Tag: United States

Listen to the choir

I am finding myself in good company on Pakistan, where I argued early this month that we need to pick our friends with care even as we target those who are our enemies.  In one form or another, I am finding Ann Wilkens of the Afghan Analyts’ Network (whose paper predates my blog post), Bruce Riedel and Christine Fair–all of whom know more about Pakistan than I will ever know–in agreement.

Their arguments lean in favor of befriending civilians who are truly committed to democracy and willing to build serious democratic institutions while recognizing that elements of the military and intelligence services are our enemies and need at least to be contained if not slapped with sanctions.  Ann Wilkens adds a word in favor of establishing the Durand line as the border with Afghanistan.  Chris Fair goes into detail on the kinds of diplomatic contacts and capacity-building we need to get into while Bruce Riedel, less interested in the civilian potential, is explicit about slashing military aid and moving towards an adversarial, containment-focused relationship with Pakistan’s military.  All favor trade over aid.

It seems to me that the Administration would do well to listen to this chorus of calls for reorienting America’s relationship with Pakistan.  How about announcing a re-assessment of the U.S. relations with Pakistan?  Or convening a wise persons’ review?  The main reason Afghanistan really counts for the United States is Pakistan.  We owe it to the forces fighting there and the civilians trying to build an Afghan state to have a hard look at whether adjustments to our Pakistan policies can make their jobs easier.


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An orthodox approach to heresy

In today’s news: the Kenyan army is going after El Shabab, the Somali extremist group.  The United States is deploying 100 troops to search for Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) leader Joseph Kony.  It is a good time to have a look at how to deal with non-state armed groups (NSAGs in governmentese), the subject of a new report from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Of course there are many other examples besides these two most recent ones of armed groups that present big problems in today’s world, even though they belong to no state.  Think Taliban, Hizbollah, Al Qaeda in its several franchises, and Hamas (at least before it took over governance in Gaza).  Think Mexican drug cartels, Burmese insurgents, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, the Irish Republican Army, Algeria’s Armed Islamic Group, Afghan mujahideen, Maoist insurgents in Nepal, Naxalites in India…

How should states deal with this alphabet soup of armed groups pursuing through violence freedom, justice, dignity, equity, utopia, money, power, God’s kingdom on earth?  Those we like we call freedom fighters (Kosovo Liberation Army, Libyan National Transitional Council) and provide weapons and other assistance.  The conventional American approach to those we don’t like is to declare them outside the pale, refuse to talk with them (especially if they are labeled terrorist) and go after them with military and police forces.  That’s what the Kenyans and Americans are doing today with al Shabab and the LRA.  Sometimes this works, at least partially.  More often, there is eventually a political settlement.

Political settlements require dialogue, talks, negotiations.  That’s where the CFR report comes in.  It makes an effort to define why, when and how the United States should “engage” with NSAGs.  Let’s be clear:  though the report is prepared by an active-duty Foreign Service officer, it is courageously proposing something that has heretofore generally been regarded as heresy, except in specific instances.

That said, Payton Knopf takes an orthodox approach:

  • Analyze:  leadership, military effectiveness, constituency, territorial control, platform, sponsors, needs.
  • Define the U.S. objective:  conflict prevention, humanitarian access, intel collection, regime change, reform, weakening the NSAG, encourage moderation, reach a peace agreement, block spoilers.
  • Weigh costs and benefits.

The benefits may include preventing, helping an NSAG or a sponsor we like, bolstering the U.S. image, facilitating peace negotiations, gaining intelligence, mitigating violence, empowering more pragmatic factions.  Costs can include conferring legitimacy where we prefer not to, undermining a state, taking sides in a conflict, encouraging violence, providing time for an NSAG to prepare for more violence, and triggering domestic U.S. opposition.

This kind of rational, long-term approach to dealing with NSAGs is not, however, what we generally do today, as Knopf points out.  Instead we jump on opportunities in the short term when there is no viable alternative, not too much domestic resistance and some reason to hope that things might work out.

