruce Klingner, Senior Research Fellow, Asian Studies Center, The Heritage Foundation. Hosted by: James Jay Carafano, Ph.D., Vice President for the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy, and the E. W. Richardson Fellow, Heritage Foundation.

7. The Iran Deal: Key Issues and Controversies | Thursday, August 13th | 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm | CSIS | REGISTER TO ATTEND | Please join us for a discussion with Dr. Colin Kahl and other members of the administration on key elements of the Iran nuclear deal and its specific implications for the international community. Speakers include: Dr. Colin Kahl,
Deputy Assistant to the President and National Security Adviser to the Vice President, Jon Wolfsthal, Senior Director for Arms Control and Non-proliferation, National Security Council, Chris Backemeyer, Deputy Coordinator for Sanctions Policy, U.S. Department of State.  Moderator: Dr. Anthony H. Cordesman, Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy, CSIS.

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A nervous region wary of the nuclear deal


These could be snapshots from an Iranian bazaar, but they were all taken at Shuk Levinsky, a largely Persian market in Tel Aviv.  PC: Eddie Grove
These Iranian bazaar snapshots were actually taken at Tel Aviv’s mainly Persian Shuk Levinsky. PC: Eddie Grove

On Wednesday, the Conflict Management Program at SAIS and MEI hosted a talk entitled After the Deal: A Veteran Journalist’s View from Tehran.  Speakers included Roy Gutman, McClatchy Middle East bureau chief, and Joyce Karam, Washington bureau chief for Al-Hayat. Daniel Serwer of both SAIS and MEI moderated.  Both speakers emphasized the dynamics that caused regional players to be wary of Iran.


Early last Spring, Gutman traveled to Israel, Jordan, Egypt and Turkey.


Mount Hermon, on the border of the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, Lebanon and Syria.  A couple of weeks after the author skied there, the ski resort was evacuated after a nearby IDF vehicle was struck by an anti-tank missile fired by Hezbollah. PC: Eddie Grove
Mount Hermon, on the border of the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, Lebanon and Syria. A couple of weeks after the author skied there, the ski resort was evacuated after a nearby IDF vehicle was struck by an anti-tank missile fired by Hezbollah. PC: Eddie Grove

In Israel, he observed that the major national security concern wasn’t the Iranian nuclear program, but rather Iran’s conventional threat through the buildup of Hezbollah forces.  Israelis were disappointed that the US was leaving a security vacuum in Syria for Iran to fill.  The Israeli position on the Iran deal is difficult to understand; Israeli politicians oppose it, but Israel’s foreign policy elite considers Iranian conventional forces a larger threat.

Jordanian officials also worried about regional chaos and Iranian influence.  They were baffled by the half-hearted US response to Assad, as well as its airstrike-only response to ISIS.

Jordanian flag flying at the always windy Ajloun Castle.  PC: Eddie Grove
Jordanian flag flying at the always windy Ajloun Castle. PC: Eddie Grove

Egypt is preoccupied by terrorism and the upheaval in Libya, but Egyptian officials are also concerned about Iran’s growing influence and US inaction.

A view of Taba, Egypt from Mount Tzefahot, Eilat, Israel. PC: Eddie Grove
A view of Taba, Egypt from Mount Tzefahot, Eilat, Israel. PC: Eddie Grove

Officials in every government (aside from Turkey’s) spoke of collusion between Turkey and extremists. The Turks think the Iranians know that the US is not a determined counterpart.  They believe the US is appeasing Iran.

Gutman then traveled to Tehran to gauge the mood there.  Iran has come in from the cold after 36 years, but Tehran resents the last 36 years of US policy.  Change in Iran won’t happen fast.  Khamenei has said that Iran’s policy towards the “arrogant” US government won’t change and that Iran will keep supporting its regional allies.

