Tag: United Nations

More thunder, no lightning

The UN General Assembly today passed a resolution supporting the Arab League plan for Syria, which would have Bashar al Assad step aside from his presidency and turn over power to his vice president, who would form a broad coalition government and initiate a democratic transition.  The vote was 137 to 12, which is pretty lopsided even in the UNGA, where lopsided votes are common.

The opponents were:  Belarus, Bolivia, China, Cuba, DPRK, Ecuador, Iran, Nicaragua, Russia, Syria, Venezuela, Zimbabwe.  This is a crew that needs a name:  something like the antidemocrats, but snappier.

So what practical effect will this have?  Hard to say, but the legal effect is nil.  UNGA resolutions are like preseason football:  the games may be well played and show off talent, but they have no direct impact on the standings.  Only UN Security Council resolutions have legal effect.

But legal effect isn’t everything and doesn’t guarantee implementation either.  The important thing is that the “international community” has made an appropriate noise in response to Bashar al Assad’s military assault on Syria’s citizens.  This will weaken Bashar’s position both internationally and within Syria and give inspiration to his opponents, who will also bemoan international community ineffectiveness.

The real question is what should be done now.  Some will want to resort to military intervention or arming the Syrian Free Army.  This is a serious error in my book.  The worst outcome for the U.S. is a prolonged civil war in Syria, which could have a destabilizing impact on Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey and more widely.  “Safe areas” and “humanitarian corridors” would, in the absence of Syrian government cooperation, require major military intervention.

As Mona Yacoubian, Randa Slim and Aram Nerguizian were at pains to make clear this morning at a Stimson/Middle East Institute Event, there are diplomatic and political courses of action that still need to be played out:

  • The U.S. should lead on getting a “Friends of Syria” group up and running;
  • The Arab League and Turkey should lead on pressing the Syrian opposition to unify;
  • Sanctions implementation needs to be tightened, especially by the Arab League;
  • The U.S. and Turkey need to court Russian support, on grounds that their interests require a good relationship with whatever comes after Bashar;
  • The Syrian opposition has to work on peeling away Sunni and Christian merchant, as well as military, support for the regime.

As Randa Slim noted, what helps the regime is fear of instability on the one hand and Islamism on the other.  These fears would get worse with military intervention, not better.  We need more thunder, no lightning.

PS:  Somehow this “Dancing and chanting around an independence flag in Qudaysa, Damascus” tweeted by @LeShaque and retweeted by Robert Mackey grabs me this morning. It is a lot more expressive than the important, if dull, session of the UNGA yesterday and reminds us of what the resolution is really about:

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A rose is a rose

Gertrude Stein might just as well have said “Macedonia is Macedonia.”  The trouble is, the Greeks don’t like to hear it.

This is one of the least interesting problems resulting from the breakup of former Yugoslavia.  Its “Republic of Macedonia,” one of six republics  that constituted Socialist Yugoslavia, became independent in 1991.  But Greece, its neighbor to the south, objected to the use of “Macedonia,”  claiming that appellation belongs exclusively to Greece and its use by the northern neighbor implied territorial claims to Greek territory.  The newly independent country entered the United Nations as The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (last time I was there it was alphabetized under “T” on the voting board at the UN General Assembly).

Athens and Skopje signed an “interim accord” in 1995 supposedly regulating the issue, but Greece claims Macedonia (oops, The FYROM) has violated it while the International Court of Justice (ICJ) decided last December that Greece had definitely violated it by blocking The FYROM’s entry into NATO at the Bucharest Summit in 2008.  There is an opportunity to correct this injustice at the NATO Summit in Chicago in May. Efforts to resolve the issue have been ongoing since the early 1990s in UN-sponsored talks, mediated since 1994 by New York lawyer Matt Nimetz.

Macedonia already has a pretty good deal on the name issue.  Just about everyone calls the country by the name Skopje prefers, and many countries (including the U.S.) have formally recognized it as the “Republic of Macedonia.”  Greece does not, but why should anyone care about that?