Nor are we well-organized or well-staffed for this kind of work.  Knopf goes easy on the State Department but makes it clear that its staff is not trained to engage with NSAGs or to do conflict management work in general.  He is correct.  Nor are the regional bureaus, whose embassies must necessarily regard government officials in the host countries as their primary interlocutors, likely to take up engagement with NSAGs, except in rare instances.  The responsibility might appropriately fall to nongovernmental groups, but legal restrictions and a Supreme Court decision have made that problematic.

This leaves us with international organizations–the UN, the International Red Cross, some regional organizations–as vital players in engaging NSAGs.  The CFR report does not address this option, but it has done a great service in calmly raising the issues in the American context and placing the heresy of engaging with NSAGs in an orthodox cost/benefit framework.

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Farewell Iraq, more or less

The Americans are reported to be abandoning plans to leave troops in Iraq after the end of the year, with the exception of the Embassy’s usual (and in this case large, more than 150) complement for “defense cooperation” and occasional training missions.

Why do I not quite believe this?  First, because training missions can last a long time.  Second because no one is talking about the substantial numbers of contractors who will need to be in Iraq to support military sales (like the F16s).  And third because a lot of the counter-terrorism cooperation with Iraq is presumably done by the CIA, which doesn’t put out press releases about it.

Still, it is a major development that Iraq will be without overt foreign fighting forces on its territory for the first time in more than eight years.

Is it a good thing?  There are people in Washington concerned that this more or less complete withdrawal will open the door to greater Iranian influence.  And there are Iraqis–many in Kurdistan but also some in Anbar, Ninewa and elsewhere–who think it would have been a good thing for the Americans to stay.  Kurds, Christians and many Sunnis see the American presence as protection.

But this “decision,” if we can call a failed negotiation a decision, is positive in other ways.  It was taken on the Iraqi side under popular pressure–Prime Minister Maliki is reported to have thought he couldn’t get approval to extend an American presence through the parliament.  I’d call that kind of decisionmaking democratic, which is not a word many people are using today to describe Maliki’s Iraq.  Without American troops, the Iraqis will have to bear the full brunt of the responsibility for keeping the country stable, including by confronting the Iranians if they overstep.  No more Uncle Sam will take care of it for you.

Will the Iraqis be up to the challenge?  I don’t pretend to know, but they are certainly more capable than at any time in the past eight years.  Bad things still happen in Iraq, on a more or less daily basis.  But security has improved, oil production is up, services are marginally better and people are worried about corruption, which is one of my personal indicators that the worst of the physical violence is coming to an end.

What is not clear is how long they’ll keep the more or less democratic system of governance we bequeathed them.  Maliki shows signs of grabbing for power by appointing army commanders loyal to him personally, ignoring the parliament, pressuring the constitutional court and stiff-arming both his coalition partners and the opposition.  His ungenerous reaction to Iraqi protesters calling for better services and more democracy, as well as his support for Bashar al Assad, have raised a lot of eyebrows.

Iraqis should bear the responsibility for ensuring that the democratic system prevails.  Keeping it propped up with American troops was helping Maliki consolidate his position, and seemed to provide precious little leverage over his decisions.  I find it hard to believe that either Kurds or Sunnis will accept a Shia autocracy, and there are lots of Shia who will object as well.  Iran will not find Iraqis any easier to push around than the Americans did.  Maybe it is time to take off the training wheels altogether and hope for the best.  We’ve got a lot of other things to worry about.

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The limits of military power

Maybe it’s because I’ve been reading Joe Nye’s The Future of Power, but every event I’ve been to lately around DC has reminded me of the limits of military power in achieving U.S. national security objectives.  It is certainly not lack of admiration for the prowess of the American military–they are fantastically good at not only the military tasks that are their bread and butter, but also at the many other tasks presidents toss their way.  And if you haven’t had the privilege of hearing David Petraeus or James Stavridis talk, you’ve missed some first class intellectual heft.

But consider today’s problems:  Iran, Syria, Afghanistan.