Rosh HaNikra, Israel on the border with Lebanon.  PC: Eddie Grove
Rosh HaNikra, Israel on the border with Lebanon. PC: Eddie Grove

Israel views Hezbollah’s buildup as a direct threat, but Iranian officials told Gutman that the Tehran holds the trigger on Hezbollah’s weapons and won’t pull it unless Israel threatens Lebanon or Iran.  However, a former Iranian diplomat admitted that Iran has no vital interest in Lebanon or the Palestinians.  Iran also appears to have no vital interest in Yemen, but likes seeing Saudi Arabia embroiled in an unwinnable war.  Iran is unalterably opposed to the breakup of Iraq into three states.

The Maronite village of Al-Jish in Israel near the Lebanese border could be seen as a pocket of Lebanese culture inside Israel.  It contains a Maronite church (top right), and a Lebanese restaurant (top left) with delicious Lebanese food (bottom).  PC: Eddie Grove
The Maronite village of Al-Jish, Israel near the Lebanese border could be seen as a pocket of Lebanese culture inside Israel. It contains a Maronite church (top right) and a Lebanese restaurant (top left) with delicious Lebanese food (bottom). PC: Eddie Grove

Iranian officials don’t think the deal is perfect, but still see it as a win-win for both sides.  They view themselves as MENA’s most powerful and stable state.  They are glad that US has accepted them as a regional player and negotiating partner.

After the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, Iran filled the vacuum. The Iraqi Army collapsed on Iran’s watch.  Iran does not acknowledge its responsibility for this and ascribes the rise of ISIS to others.  They also believe that foreign forces fought in Deraa and refused to acknowledge Assad’s role in fomenting terrorism by releasing terrorists from prison.  Iranian officials also stated that all sectors of Lebanese society back Hezbollah’s deployment in Syria.  Iran needs a reality check.

Joyce Karam (left), Dr. Daniel Serwer (center), and roy Gutman (right). PC: Eddie Grove
Joyce Karam (left), Dr. Daniel Serwer (center), and roy Gutman (right). PC: Eddie Grove

Iran opposes the creation of a safe zone/no-fly zone in Iraq and has threatened to send basijis into Syria if this happens. Iranians don’t understand the scope of Syria’s humanitarian catastrophe or Iran’s role in it.  There are too many disagreements between the US and Iran to form a regional security agreement now.  The US needs a policy for Syria; if we don’t have a policy, others will fill the vacuum.  The US also needs an official version of what happened in Syria to counter the Iranian invented view of history.

The souq in Muscat, Oman.  Oman helped mediate between Iran and the P5+1 and has good trade relations with Iran.  It welcomed the deal.
The souq in Muscat, Oman. Oman helped mediate between Iran and the P5+1 and has good trade relations with Iran. It welcomed the deal.

Karam noted that the Arab response to the deal is less monolithic than Israel’s, but the GCC and Israel view Iran’s regional behavior similarly.  The UAE, Oman, and Turkey quickly welcomed the deal because they have good trade relations with Iran.  Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Qatar were more cautious.  The Saudis don’t view the deal as US abandonment, but they fear increased Iranian regional meddling.  Arab public opinion has shifted drastically since 2008, when 80% of Arabs viewed Iran positively.  Now only 12% do.  The Arab street is suspicious of the deal.  The US explained the deal to Arab governments, but not to their people.  The Arab street wonders whether the money Iran will gain from sanctions relief will go to funding Iranian students, or to Qassem Suleimani and more chlorine gas, barrel bombs, and Hezbollah fighters for Assad.  Assad is a costly budget item for Iran.  When will Iran realize that Assad can’t win? Nevertheless, Hezbollah keeps getting more involved in Syria.

Karam stated that the Gulf countries obtain commitments from the US at talks like Camp David, but then nothing gets done.  The US is four years behind on Syria and needs an official policy.

Serwer noted in conclusion that the regional issues would be far worse if Iran had, or were about to get, nuclear weapons.