The unfortunate answer is that Athens can veto Skopje’s membership in NATO as well as any further progress towards membership in the EU.  Macedonia is already a candidate for EU membership but hasn’t got a date for the start of negotiations, which is an important milestone that Athens is holding hostage.

NATO membership is also important to Macedonia, which counts itself as part of the West and has deployed troops to Afghanistan under NATO command.  Alliance membership is a goal sought by both Albanians (who constitute about one-quarter of the population) and Macedonians.  It also, by the way, should end any lingering Greek fears of irredentist claims to its territory by Skopje.

The problem for Macedonia is the veto, not the name.  While there is virtue in continuing the effort to resolve the name issue, it might be wise for Skopje to stop pounding on Matt Nimetz’s door this spring for a solution to a problem Athens has but Skopje does not.  Skopje needs to go directly to Athens and mount a serious effort to convince Greece to allow it into NATO under the interim accord as The FYROM.  The ICJ decision requires nothing less.

A Macedonian joked with me recently that he would personally push a statue of Alexander the Great that has offended Greek sensibilities from Skopje to the Greek border if Athens would allow Macedonia into NATO in Chicago.  I doubt Athens is interested in the statue, but the joke points in the right direction.  Skopje needs to find out what Athens needs that Macedonia can provide.  If the government won’t discuss the issue of NATO membership, then Macedonia should find thinktanks and academics in Greece who will.

At the same time Skopje should be working with the Macedonian and Albanian American communities to make sure that the mayor of Chicago, once right hand to President Obama, raises this issue with the White House.  So far it is studiously avowing support for Skopje but doing nothing to pry open the NATO door.  Vice President Biden, when he was a senator, opposed use of “Macedonia,” which is too bad since he holds the Balkans portfolio.

Greece is vulnerable at the moment because of its parlous financial situation, but no one in Brussels or Washington wants to kick Athens while it is down.  Greek Americans are well-organized and an important voting constituency.  Macedonia has a “stick” it can’t really use.  It needs to find some other way to put the squeeze on, or “carrots” that are attractive enough in Athens to open the NATO door.  Then they can go back to not resolving the name issue at the UN for another 15 years or so, by which time everyone will have forgotten why it once seemed important.

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Plan B

Yesterday a treasured Twitter follower described me as optimistic on Syria, because I saw some promise of a serious transition in the current draft UN Security Council resolution.  The caveats did not fit in 140 characters:  I was optimistic if the draft resolution were to pass and if the Americans, Europeans and Arab League continued to insist that Bashar al Assad step aside and allow the transition to begin.

Today it is clear that the first of my caveats has not been realized:  the Russians and Chinese have both voted against, with 13 other members of the Security Council voting in favor.  This is a real setback, heading us into  scenarios 2 or 4 of my previous post on how bad things could get:  the regime wins or civil war.  We’d be lucky now to get into scenario 1:  divided sovereignty, with some areas held by the opposition.

Moscow and Beijing will no doubt sell the vetoes back home as necessary to defy the U.S. and stop Western imperialism of the sort that took down Muammar Qaddafi in Libya.  In fact what they have done is to protect Bashar al Assad at a moment when he is killing more of his own people than ever.  Over 200 are reported to have lost their lives in overnight shelling of a neighborhood in Homs, an epicenter of the uprising.  Yesterday’s commemoration of the father’s slaughter of people in Hama thirty years ago has sadly led to ferocious confirmation that the son is struck from the same mold.

What is to be done now?  Some will propose military intervention without Security Council approval.  That was done in Kosovo, where the UN blessed the outcome in Security Council resolution 1244 even if had not blessed the intervention before it happened.  I doubt the U.S., NATO or the Arab League have the stomach or resources for that.  If they had wanted to do that, they would not have allowed a vote at the Security Council.