If Iran did in fact plot with a Mexican cartel to murder the Saudi ambassador to the U.S., what are we going to do about it?  Sure there are military options, and

people who advocate them.  If the plot had succeeded we would probably have used one or two like leveling Quds force headquarters with cruise missiles or capturing a few Iranian miscreants in Iraq or Afghanistan.  But it is all too obvious that the Iranians would respond, blowing up some favorites of ours or grabbing a few more Americans taking walks in Kurdistan.  The more realistic options in response to a plot that did not succeed are the nonmilitary ones I pointed to yesterday.

Syria is a case where military intervention like that undertaken in Libya might make a big difference, and some of the protesters against President Assad’s regime would like to see it happen.  But it won’t:  the Russians haven’t even allowed a denunciation of the regime’s violence against the demonstrators to pass, and the Arab League is sitting on its duffs.  I know there are some who still hope NATO will undertaken the kind of unauthorized campaign it unleashed from the air against the Serbs in 1999, but it isn’t going to happen so long as Bashar keeps the level of atrocities in the daily dozens.  The protesters are in for a long struggle without foreign force on their side.

In Afghanistan, the Americans have really brought to bear most of their military capability, without a clear result.  No one serious believes any longer that there is a military solution there.  We’ll have to settle for a political arrangement that gives the Taliban (hopefully not Al Qaeda) some significant measure of what it wants.  Afghanistan is looking more and more like Vietnam, less and less like even Iraq.  We aren’t likely to come out in 2014, when withdrawal is to be completed, with much.

Let’s not even discuss Israel/Palestine and North Korea, where American interests are certainly at stake.  American military capabilities are vital to shaping the environment in both places, but the opportunities to use it are very limited.  It is more an insurance policy against gross misbehavior by one of the protagonists than a tool that we can use on a daily basis. In Joe Nye’s terms, military power in these environments can be converted into influence, persuasion and agenda-setting (i.e. soft power) even if use of American force is not likely.

Of course our flag officers know they need stronger civilian counterparts in defending national security.  They have repeatedly called for beefing up civilian capabilities.  But it isn’t happening.  Congress is tearing the budget of the civilian side of foreign policy to shreds, even as the game of chicken between Republicans and Democrats on the budget approaches the moment of truth.  I think we know what will happen if it comes down to cutting the national security budget, which includes both military and civilian expenditure.  The military may not like what it ends up with, but it will be a feast relative to what the State Department and the Agency for International Development have on their plates.

That's me, working closely with the U.S. military







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Interagency writing contest (no kidding)

Col. Arthur D. Simons Center

PO Box 3429

Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027


email: Office@TheSimonsCenter.org

 Simons Center announces public writing competition

FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan.  The Col. Arthur D. Simons Center for the Study of Interagency Cooperation announces its Interagency Writing Competition for 2012.  The competition is open to the public and recognizes papers that provide insight and fresh thinking in advancing the knowledge, understanding, and practice of interagency coordination, cooperation, and collaboration at the tactical or operational level of effort.  Deadline

for submissions is Friday, March 16, 2012.

Entries must be focused on one of two special topics:

  • The interagency role in preventing conflict when dealing with failing or failed states; or
  • The validity of the “whole-of-government” approach in dealing with the full range of homeland and national security threats.

How to enter:

  • Submit an unclassified, original paper examining any aspect – broad or specific – of one of the special topics. Papers should be between 4,000 and 8,000 words in length.
  • Previously published papers, papers pending consideration elsewhere for publication, or papers submitted to other competitions still pending announced decisions are ineligible.
  • Manuscripts should be single spaced in Microsoft Word format using Times, 12-point type. All graphs, charts, and tables should be submitted as separate files in the format they were created.
  • Manuscripts can be submitted through the Simons Center website (www.TheSimonsCenter.org/competition) or emailed to editor@TheSimonsCenter.org with the subject line “Interagency Writing Competition” by March 16, 2012.

