Tag: Saudi Arabia

Game changer

Politics and Policy in the New Middle East:  that’s what they are calling the Middle East Institute 2011 Annual Conference at the Grand Hyatt, 1000 H Street:

Wednesday, Nov. 16th

6:00pm:  Kickoff Banquet:  Keynote by Bill Burns, DepSecState; awardees Lakhdar Brahimi and Esraa Abdel Fattah

Thursday, Nov. 17th


8:45 – 9:00am: Opening Remarks: Ambassador Wendy Chamberlin, President MEI

9:00-10:30am: After the Arab Spring: Assessing US Policy In the Middle East

10:45am-12:15pm: The Road Ahead for Emerging Arab Democracies

12:30-2:10pm: Keynote Luncheon:  Samih al-Abed and Yossi Beilin

2:15-3:45pm: Shifting Regional Power Dynamics in an Era of Change

4:00-5:30pm: Economic and Development Strategies for a Middle East in Transition

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There are worse fates

The annual EU Forum, a confab sponsored by the Paris-based European Union Institute for Strategic Studies and SAIS’s Center for Transatlantic Relations, convened Thursday and Friday in Washington to focus American and European luminaries on the thing we all call the Arab Spring, even though we know it started last winter, varies from country to country and may not have results as upbeat as the appellation implies.  Almost entirely missing from the day and a half conference were Arab voices.  This was an opportunity for the “the West” to put its heads together, not for the revolutionaries or the oppressive regimes to offer their narrative.

They were nevertheless much present in the minds of the participants, who leaned towards enthusiasm for the values of the protesters, as well as their energy and determination, while worrying about the impact on Western interests. The three big areas of worry arise from

  • the Islamists:  what do they really mean by sharia law?  will they really play fair in democracy?
  • increased Arab support for the Palestinians:  will it make the Israel/Palestine equation even more difficult to solve?
  • sectarianism (will it lead to civil wars and possible spillover to other countries, especially in Syria, Lebanon and Yemen?

Underlying all was a sense that the West has precious few resources with which to respond effectively to the revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya, to the continuing repression in Syria and Yemen, or to the reforms in Jordan and Morocco, never mind the still solid autocratic regimes in the Gulf or the fragmented polity in Palestine. No one seemed to feel Western credibility or influence was strong, especially in light of the long-standing support (and arms) both Europe and the U.S. had given to Arab autocracies in the past (and continue to provide to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and others even now).  And everyone was aware that the Chinese, Turks, Brazilians, Indians and other emerging powers will play increasing roles in the Middle East, offering contracts and aid on terms far less complex and burdensome than those of the West.

The Europeans nevertheless came with a strong sense that the Middle East is their “southern neighborhood” and they need to up their game in response to changes that will affect their interests directly, whether through immigration, economic interdependence, oil and gas supplies, contracts, investment and myriad other ties.  Precisely what they are going to do about it was not clear, and there was a strong sense that European policy on the Arab Spring has been re-nationalized.  The British and French in particular are carving out their own distinct approaches, taking advantage of their forward role in the NATO military action against Qaddafi, while other countries are lagging and the EU itself is still contemplating the interior walls of the Berlaymont.

The Americans would like to focus more on Asia, not only Afghanistan/Pakistan but also China and North Korea as threats to national security.  It was clear to all that Europe would not share this Asian interest to the same degree, but yesterday’s talk of Chinese financing to back the euro might change a few minds on that score.  The problem for the Americans is that the Asian challenge requires a very different set of policy instruments from the Arab Spring, which apart from Egypt and Yemen Washington might rather leave primarily to the Europeans (no one of course says this quite so bluntly, but if you follow the money that is what they mean).  Everyone expects, though, that NATO will remain somehow important and in the end the only real military instrument capable of effective power projection available to the Europeans.

There were lots of other points made.  Trade and investment are far more important than aid.  We need to be talking not only with secular women but also with Islamist women.  Liberal economic reform, associated in Egypt and other countries with the old regimes, is in trouble, at least for the moment.  Civil society in the Arab Spring countries needs Western support, but it should not be done through governmental channels but rather by nongovernmental organizations like the American National Endowment for Democracy (and the talked about European Endowment for Democracy).  Western conditionality should focus on transparency and accountability rather than specific policy prescriptions.

I could go on, but I trust the sponsors will be doing a far better job of writing up in due course, and tweets are available from EUISS for those really interested.  Bottom line:  the West is fading even as its values spread.  There are worse fates.



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Tehran’s options

While the world debates the significance of the Hamas/Israel prisoner exchange, let me turn back to something that really counts for the United States:  Iran’s nuclear program.  In the aftermath of the Iran(Car)Tel plot, friend Rashad Mahmood, formerly of Cairo, asks “What would be reasonable Iranian policy to having their nuclear scientists killed (by admittedly much finer spycraft since they haven’t aired any proof of who has done it)?”