They are much more likely to feed the violent opposition to the regime by arming and perhaps training the Syrian Free Army, which appears to have liberated parts of the country but is unable to hold them if the unfree Syrian army strikes back.  Encouraging the Syrian Free Army will unfortunately put the country on the path to civil war, with frightening consequences for minorities and secularism if the rebels win and even worse consequences for the Muslim Brotherhood if they lose.  And terrible consequences for everyone if the fighting is prolonged.

Far preferable in my view would be a return to nonviolent protest, with Arab League observers once more deployed in an effort to protect demonstrators from the worst abuses.  Certainly the situation has deteriorated badly since the Arab League monitors were confined to quarters.  Getting them out into the main contested areas as soon as possible would at least provide the eyes and ears required to communicate what is going on to the rest of the world, even if Bashar al Assad now seems unlikely to accept restraints.

President Obama this morning issued a statement that includes this:

The Syrian regime’s policy of maintaining power by terrorizing its people only indicates its inherent weakness and inevitable collapse. Assad has no right to lead Syria, and has lost all legitimacy with his people and the international community.

I agree that Assad has no right to lead Syria and has lost legitimacy, but unfortunately it does not follow that the regime’s collapse is inevitable. No doubt even a defeated UNSC resolution, when the vote is 13 to 2, confirms a loss of international legitimacy.  But the father also lost legitimacy and nevertheless survived for many years thereafter, successfully passing power to the son.

What the United States, Europe and the Arab League need to do now is to keep up the pressure by maintaining and tightening sanctions, redeploying the observers if it is safe enough to do so and encouraging continued nonviolent protest in forms (boycotts in particular) that do not expose large numbers of people to the regime’s violence.  They also need to consider new measures:  blockade of arms shipments?  extension of the financial sanctions used against Iran to Syria?  Reinforcement of the Arab League observers?

Yesterday’s worldwide demonstrations focused on Syria’s embassies abroad.  The next round should focus on Russia’s and China’s.

Some of the bodies from the massacre in Homs that the regime says didn’t happen:

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The likely Russian veto

Russia faces a big decision in the UN Security Council:  whether to veto the draft resolution on Syria, or use the threat of a veto to extract further concessions in the text and then go along, maybe by abstaining.

There are ample reasons for Moscow to veto.  In its current form the resolution foresees “delegation by the President of  Syria of his full authority to his Deputy to fully cooperate with the national unity government in order to empower it to perform its duties in the transitional period.”  If seriously implemented, this would mean the end of Bashar al Assad, though not necessarily of his sidekicks.  Farouk al-Sharaa, the vice president, is a solid Assad regime type.  But once a transition is set in motion, it will be difficult for Moscow to prevent it from gathering momentum.

That is not something Prime Minister Putin would like to see happening, especially in the run-up to Russia’s own March 4 presidential election.  Putin will want to maintain his image as strong, unmoveable and defiant of the West.  Russian protesters will view any concession on Syria in the Security Council as an incentive to up their game:  if Syrians can displace an autocrat, why can’t Russians follow suite?

So the odds are in favor of a Russian veto this week, but there is still a slim possibility they would allow a defanged resolution to pass.  The text is already less than crystal clear on what is supposed to happen.  It reads like an obfuscated “puzzler” on Car Talk.  The part immediately preceding the text on delegation of powers to the vice president reads this way:

Fully supports in this regard the League of Arab States’ initiative set out in its 22 January 2012 decision to facilitate a political transition leading to a democratic, plural political system, in which citizens are equal regardless of their affiliations or ethnicities or beliefs, including through commencing a serious political dialogue between the Syrian government and the whole spectrum of the Syrian opposition under the League of Arab States’ auspices, in accordance with the timetable set out by the League of Arab States, aimed at:

So the delegation of powers is not to happen right away.  There is to be a serious political dialogue aimed at the delegation of powers.  There is lots of wiggle room here: what is the “whole spectrume of the Syrian opposition?”  Elements of the opposition will likely refuse to take part.  Who is to blame if the dialogue doesn’t happen? What if it takes a long time?

