Tag: Yemen

This week’s peace picks

1. Secularism, Islamism, and Women’s Rights in Turkey, Monday November 12, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM, Georgetown University

Venue: Georgetown University, 37th Street NW and O Street NW, Washington, DC 20057, Edward B. Bunn S.J. Intercultural Center, Room 450

Speaker:  Serpil Sancar

Please join us on Monday, November 12 from 12-2pm in ICC 450 for a talk with Professor Serpil Sancar, Visiting Scholar at George Washington University as she discusses Secularism, Islamism and Women’s Rights in Turkey.  Lunch will be provided.

Register for this event here.


2. External Rebel Sponsorship and Civilian Abuse:  A Principal-Agent Analysis of Wartime Atrocities, Monday November 12, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM, George Mason University

Venue:  George Mason University, 3301 Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22201, Truland Building, Room 555

Speakers:  Thomas Flores, Idean Salehyan

While some militant groups work hard to foster collaborative ties with civilians, others engage in egregious abuses and war crimes.  We argue that foreign state funding for rebel organizations greatly reduces the incentives of militant groups to ‘win the hearts and minds’ of civilians because it diminishes the need to collect resources from the population.  However, unlike the lucrative resources such as minerals and petroleum, foreign funding of rebel groups must be understood in principal-agent terms.  Some external principals – namely, democratic states with strong human rights lobbies – are more concerned with atrocities in the conflict zone than others.

Rebels backed by states with theses characteristics should engage in comparably less violence than those backed by other states.  We also predict that multiple state sponsorsalso lead to abuse, for no single state can effectively restrain the rebel organization.  We test these expectations with new disaggregated organization-level data on foreign support for rebel groups and data on one-sided violence against civilians.  The results are consistent with our argument.  We conclude that principal characteristics help influence agent actions, and that human rights organizations exert a powerful effect on the likelihood of civilian abuse and the magnitude of wartime atrocities.

RSVP for this event to Barre Hussen at carevent@gmu.edu.


3. Public Diplomacy in the Next Four Years:  A Post-Election Look at American Strategies and Priorities for Engaging the World, Tuesday November 13, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Elliott School of international Affairs

Venue:  The Elliott School of International Affairs, 1957 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20052, Lindner Family Commons, Room 602

Speakers:  James Glassman, Judith McHale, Paul Foldi, P.J. Crowley

The upcoming U.S. Presidential election may have a dramatic impact on American foreign policy. On November 13, an experienced panel of international affairs experts will gather at the George Washington University to discuss the course of U.S. Public Diplomacy for the next four years.

Please register for this event here.


4. The Procedural and Subtantive Elements of Prosecuting Cases of Trafficking in Persons:  Comparative, Tuesday November 13, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Johns Hopkins SAIS

Venue: Johns Hopkins SAIS, Nitze building, 1740 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, Kenney Auditorium

Policymakers, attorneys, law professors, and representatives from legal clinics and NGOs will discuss this topic.  For a complete agenda, visit bitly.com/Ublfr6.

Please register for this event here.


5. Conflict Prevention and Resolution Forum: “Comedy and Conflict”, Tuesday November 13, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM, Johns Hopkins SAIS

Venue: Johns Hopkins SAIS, Rome building, 1619 Massachusetts Avenue  NW, Washington, DC 20036, Rome Building Auditorium

Speakers:  Yahya Hendi, Elahe Izadi, Craig Zelizer, S. Ayse Kadayifci-Orellana

Yahya Hendi, Muslim champlain at Georgetown University; Elahe Izadi, comedian and National Journal reporter; Craig Zelizer, associate director of the Conflict Resolution  Program at Georgetown University; and S. Ayse Kadayifci-Orellana (moderator), visiting assistant professor in the Conflict Resolution Program at Georgetown University, will discuss this topic.

Register for this event here.


6. Yemen and the Fight Against a Resurgent al Qaeda, Tuesday November 13, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM, Brookings Institution

Venue:  Brookings Institution, 1775 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, Saul/Zilkha Room

Speakers:  Daniel L. Byman, Gregory Johnsen, Ibrahim Sharqieh

Rife with political turmoil, Yemen has proven fertile ground for al Qaeda-linked groups in the post-9/11 era.  Until the beginning of 2012, the United States cooperated with the regime of Ali Abdullah Saleh, but his departure – orchestrated by the U.S. – raises questions for future counterterrorism cooperation.  How much ground has al Qaeda gained in Yemen despite setbacks in Pakistan? Can the United States effectively manage events in Yemen without becoming entangled in another costly ground war?  What more can be done to prevent al Qaeda’s influence from spreading further throughout the Arabian Peninsula?