This is a reasonable question with some scary answers.   Let’s look at some of the (not mutually exclusive) options:

1. They can respond by killing the nuclear scientists of those countries they think responsible for the attacks on their own (presumably Israel, but as Rashad says there is no proof in the public domain).  I assume they’ve tried this and haven’t succeeded, or at least we haven’t heard about it.

2. They can accelerate their nuclear program, hide it better, protect the people who work in it and try to get nuclear weapons as soon as possible.  They may be trying, but they appear to be failing.

3.  They can begin to wonder whether the nuclear program is worth the trouble it is causing and reach an arrangement that reassures friends and foe alike that Iran will not develop nuclear weapons even if it acquires the “fuel cycle” technology required to do so.  President Ahmedinejad has proposed something along these lines, but no one is taking him seriously yet, so far as I can tell.

4. They can kill diplomats or citizens of third countries, say Saudi Arabia, that may have little to do with the killing of the Iranians but are hated enemies anyway.

My impression is that they’ve tried at one time or another Nos. 1-3, so far without success.  No. 4 doesn’t make any sense to me, but maybe it does to someone in Tehran (and certainly it does to some in DC).  The jury is still out on the extent of official Iranian involvement in the IranTel plot.

Meanwhile, the Obama Administration seems to me to be doing the right thing:  keeping the focus on the nuclear program and ratcheting up sanctions implementation.  This may not bring immediate results, but at least it provides some incentive for no. 3.  The trick is knowing when to take Ahmedinejad’s proposition seriously.  It is really difficult for outsiders to judge when the right moment comes–we are going to have to trust the White House to call that shot.

Here is the version of what Ahmedinejad has said about limiting uranium enrichment published by the Washington Post:

Q:  I understand that you were in favor of the deal you had reached with the United States in 2009, according to which the U.S. would sell you 20-percent-enriched uranium in exchange for Iran exporting low-enriched uranium. But you were attacked by your critics and came under assault and people here could not reach a consensus and the deal fell apart.

Ahmedinejad:  In Iran, people are free to express their views. Every day some people criticize the policies of the government. This doesn’t mean that the government is going to abandon their policies. We felt that they wouldn’t give us the fuel required here for our reactor. There were some political leaders who gave interviews in the United States and Europe and they said they want to keep Iran from having access to such fuel. So we realized that they wouldn’t give us that fuel so we had to do it ourselves. Even if they gave us now uranium grade 20 percent, we would not continue with the production of this fuel.

Q:  So if the United States sold you the enriched uranium, would you stop enriching yourselves?

Ahmedinejad:  Yes. We don’t want to produce uranium of 20 percent. Because they did not give us that uranium, we had to make our own investments. If they start to give us that uranium today, we will stop production.

Q:  You reached a deal in Geneva in 2009, and you came back here and the deal fell apart here, and now people in Washington don’t believe a deal is possible.

Ahmedinejad: If they give us uranium grade 20 percent, we would stop production. Those negotiations took place in Vienna. Apparently they know everything. I repeat: If you give us uranium grade 20 percent now, we will stop production. Because uranium grade 20 percent can only be used for such reactors, nothing else.

This is the proposition some commentators think worth considering.  Many think it a mirage, but time is on Tehran’s side:  even if their nuclear program has slowed, they will eventually get there if there is no verifiable agreement for them to stop.

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IranTel: how should the U.S. respond?

I tweeted this question yesterday:  “Do those who think Quds too smart for this operation think we are dumb enough to blame it on them without evidence?”  The operation in question is the alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington.

My Twitterfeed was divided on the answer.  About as many retweeted the question as replied “yes.”  Those who replied yes had several reasons, mainly linked to the idea that the U.S. is looking for an opportunity to go to war with Iran.  Past U.S. behavior, including WMD in Iraq, was mentioned.  I am old enough to have lived through the Gulf of Tonkin incident.  Remember the Maine.

Several said maybe, that more evidence is needed to decide.  I’m with them.  There have been several alleged terrorist plots over the past decade that have collapsed like souffles.  But we need to ask for more details and confirmation to decide whether this will be one of them.  I hope energetic young reporters looking for their first Pulitzer are hard at work [note to Adam Serwer:  get busy!]

That said, if the Administration believes that Iran backed this cockamamie plot, it needs to come up with an appropriate response.  It has already added four Quds force dodos to the sanctions list.  That’s enough if you think those people were directly involved but without higher approval.  It’s not enough if you think this was truly an approved operation.

The Pentagon is letting it be known it regards this as a diplomatic and legal issue, not a military one.  I don’t see anyone in the Administration ready even for a cruise missile attack on Quds force headquarters, though I suppose we might not know about that until it was over.  They seem intent on naming and shaming, likely through a UN Security Council resolution.  That’s a good idea, as it would get Russia and China lined up for further sanctions on Iran.  But it isn’t going to be easy.  Ambassador Rice has proved adept in the past.  Let’s hope she can repeat.