The main Russian concern will be to ensure that any resolution passing the Security Council cannot be interpreted as authorizing the use of force against the Syrian regime.  While the Arab League has been at pains to emphasize that it is not asking for military intervention but rather indicating a way forward that will avoid it, the resolution still has a few points on which the Russians can be expected to balk.  For example:

stressing that nothing in this resolution compels States to resort to the use of force or the threat of force,

Moscow will want that to read “nothing in this resolution permits States…”  Nor will Moscow like this bit at the end:

Decides to review Syria’s implementation of this resolution within 15 days and, in the event that Syria has not complied, to adopt further measures, in consultation with the League of Arab States;

Moscow will read “further measures” as opening the door to military intervention.

But these points seem to me negotiable: the West and the Arab League are far from pressing for the use of force against Bashar al Assad, even if some of the Syrian opposition would support it. How would President Obama justify another war in the Middle East in the midst of an election campaign? Only if Bashar al Assad is dumb enough to commit truly mass atrocities, which he so far has avoided on a daily basis, even as the numbers add up to well over 5000.  Washington does not want to engage militarily–it is far more likely to make the mistake of throwing its weight behind the Free Syrian Army, perhaps clandestinely.

If the Russians can get a real commitment to no use of force, and if they would like this problem to go away and not come back before their own elections, they might even abstain on a resolution that, while changed from the current draft, is not too far off in its general outlines.  I’m not holding my breath, just hoping that somehow the UNSC can finally move on what is a major threat to international peace and security.  Getting the outlines of a transition plan through the Security Council is only a first step, but that’s how journeys start.

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How bad could Syria get?

It is hard to be optimistic about Syria.  The question is, how bad could it get?  The possible scenarios are essentially driven by two factors:

  • the degree of success Bashar al Assad has in repressing the protests;
  • the effectiveness of international efforts to weaken the regime and protect the protesters.

These two factors yield four scenarios:

  1. Divided sovereignty:  Bashar is successful in repressing protests in some areas, but the international protection efforts are successful in others.  Syria is effectively divided between areas loyal to a weakened regime and liberated “safe” areas.  A lengthy struggle for predominance ensues.
  2. The regime wins:  Bashar is successful in repressing the protests and international efforts to protect protesters fail.  The regime regains its predominance and strengthens its ties with Iran.
  3. Protesters win:  international efforts to protect protesters are effective and repression is not.  The regime loses control of the country and has to yield.  Iran/Syria alliance is broken.
  4. Civil war:  Repression is ineffective, but so is international protection.  Fighting escalates, organized mainly along sectarian lines.  Iran, Iraq, Turkey and the Gulf states align with their sectarian favorites inside Syria, creating regional havoc.

1. and 3. are what most of us the West would regard as preferred outcomes, though divided sovereignty would likely create continuing problems and even a clear win by the protesters will leave Syria with many transition problems.

2. and 4. are what we would like to avoid.  Some people ask, as Marc Lynch did yesterday on Twitter, why diplomats are attracted to an Arab League proposal for transition that starts with Bashar passing power to his vice president and creation of a broad unity government.  The answer is that they are trying to avoid 2. and 4., because they know full well that international protection efforts are not likely to be effective enough to ensure 1. and 3.

2. and 4., a regime win or civil war, should be our biggest concerns.  We can try to avoid them not only by tracing a path forward that weakens or eliminates Bashar’s hold on power, but also by tightening sanctions and strengthening the protest movement, which still seems divided and at times incoherent.  But in the past few days it seems to have found its voice in the appeals to the Security Council.

The “defensive action” of the Free Syria Army, which others see as strengthening the protest movement, I see as more likely to take it down the path to 2. or 4.  Only if it stays in a strictly defensive posture–keeping order at demonstrations, outing agents provocateurs, conducting counter-intelligence operations–can it really help.  If it guns down the regime’s army and police, that and the regime’s reaction will discourage people from taking to the streets.