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Shore-up Jordan before it’s too late…

Mount Nebo, from where Moses saw the promised land in Deuteronomy.  Are storm clouds gathering over Jordan?
Mount Nebo, from where Moses saw the promised land in Deuteronomy. The Dead Sea is visible in the background. Are storm clouds gathering over Jordan? PC: Eddie Grove

Ambassador Oded Eran (Senior Research Fellow, INSS, former Israeli ambassador to Jordan, the EU and NATO, and former head of the Israeli negotiating team with the Palestinians) and Eddie Grove (Research Assistant Intern, MEI and former Research Assistant Intern, INSS) co-authored an article entitled Threats to Stability in Jordan in the July 2015 issue of INSS Strategic Assessment.  The article describes the challenges that Jordan must overcome in both the short-term and the long-term to remain stable.

Despite persistent predictions of the imminent demise of the Hashemite regime, Jordan has remained stable, buoyed by international aid from the US and the GCC.  Jordan faces a growing jihadi threat, fueled largely by a poor economy and high youth unemployment.  In the short-term, Jordan’s stability will be aided by low oil prices and a temporary rise in patriotism after pilot Muath al-Kasasbeh’s murder by ISIS.  In the long-term, Jordan needs to address water and energy scarcity issues to remain stable and serve the needs of a growing population, including its many refugees.

Jordan has high unemployment, including a youth unemployment rate of ~30%.  A few key reasons for this include:

A UNHCR Syrian Refugee tent in Irbid. PC: Eddie Grove
A UNHCR Syrian Refugee tent in Irbid. PC: Eddie Grove
  1. Jordan’s education system doesn’t provide students with necessary skills for the workforce.
  2. Jordanian students often choose fields of study that aren’t in high demand in the workforce.
  3. Syrian refugees compete for informal sector jobs.

Youth unemployment, often long in duration, leads to frustration.  This frustration is compounded by a lack of avenues for political expression among Jordanian youth.  Little real reform occurred during Jordan’s relatively small-scale Arab Spring protests.

The kunafe at Habibeh in Amman, made by a family originally from Nablus, is tasty evidence that the majority of Jordan's population is originally Palestinian. PC: Eddie Grove
The kunafe at Habibeh in Amman, made by a family originally from Nablus, is tasty evidence that the majority of Jordan’s population is originally Palestinian. PC: Eddie Grove

Some discontented youth see jihadism as attractive.  Experts estimate that there are 5,000-10,000 jihadis in Jordan, and that this number may have doubled since the Arab Spring.  Jordan’s jihadis were traditionally mainly Palestinian, but growing numbers of ethnic Jordanians (East Bankers) have been joining the movement.  East Bankers have traditionally been regime loyalists and comprise the majority of the military and security services.  Cracks in their loyalty pose a serious threat to the regime.



The Shariah College in Jabal Webdeh, Amman. The Jordanian government tries to monitor the content of mosque sermons closely. PC: Eddie Grove
The Shariah College in Jabal Webdeh, Amman. The Jordanian government tries to monitor the content of mosque sermons closely. PC: Eddie Grove

The government closely watches jihadis; it arrests those who post jihadi content online and preachers who deliver extremist sermons.  According to one expert, the vast majority of Jordan’s jihadis now sympathize with ISIS. ISIS has grassroots support, if not an organized presence.  YouTube videos have shown pro-ISIS rallies in Ma’an and Zarqa and there is also evidence of ISIS sympathizers in Irbid.  As of fall 2014, there were 1000-1500 Jordanian fighters in Syria, and 8% of Jordan’s population sympathized with ISIS.  Ten percent didn’t consider ISIS a terrorist organization, and opposition to Jordan’s participation in coalition airstrikes was widespread: #ThisIsNotOurWar was a trending Twitter hashtag.