What more can be done?  We’ve got some time while the journalists sort out whether the plot was real and how deeply it reached into the Iranian power structure, so let’s consider the options

  • Republican Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois is calling for a ban on transactions with Iran’s Central Bank.
  • Another possible sanctions target is Iran’s oil exports of 2.4-5 million barrels per day.
  • Tom Gjelten is reporting that Saudi Arabia  might jack up its oil production to bring down Iranian oil revenues.
  • State Department is trying to get other countries to tighten existing sanctions, which apparently failed to stop a payment from the Quds force to what it thought was a Mexican cartel account through a third country.

Blocking transactions to and from Iran’s Central Bank would have a devastating impact on the Iranian economy, but it is hard to see how we are going to convince Iran’s major trading partners to join such a move.  We’d need to make some sort of exception for food and other humanitarian goods, unless we are ready to find ourselves accused of starving the Iranian population into submission.  Iraq’s Oil for Food program is a precedent, one that was rife with corruption and exploitation by the regime we were supposed to be sanctioning.

China gets over 500,000 barrels of oil per day from Iran, 15% of its consumption.  Beijing is not going to give that up easily.  Nor will Japan, India or South Korea–Iran’s other major markets for oil.

Saudi Arabia may not have enough excess capacity to boost oil production much.  If they try, current weakness in the market risks could send prices spiraling downwards past what even the Saudis will appreciate.

Tightening existing sanctions sounds practical, but it is not the stuff of a clear and compelling diplomatic signal.

So let’s have a contest:  excluding the four things I’ve mentioned here, and leaving aside military action, what measures should be included in the options for President Obama in considering how to respond to Iran’s plot with what it thought was a Mexican cartel to assassinate the Saudi ambassador?

Do I dare call it the IranTel plot?




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They lead, we support

The European Union Institute for Strategic Studies asked “what’s next and whose job is it?” for transformations in the Arab world.  Here is how I replied:

It is not for Europeans and Americans to lead. It is the citizens whose rights have been abridged who have to in the first instance lay claim to better.

First and foremost the next step is the job of the Arabs:  the Tunisians, Egyptians and Libyans in the first wave, the Yemenis and Syrians in what I hope will be a second wave.  They know what they want better than we do, and judging in particular from the Tunisians and Libyans they are quite capable of setting the direction.  The situation in Egypt is much less clear, as the protesters settled for a military takeover and are now having second thoughts, even as others try to pull Egypt in a nationalist direction that most of the revolutionaries would not want to pursue.

That said, they are going to need help.  It seems to me that interests dictate that Europe take the lead on Libya and Tunisia while the Americans play a stronger role in Yemen and Egypt.  The odd one out is Syria; sustaining the protest effort there for long enough to bring about real change will require commitment from both the Americans and the Europeans.  In all these cases, Western influence will have to contend with Arab efforts that may sometimes pull in opposite directions.

Nor should the West forget the need for reform elsewhere:  Bahrain of course, but also Saudi Arabia.  The ageing Saudi monarchy (not just the ageing king) and the ferocious crackdown in Bahrain pose real questions about longer-term stability.  The Americans stand on the front line with both of these questions, as they also do with Iran.  There is no reason why the spring should only be Arab.

Barack Obama, like his predecessor, has made it clear that “all men are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights” does not stop at the water’s edge.  It is written in our political DNA and we carry it abroad, like it or not.  But the imperative does not stop at the ideal.  If we care about the long-term security of our energy supplies, we’ll have to be ready to support those who cry out for their rights and avoid being caught on the wrong side of history.

But it is not for Europeans and Americans to lead.  It is the citizens whose rights have been abridged who have to in the first instance lay claim to better.  We can only support their efforts.  And we’ll have our hands full doing even that much.

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Step aside

I discussed current events in Syria and the Obama Administration call for Bashar al Assad to step aside, along with a bit of Libya, this morning on C Span’s Washington Journal:


Here are the notes I did for myself on Syria in preparation:

1.  The contest continues:

  • Military assault is undiminished, security forces still united
  • Demonstrators trying to mark beginning of the end

2.  The international community is speaking louder and with a more unified voice

  • U.S. “step aside” echoed in Europe, Turkey had already given “final warning”
  • Arab ambassadors withdrawn:  Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi, Tunisia
  • Europe getting ready to bar oil imports
  • UN fact finding report “scathing”:  torture, murder, disappearances, arbitrary arrests,  supposedly going this weekend (Navi Pillay and Valerie Amos)
  • IAEA found NPT violation
  • Unrelated, I think, to current events:  Syria disqualified from 2014 World Cup!
  • Diplomatic observers possible

3.   Bashar still has internal and external pillars intact

  • Iran solid, Russia still protecting in UNSC
  • Army and business community still backing him
  • Republican Guard (10k) and 4th armored division show no signs of cracking:  Deraa, Banias, Homs, Idlib
  • Shabbiha still active

4.  Opposition strong

  • Widespread protests
  • Still relatively weak in Aleppo and Damascus, but growing
  • Good unity:  several iterations, now Syrian National Council
  • Good nonviolent discipline, though some arms
  • Good planning


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