Register for this event here.


7. U.S.-Turkish Relations: A Review at the Beginning of the Third Decade  of the Post-Cold War Era, Tuesday November 13, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM, CSIS

Venue: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1800 K Street NW, Washingto, Dc 20006, B1 Conference Room

Speakers:  John Hamre, Bulent Aliriza, Bulent Aras

Please join us on November 13 for the release of “U.S. – Turkish Relations: A Review at the Beginning of the Third Decade of the Post-Cold War Era,’ jointly prepared by the CSIS Turkey Project and the Center for Strategic research (SAM) of the Turkish Foreign Ministry.  The report is the product of a year-long study that included workshops in Washington and Ankara.  It incorporates U.S. and Turkish perspectives on the evolving relationship, examines the opportunities and challenges the alliance has confronted in the past six decades and looks ahead to those it is likely to face in the coming years.

RSVP for this event to rbeardsley@csis.org.


8.  A New Deal? Renegotiating Civil-Military Relations in Egypt, Tuesday November 13, 2:00 PM – 1:30 PM, Elliott School of Interntional Affairs 

Venue:  Elliott School of International Affairs, 1957 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20052, Lindner Family Commons, Room 602

Speaker: Yezid Sayigh

Yezid Sayigh is a senior associate at the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut, where his work focuses on the future political role of Arab armies the resistance and reinvention of authoritaian regimes, and the Israel-Palestine conflict and peace process.

Register for this event here.


9.  Middle East Institute’s 66th Annual Conference, Wednesday November 14, 8:45 AM – 5:30 PM, Grand Hyatt Washington 

Venue: Grand Hyatt Washington, 1000 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20001

The Middle East Institute’s 66th Annual Conference is an opportunity for policymakers, government officials, students, the media, and the interested public to come together to discuss the future of the Middle East.  Entitled “New Horizons, New Challenges: The Middle East in 2013,” the conference the conference will convene experts from across the U.S. and the Middle East to examine the momentous political trnsitions underway in the Arab World and forecast the year ahead for a region in flux.  The full-day conference will analyze the obstacles impeding democracy in Egypt and Syria, and the reaction of countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia to the shifting regional dynamics brought about by the Arab Awakening.  It will also look at evolving U.S. policy in the Middle East in response to the new realities on the ground and to the demands of the Arab revolutions.  The conference will include four 90-minute panels on “U.S.-Mideast Diplomacy in Transition:  New Era, New Principles”; “Challenges Ahead for Egypt”; “After the U.S. Election: What’s at Stake for Iran?”; and “Syria and the Regional Implications of the Crisis.”


10.  Launch of the Asia Foundation’s 2012 Survey of the Afghan People, Wednesday Novembe 14, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM, The National Press Club

Venue: The National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW, Washington, DC, 20045, 13th Floor

Speakers:  Andrew Wilder, Sunil Pillai, Palwasha Kakar, Mark Kryzer

The Asia Foundation will release findings from Afghanistan in 2012: A Survey of teh Afghan People – the broades, most comprehensive public opinion poll in the country – covering all 34 provinces with candid data gleaned from face-to-face interviews with nearly 6,300 Afghan citizens on security, corruption, women’s rights, the economy, development, and the Taliban. This marks the eighth in the Foundation’s series of surveys in Afghanistan; taken together they provide a barometer of Afghan public opinion over time.

Register forthis event here.


11. How to Promote Local Order and Property Rights Under Weak Rule of Law?, Wednesdday November 14, 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM, Johns Hopkins SAIS

Venue: Johns Hopkins SAIS, Bernstein-Offit Building, 1717 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, Room 736

Speaker:  Chris Blattman

Chris Blattman, assistant professor of international and public affairs and political science at Columbia University’s School of Internatonal and Public Affairs, will discuss this topic.

RSVP for this event to itolber1@jhu.edu.


12. Serbia’s Road to EU Accession: Prospects and Potential Pitfalls, Thursday November 15, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Johns Hopkins SAIS

Venue: Johns Hopkins SAIS, Bernstein-Offit Building, 1717 Massacusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, Room 500

Speaker:  Ljubica Vasic

Ljubica Vasic, member of the Serbian Parliament, will discuss this topic.

Register for this event here.


13. Benghazi and Beyond:  What Went Wrong on September 11, 2012 and How to Prevent it from Happening at Other Frontline Posts, Thursday November 15, 10:00 AM, The Rayburn House Office Building

Venue:  Rayburn House Office Building, 45 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20515, Room 2172 Rayburn HOB

Speakers:  Michael Courts, William Young


14.  Protest and Rebellion in the Middle East, Thursday November 15, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM, Elliott School of International Affairs

Venue: Elliott School of International Affairs, 1957 E Street, Washington, DC 20052, Lindner Family Commons, Room 602

Speakers: Marc Lynch, Wendy Pearlman, Jillian Schwedler, David Patel

Three leading political scientists will discuss opportunities, resources, and emotions in regional social protest movements.  A light lunch will be served.