The sign in the grass at the Roman Theater in Amman has the patriotic slogan: "Hold your head high."
The sign in the grass at the Roman Theater in Amman has the patriotic slogan: “hold your head high.” PC: Eddie Grove

When Muath Al-Kasasbeh was murdered, it prompted an anti-ISIS backlash and a surge in patriotism.  A February 2015 poll showed overwhelming support for Jordan’s participation in coalition airstrikes, and that 95% of the population now considered ISIS a terrorist organization.  Confidence in PM Ensour’s government also increased.  King Abdullah urged Jordanians to “hold their heads high.”  This became a trending hashtag on Twitter.  The surge in patriotism was not universal, however, as a Jordanian MP and a high-ranking Jordanian diplomat publicly derided this new slogan.  In addition, an ISIS cell was arrested in Mafraq in March 2015, a poor city with many Syrian refugees.

Downtown Mafraq. PC: Eddie Grove
Downtown Mafraq. PC: Eddie Grove

The wave of patriotism will fade and energy costs will increase, so Jordan needs to address its water

The Jordan Valley Authority controls irrigation water in the Jordan River Valley.  It is one of Jordan's best-performing water utilities, with low NRW.  PC: Eddie Grove
The Jordan Valley Authority controls irrigation water in the Jordan River Valley. It is one of Jordan’s best-performing water utilities, with low NRW. PC: Eddie Grove

and energy scarcity issues.  Water scarcity may have been a contributory cause of Syria’s civil war, and Jordan is one of the world’s most water-scarce countries.  Additionally, ~40% of the inputs into Jordan’s water networks become Non-revenue Water (NRW).  NRW is essentially water that is not accounted for when customers are billed, due to leakage, illegal use, faulty meters, incompetent meter-readers, and poor accounting.  Israel provides Jordan with water from Lake Kinneret, and this quantity may increase in the future.  Jordan also plans to desalinate water at Aqaba.  However, solving Jordan’s water crisis requires progress on multiple fronts, including NRW reduction (with the help of the international community).  Climate change could worsen Jordan’s water woes, and comparisons between Jordan and Syria are ominous.  Water scarcity drove internal migration in Syria, which combined with other factors like corruption, unemployment and inequality to ignite the crisis.  Jordan displays similar risk factors.

A view of Aqaba from Mount Tzefahot in Eilat.  Jordan plans to desalinate water here.
A view of Aqaba from Mount Tzefahot in Eilat, Israel. Jordan plans to desalinate water at Aqaba. PC: Eddie Grove
Wadi Ziglab, one of Jordan's water reservoirs.
Wadi Ziglab, one of Jordan’s water reservoirs. PC: Eddie Grove

Jordan must also address its energy scarcity issues.  Jordan used to import natural gas from Egypt, but repeated terror attacks on the pipeline through the Sinai halted the imports and damaged Jordan economically, forcing it to import costlier petroleum products.  Low oil prices provide a temporary respite.  Fortunately, Jordan has plans to diversify its energy sources by 2020, with the following breakdown:

Jordan's deserts are ideal for solar panel generation. Wadi Rum (top), camel crossing sign near Wadi Rum (bottom left) and patches of snow near Ma'an (bottom right). PC: Eddie Grove
Jordan’s deserts are ideal for solar panel generation. Wadi Rum (top), camel crossing sign near Wadi Rum (bottom left) and patches of snow near the restive city of Ma’an (bottom right). PC: Eddie Grove
  1. 10% from wind and solar.
  2. 14% oil shale.
  3.  6% nuclear.
  4. 29% natural gas.
  5. 1% imported electricity.
  6. 40% petroleum products.
The spine of mountains that runs North-South in Western Jordan provide opportunities for wind farms.  This windy spot at Ajloun Castle is a great example.  PC: Edie Grove
The spine of mountains that runs North-South in Western Jordan provides opportunities for wind farms. This windy spot at Ajloun Castle is a great example. PC: Eddie Grove
Jordan's first planned wind farm is here in Tafileh. PC: Eddie Grove
Jordan’s first planned wind farm will be in this town, Tafileh, but little progress has been made on it. PC: Eddie Grove