Let there be no doubt:  “regime wins” and “civil war” are still real possibilities.  Either one would be a big setback for Europe and the United States, which need to invest a bit more diplomatic oomph in making Syria come out closer to “divided sovereignty,” or better:  “protesters win.”  For the moment, this entails a concerted effort with the Russians to get a decent resolution denouncing the violence and projecting a political path away from the Assad regime through the Security Council.






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Syria is coming to a head

The Arab League has suspended its human rights monitoring mission.  The UN Security Council is discussing seriously a resolution on Syria.  The anti-regime Syrian National Council is looking for international intervention to establish a safe zone. The Assad regime has amped up its violent repression, and the Free Syria Army is amping up its response. Civil war is in the air.   This is a truly dangerous situation, but also one that could turn in a good direction.

The danger lies in further escalation of violence:  the regime still holds the advantage in firepower and manpower.  Increased violence will solidify support among regime loyalists and reduce the numbers of protesters in the streets.  Frightened Alawite, Christian and other minorities will rally around the regime, dreading the consequences of a Sunni majority victory, especially one in which the Muslim Brotherhood plays a strong role.

Opportunity lies in the UN Security Council resolution.  It needs to define a clear transition path away from the Assad regime that has the support of Moscow and no objection from Beijing.  The Arab League is proposing a handover of power to Bashar al Assad’s vice president and formation of an inclusive government, followed by elections.  This is vaguely similar to the Gulf Cooperation Council plan for Yemen, where its effectiveness has been less than 100%.  The devil is in the details:  how inclusive the government is determines whether it has real legitimacy, but broad inclusiveness is difficult to achieve (neither regime nor protesters will want to sit in the same room with their antagonists) and will likely limit its ability to make decisions.

The key to the UNSC resolution is Russian support, which depends on convincing Moscow that it stands to lose more by backing the Assad regime rather than abandoning it.  Above all, Russia will want guarantees of continued access to port facilities in Syria.  It is distasteful no doubt to the Syrian opposition to provide any guarantees to Russia, which has backed Assad shamelessly.  But that is the price of the UNSC resolution, which takes priority right now.

It is not easy to follow the evolution of a UNSC resolution, but the International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect is trying.  It looks as if the European/Arab initiative will only come to a head next week, likely not before Wednesday.  If they can get a resolution passed that defines a clear political path forward, along the lines of the Arab League proposal to be presented on Tuesday, that would be a tremendous step forward.

In the meanwhile, we can expect further escalation of violence in Syria, with the regime taking advantage of the suspension of the monitoring mission to do its dirtiest work and the Free Syria Army responding with the limited means at its disposal.  I see no sign yet of an appetite for an international intervention like the one in Libya.  While NATO may be doing some quiet preparations, the Alliance is not buzzing the way it normally does before taking action.  The Russians will ensure that any UNSC resolution cannot be interpreted to authorize military intervention.

I continue to believe that nonviolent action is the best course of action for the anti-regime forces.  A further slide to civil war is not to their advantage, both because they lack firepower and because it will discourage passage of a satisfactory Security Council resolution, defined as one that outlines a political way forward.  I understand perfectly well the impulse (and justification) for self-defense and even for offensive maneuvers.  But violence will lengthen the process of bringing Bashar down and reduce the odds of a peaceful and democratic outcome.  For those who doubt this, consult Chenoweth and Stefan.

Some readers may ask, why should the U.S. care?  The short answer is that sectarian civil war in Syria could create real difficulties in Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey and elsewhere, destabilizing a part of the world that is already requiring an inordinate amount of American attention.  And just about any imaginable post-Assad regime is likely to be less friendly to Iran.  The fall of Assad could be a big plus for American diplomatic efforts to weaken Hizbollah and Hamas as well as block Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

Next week could be crucial.  Neither the regime nor its opponents can endure much more.  Syria is coming to a head.



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