Tag: Syria


Two things are overdue:  a forceful international community reaction to the violent repression in Syria, and an agreement for President Saleh of Yemen to leave power.

The Syrian situation is getting downright ugly, with the regime claiming it is fighting terrorists.  Tanks, machine guns and random sniper killings were the weapons of choice yesterday in Deraa, the epicenter of the protests so far.  We can expect similar action to be taken elsewhere, if the regime has the military resources to deploy.  Lots of protesters have been rounded up for interrogation.  The pattern book here is Gaddafi’s, with echoes of Saddam Hussein:  random violence to reinstate fear, which then keeps most people in line.

The State Department has urged all Americans to leave Syria.  This may seem pro forma and irrelevant, but it isn’t:  we saw in Libya how Washington hesitates to take vigorous action until U.S. citizens and embassy staff are safe.  So far as I know, essential embassy staff are remaining in Damascus.  The U.S. citizens in Syria will include not only tourists and Syrian Americans, but notably also Defense Department scholarship students studying Arabic at Damascus University.

The key to success for the protesters in Syria is their relationship with the security forces.  The large army is mostly conscripts with short tours of duty.  If they can get the security forces to hesitate in using violence, there is real hope of success.  This will require a level of mass mobilization and nonviolent discipline that will be difficult to achieve.  Protesters in small numbers are easy prey to regime violence, and attacks against the security forces will only bring massive violence in reprisal.

Washington is said to be working on “targeted” sanctions against individuals in the Syrian regime responsible for ordering the attacks on demonstrators.  There are also signs of a condemnatory UN Security Council resolution in the works.  Both are good ideas, even if late in the game.  An International Criminal Court threat of indictment against the regime leadership seems to me less than credible, since Bashar al Assad will certainly not allow investigators into the country.  More useful would be frank talk from Turkey, which has improved its relations with Syria of late and wants to play a peacemaker role in the Middle East.

The real game though is Iran, which now appears to be encouraging and assisting the crackdown in Syria.  The day Tehran becomes convinced that the crackdown is counterproductive is the day it will end.  We may have to wait for a long time for that day, or the day Bashar agrees to step aside, so the protesters need to get ready for a long and difficult haul.

In Yemen, the now negotiated agreement appears to provide for President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down within 30 days, turning power over to a handpicked vice president while the president’s family members remain in their jobs, in exchange for immunity from prosecution for the president and his family.  The most detail I’ve seen includes this:

The two-page draft deal, reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, doesn’t mention defense or counterterrorism issues. People familiar with the document say the U.S. and Gulf Arabs expect that Mr. Saleh’s son and nephews—who run the country’s intelligence service, Republican Guard and elite Interior Ministry forces and are key counterterrorism liaisons for American officials—would remain in their positions until new elections….

According to the proposed plan, a vice president chosen by Mr. Saleh would take over after the 30-day period, running the country along with a parliament in which 50% of seats are controlled by the ruling party, 40% are controlled by the opposition, and the rest are reserved for undefined “others.”

This is the smooth transition the U.S. seeks to protect its interests in maintaining the counterterrorism campaign against Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.  It sounds to me as if it more than adequately protects Saleh.

The protesters are now said to have agreed with the plan, which the political party opposition negotiated.  The remaining question is when it will be announced officially, setting the 30-day clock in motion.  That will require a push from the international community–Saleh won’t jump on his own.  If this is the plan everyone accepts, best to get on with it.

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Syrians need even more courage

AJ English is doing what it can to cover events in Syria from nonprofessional footage, as journalists have been kept out:

Brian Whitaker, whose al-bab.com is one of the best blogs covering the Arab world, is being widely cited today for saying about Syria:

For the regime, the only tool left now is repression, and in the long run that will seal its fate. The question is how long.

Of course in the long run we are all dead, but I wish I shared his confidence that repression will not succeed. One need only recall popular rebellions that did not succeed in Burma, Thailand, Belarus, Venezuela and elsewhere to be reminded that autocratic regimes sometimes do manage to repress their opponents. The outcome in Syria is not yet obvious to me, much as I might wish Whitaker correct.

As President Obama has suggested, Bashar al Assad is being egged on and assisted by Tehran, which will regard the Syrian repression as a quid pro quo for Saudi intervention in Bahrain. This is cynical and ugly, but sometimes cynical and ugly succeeds.  As Babak Rahimi says in a piece for the Jamestown Foundation yesterday:

If successful in its reaction to the events in Syria, Tehran will be able to reinforce its national interests and expand its reach in the region. If Syria is unsuccessful in subduing its revolt and goes the route of Egypt, then Iran will lose a major strategic ally and access to Hezbollah in Lebanon, which could have a major impact on Iran’s position in the Middle East.

If Babak is correct, and I think he is, it is puzzling that the Americans have waited so long to express their displeasure with the repression in Syria.