Unfortunately, this won’t happen, at least not by 2020.  Israel may import gas from Israel, but this is politically challenging and Israel’s gas companies are embroiled in an anti-trust dispute with the Israeli government.  Gas from Gaza is more politically palatable for Jordan, but is unlikely to come online soon for political reasons. Jordan imports LNG from Qatar, but this is costlier than gas via pipeline.  Little progress has been made on the wind and solar projects, and Jordan’s nuclear ambitions may never come to fruition because of high costs and international opposition.  Oil shale (not to be confused with shale oil) has never before been extracted on a commercial scale and may not be viable at oil prices below $75/barrel.

Costly energy imports damage Jordan’s economy (and therefore its stability) as follows:

  1. High energy prices increase the cost of living for struggling Jordanians.
  2. Jordan’s remaining energy subsidies are a burden on the government’s budget and divert funds from key areas.
  3. Energy subsidies crowd-out private sector investment.

Energy diversification (with the help of the international community) would alleviate these issues, and help counteract the poor economic conditions that contribute to the rise in jihadism.

Israel has a strong interest in preserving Jordan’s stability, as Jordan is a buffer state.  Jordan used to

Haifa Port. PC: Eddie Grove
Haifa Port, now used to export Jordanian goods. PC: Eddie Grove

export goods through Syria, but Israel has allowed Jordan to use Haifa’s port for exports, and is improving the facilities there.  The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is always a complicating factor in Israeli-Jordanian relations; the majority of Jordan’s population is Palestinian, causing a political climate in which Jordan requires at least a semblance of progress in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations to ensure quiet domestically.  Jordan’s 2014-2015 UN Security Council membership further complicates this balancing act.

Checkpoint between Ramallah and Jerusalem (top), the Israeli settlement of Beitar Illit (bottom left),  and downtown Ramallah (bottom right). To ensure domestic quiet, Jordan ideally wants positive progress on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. PC: Eddie Grove
Checkpoint between Ramallah and Jerusalem (top), the Israeli settlement of Beitar Illit (bottom left), and downtown Ramallah (bottom right). To ensure domestic quiet, Jordan ideally wants positive progress on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. PC: Eddie Grove
A view into the area around Aqaba, Jordan from what was once an Israeli defense post.  Today, the site is part of the Eilat Botanical Gardens.  Jordan and Israel were once enemies, but are now strategic partners.
A view into the area around Aqaba, Jordan from what was once an Israeli defense post. Today, the site is part of the Eilat Botanical Gardens. Jordan and Israel were once enemies, but are now strategic partners. PC: Eddie Grove
A view of Jordan through an arrowslit at the Crusader castle of Belvoir, Israel.
A view of Jordan through an arrowslit at the Crusader castle of Belvoir, Israel. PC: Eddie Grove

To shore-up Jordan’s stability, Israel can:

  1. Increase bilateral cooperation (this has likely already happened).
  2. Expedite water and gas transfers.
  3. Allow for greater access of Jordanian products to Israel, but more importantly, the Palestinian market.
  4. Increase its use of Jordan’s port of Aqaba, which could produce mutual benefits.


In addition, the US and GCC must keep up financial assistance to Jordan, but ensure that this assistance addresses long-term issues. The immediate risk posed by ISIS is likely not a frontal attack. ISIS rather seeks to exploit pockets of poverty and unemployment within Jordan, including among East Bankers.  Financial resources are needed to prevent this.

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Fear of diplomacy


Sorry I can’t embed John Oliver’s commentary here at peacefare.net, but it is worth a few minutes to go enjoy it over at Youtube.