A panel of Simons Center judges will evaluate entries on originality, substance of argument, style and contribution to advancing the understanding and practice of interagency cooperation at the operational and tactical levels of effort.

The first place entry will receive $2,000, an engraved plaque, a certificate of recognition and publication in one of the Simons Center publications series.  Second place will receive a $1,000 award, a certificate of recognition and consideration for publication.  Third place receives $500, a certificate and also consideration for publication by the Simons Center.

For more information contact the Simons Center at editor@TheSimonsCenter.org or by calling 913-682-7244. Information about the Simons Center’s mission, organization, and publications is available at www.TheSimonsCenter.org.


Ray Barrett

(913) 682-7244


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IranTel: how should the U.S. respond?

I tweeted this question yesterday:  “Do those who think Quds too smart for this operation think we are dumb enough to blame it on them without evidence?”  The operation in question is the alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington.

My Twitterfeed was divided on the answer.  About as many retweeted the question as replied “yes.”  Those who replied yes had several reasons, mainly linked to the idea that the U.S. is looking for an opportunity to go to war with Iran.  Past U.S. behavior, including WMD in Iraq, was mentioned.  I am old enough to have lived through the Gulf of Tonkin incident.  Remember the Maine.

Several said maybe, that more evidence is needed to decide.  I’m with them.  There have been several alleged terrorist plots over the past decade that have collapsed like souffles.  But we need to ask for more details and confirmation to decide whether this will be one of them.  I hope energetic young reporters looking for their first Pulitzer are hard at work [note to Adam Serwer:  get busy!]

That said, if the Administration believes that Iran backed this cockamamie plot, it needs to come up with an appropriate response.  It has already added four Quds force dodos to the sanctions list.  That’s enough if you think those people were directly involved but without higher approval.  It’s not enough if you think this was truly an approved operation.

The Pentagon is letting it be known it regards this as a diplomatic and legal issue, not a military one.  I don’t see anyone in the Administration ready even for a cruise missile attack on Quds force headquarters, though I suppose we might not know about that until it was over.  They seem intent on naming and shaming, likely through a UN Security Council resolution.  That’s a good idea, as it would get Russia and China lined up for further sanctions on Iran.  But it isn’t going to be easy.  Ambassador Rice has proved adept in the past.  Let’s hope she can repeat.

What more can be done?  We’ve got some time while the journalists sort out whether the plot was real and how deeply it reached into the Iranian power structure, so let’s consider the options

  • Republican Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois is calling for a ban on transactions with Iran’s Central Bank.
  • Another possible sanctions target is Iran’s oil exports of 2.4-5 million barrels per day.
  • Tom Gjelten is reporting that Saudi Arabia  might jack up its oil production to bring down Iranian oil revenues.
  • State Department is trying to get other countries to tighten existing sanctions, which apparently failed to stop a payment from the Quds force to what it thought was a Mexican cartel account through a third country.

Blocking transactions to and from Iran’s Central Bank would have a devastating impact on the Iranian economy, but it is hard to see how we are going to convince Iran’s major trading partners to join such a move.  We’d need to make some sort of exception for food and other humanitarian goods, unless we are ready to find ourselves accused of starving the Iranian population into submission.  Iraq’s Oil for Food program is a precedent, one that was rife with corruption and exploitation by the regime we were supposed to be sanctioning.

China gets over 500,000 barrels of oil per day from Iran, 15% of its consumption.  Beijing is not going to give that up easily.  Nor will Japan, India or South Korea–Iran’s other major markets for oil.

Saudi Arabia may not have enough excess capacity to boost oil production much.  If they try, current weakness in the market risks could send prices spiraling downwards past what even the Saudis will appreciate.

Tightening existing sanctions sounds practical, but it is not the stuff of a clear and compelling diplomatic signal.

So let’s have a contest:  excluding the four things I’ve mentioned here, and leaving aside military action, what measures should be included in the options for President Obama in considering how to respond to Iran’s plot with what it thought was a Mexican cartel to assassinate the Saudi ambassador?

Do I dare call it the IranTel plot?




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