Of course it may well be that the demonstrators are better off without overt American assistance, which the regime would no doubt use to tar them as foreign stooges.  But that label for the moment seems more appropriate for Bashar al Assad, who is clearly getting Iranian encouragement and support.

The Syrian demonstrations yesterday were widespread, but not overwhelming in numbers, and the regime showed little hesitation in mowing down its opponents, killing upwards of 75.  That however is a smallish number in the history of repression in Syria.  Bashar is trying desperately to prevent Damascus from erupting.  It is not pre-ordained that he will fail–a lot of people in Damascus owe their jobs to the regime, which has husbanded the spoils less greedily than Gaddafi in Libya.

Syrians still need to decide how much they want change, and how much change they want.  No one should presume to tell its citizens that they have to risk their lives.  That is for them to decide, I hope in numbers so large that the outcome Whitaker predicts will come sooner rather than later.

PS: Courage does not appear to be lacking. This crowd chanting “the people want to topple the regime” is in Zabadani, near the Lebanese border, tonight:

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Not so Good Friday

I had originally said it was best in Syria, but as the news of dozens of deaths at the hands of security forces comes out that would be wrong. The demonstrations were not massive (thousands rather than hundreds of thousands) but widespread. Wissam Tarif circulated this from Zabadani, a Damascus Suburb, with demonstrators chanting “people want to topple the regime”:

President Bashar al Assad seems unlikely to fall right away, but the protests have already gone farther in Syria than many people anticipated. As I noted originally, what they lack still is mass–they are too small for safety, which of course discourages more people from joining them. The security forces have already killed a dozen or more today. PS (note added at noon): it looks like at least two dozen now. PPS (note added at 3:30 pm): it looks like more.

In Yemen, President Saleh is still playing rope-a-dope, seeming to accept proposals for transition while imposing conditions he knows the opposition won’t accept. The GCC is proving ineffective in mediating, but there is no surprise in that. But the demonstrations today are big in both Sanaa and Taiz.

Today’s big news in Libya is the American introduction of Predator drones into the fight, a unique capability some believe will make a difference by enabling more precise targeting in built-up areas. I do hope it will work, but Admiral Mullen is talking stalemate. Jeffrey White at the Washington Institute argues well that stalemate favors Gaddafi. NATO needs to end this war successfully, and soon.

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Has the time come for Syria?

It is hard to do better the day before a showdown in Syria than spending an hour with Joshua Landis and Ammar Abdulhamid of the Tharwa Foundation:

Landis has not been thinking the regime would crumble now.  But these things are difficult to predict.  Ammar is right that nonviolence is the way to go.

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Lessons from Serbia applied in Middle East and North Africa

The press has caught on to some of the connections between Serbia’s Otpor legacy and popular rebellions in the Middle East and North Africa.  Srdja Popovic is one of the links.  Here is his presentation at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies on April 1, 2011.  A powerpoint is no substitute for Srdja, but I can’t figure out (yet) how to upload him to a blog post!

Also in PDF

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If only we had 10 plagues to send

It’s the second night of Passover and Bashar al Assad is still not letting his people go. The notion that he can get away with abolishing the emergency law from the books but continuing to shoot demonstrators illustrates how thoroughly imbued with authoritarianism this supposed paragon of reform really is. As I said yesterday, Syrians can accept it or they can press on for something better.

What they should not do is look to the international community for much help. There is no military option in Syria. The Americans have supposedly been providing assistance to an anti-regime broadcaster operating from London, and in due course it will no doubt come out that someone or other (most likely American or Serbian, maybe Tunisian or Egyptian) has provided training to the protesters in what is properly termed these days “nonviolent conflict.” I have no doubt my own image, which appears repeatedly in the film Bringing Down A Dictator (about the fall of Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia) is familiar to both the Syrian police and demonstrators. But none of the above amounts to any substantial assistance.

The Iranians are accusing the Saudis and Jordanians of pumping up the demonstrations. That seems unlikely, to say the least.  Amman has its own problems.  Riyadh’s preference for stability seems to extend to Bashar al Assad, despite the Saudi rivalry with Damascus for influence in Lebanon and Syria’s alignment with Tehran. The Syrian protesters are mainly on their own, as much as the Tunisians and maybe more than the Egyptians before them.

The lack of substantial foreign support should not discourage. The protesters are better off being genuinely and profoundly Syrian. What they lack is mass, which comes from inside the country. It is mass that protects the protesters and strains the regime. If the demonstrations are going to succeed, the protesters are going to have to convince many more Syrians to join them in the streets and to stay there for an extended period. This will require extraordinary nonviolent discipline, organizational acumen, and good humor.

Unfortunately, there is no modern equivalent of the ten Biblical plagues. I would gladly call them down on Bashar, whose cynical reform/violence trick should not succeed on the merits. But life isn’t fair, and Syrians will have to make their own good fortune.

Second Seder tonight, and you can be sure I’ll be putting in a good word for them.

Souk al Hamidiyeh, Damascus
The Talisman Hotel and the mosque beyond, Old City, Damascus
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