I can however offer this

from Connecticut’s Senator Chris Murphy, who is less funny but easily more interesting. His talk this morning at the Carnegie Endowment put the nuclear deal in the context of a Washington that is shies away from diplomacy–too risky–and tilts instead towards war, for which America is amply well-prepared. He also suggested that rejection of the deal would leave the US no other serious alternative, as the multilateral sanctions, constraints on Iran’s nuclear program and international inspections would evaporate.

This is the vital link in the logic that should lead to support for the deal even among those who don’t like it. Rob Satloff, whose writing I generally admire, argues that it is a false logic. The Congress can reject this deal, he suggests, and still get a satisfactory outcome. I find his argument thoroughly unpersuasive, stringing together an unlikely sequence of events that doesn’t even get us far into the future without resorting to war. Nor does he consider the reaction of the other countries that negotiated the deal.

Senator Murphy is far more realistic. He understands, I think, that rejection of this deal would be the equivalent in our time of Congress’ rejection of President Wilson’s League of Nations. It would put the US in the position of going to war as the only remaining resort rather than implementing an agreement four other permanent members of the UN Security Council find acceptable. Even Saudi Arabia and Israel, now strident opponents of the Iran nuclear deal, would not applaud the US as Iranian missiles rain down on Tel Aviv and the Kingdom’s oil fields. Instead they will be arguing for US ground forces to stop the barrage.

What happens if we reject the deal and refuse to destroy the Iranian nuclear program? Then Iran gets nuclear weapons quickly. Anyone worried about Iranian troublemaking in the region–an entirely well-founded concern–would then have a lot more to be concerned about. A nuclear Iran would no doubt throw its weight around more rather than less.

The Senator made a few other points worth mentioning in his post-speech conversation with Karim Sadjadpour. Even with the deal in force, he thinks the US will retain the right to impose sanctions on Iran for reasons other than nuclear issues. He suggested we would do so if Iran were to execute a terrorist bombing of Israeli tourists, for example. The Senator admitted that US companies are likely to be at a disadvantage in the competition for Iranian business. He thought US anti-bribery legislation would help to protect the business Americans do from capture by regime hardliners.

The Senator was hesitant on one issue: restoring diplomatic relations with Iran. That’s a long way off he suggested. He admitted that the US will need a real presence in Iran to ensure implementation of the agreement but was unwilling to commit to an interest section, suggesting instead that the IAEA inspectors might suffice.

In my view, they won’t, because their remit is entirely technical. I served seven years abroad in US embassies working nonproliferation issues. I think we need our own people in a diplomatically protected facility in Tehran, if only on two and three week trips. But maybe the time is not yet ripe for that proposal. Let’s get the agreement through the uphill fight in Congress first.

PS: If John Oliver didn’t satiate your taste for videos, try this less funny one from Jon Stewart last night (with President Obama).

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Netanyahu v Hammond

This is about as good an exchange as you are going to find on the Iran nuclear deal:

From my point of view, it is telling that Netanyahu says absolutely nothing about how multilateral sanctions, international inspections and technological constraints on Iran’s nuclear program would be maintained in the absence of a deal. He simply repeats that he wants maintenance of sanctions and a better deal, one that somehow ends burning of Israeli flags in Tehran as well as other odious Iranian behavior. I’d like a pony too.

Note also: Netanyahu suggests North Korea developed its nuclear weapons while under IAEA monitoring. That is not really true. Pyongyang ejected the inspectors and withdrew from the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 2003. It first tested a nuclear weapon in 2006. Of course Iran could also withdraw from the NPT, but the agreement reached this week includes the following sentence:

Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop or acquire any nuclear weapons.

You can believe it or not, but it certainly goes beyond previous commitments Iran has made in writing.

I’d score this bout a win for Hammond, but admittedly that is the direction in which I lean. There simply is no good alternative to an agreement. Whether this one is the best we could get or not, it is now the only one available. Netanyahu and other opponents will soon be screeching about the need to implement it to the letter and complaining about every conceivable Iranian deviation.

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