Register for this event here.


15.  The Obama Administration and U.S. Foreign Policy, Thursday November 15, 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM, Johns Hopkins SAIS

Venue: Johns Hopkins SAIS, Rome Building, 1619 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, Room 812

Speaker:  James Mann

James Mann, author-in-residence at the SAIS Foreign Policy Institute and author of The Obamians: The Struggle Inside the White House to Redefine American Power, will discuss this topic.

RSVP for this event to reischauer@jhu.edu.


16. Drafting Egypt’s Constitution, Thursday November 15, 1:00 PM – 2:15 PM, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Venue: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036

The new Egyptian constitution is surrounded by controversy over who should write it, when it should be drafted, and which principles and values it should embody. With a draft already published, debate is as intense as ever.

Register for this event here.


17. Eating Grass: The Making of the Pakistani Bomb, Thursday November 15, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Venue: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036

Speakers: Feroz Khan, George Perkovich, Peter Lavoy

The story of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons developments remains in dispute, with a rich literature of colorful and differing accounts. In his latest book, Eating Grass: The Making of the Pakistani Bomb (Stanford University Press, 2012), Feroz Khan presents a comprehensive picture of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program.  What internal and external pressures threatened Pakistan’s efforts? What conditions contributed to its attainment of a viable program in the face of substantial political and technical obstacles?

Register for this event here.


18. Politics and Power in the Maghreb: Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco from Independence to the Arab Spring – A Conversation with Michael Willis, Thursday November 15, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM, Elliott School of  International Affairs

Venue: Elliott School of International Affairs, 1957 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20052, Lindner Family Commons, Room 602

Speaker: Michael Willis

Professor Willis will be discussing his new book Politics and Power in the Maghreb: Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco from Independence to the Arab Spring.

Register for this event here.


19.  Lebanon in the Shadow of Syria Civil War, Friday November 16, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs

Venue: Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, 3307 M Street NW, Washington, DC 20007, Suite 200

Speaker: Irina Papkova

The car bombng that killed Lebanese security chief Wissan al-Hasan last month has raised new concerns that Lebanon is being increasingly drawn into the Syrian civil war.  Indeed, predictions that Lebanon would descend into sectarian violence as a result of the Syrian uprising have abounded since the begining of the conflict. Yet, Lebanon – once a byword for religious civil war – has managed so far to avoid that catastrophic scenario. Irinia Papkova, a Berkley Center research fellow now living in Beirut, will address the current political situation in Lebanon and the threats and challenges facing its leaders in the shadow of the Syrian conflict.

Register for this event here.

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A dangerous place

Yesterday’s circus in a House hearing on the killing of U.S. officials last month in Benghazi was barely over when news reached Washington that Al Qaeda had assassinated the Yemeni security chief at the U.S. embassy in Sanaa.  No doubt these incidents will continue to provide grist for the American political mill, where candidate Romney is trying to pin blame on the Administration and portray America as besieged.

We are not besieged on most days, but we are at risk.  The thousands of our fellow civilians who serve abroad cannot do what they are there to do without running risks.  You  can build fortress embassies, as we have in Baghdad, and provide personal security details.  But nothing reduces the risks to zero.

Some of the security measures we take inhibit achievement of the mission.  Andrew Exum tweeted to me this morning:

It’s what the military refers to as the false balance between the men and the mission. In the end, the mission must come 1st.

Diplomats and aid workers need to be out on the street talking with people, monitoring projects, taking the pulse of local communities, giving speeches, engaging with the press and civil society generally.  Law enforcement officials need to be consulting closely with their police and interior ministry counterparts.  There is no use in an embassy or consulate that incarcerates and warehouses our civilian presence abroad, which is what the euphemistically named “diplomatic security” part of the State Department likes to do.

We need to get smarter about how to protect our people, while recognizing that there are no risk-free formulas.  Anonmity and changing daily patterns is a lot better protection for many diplomats than a personal security detail.  Spreading our people out, and moving them around frequently, is a lot safer than concentrating them in one hardened place.  Relying on properly trained and equipped local security forces is often better than using highly visible Americans, who become easy targets.

Our four colleagues in Benghazi were killed in a fortress-like facility guarded principally by Americans.  They–or someone else–might suffer the same fate using the approach I am suggesting.  We need to ensure that we don’t have more people abroad than we really need.  We also need to make sure they are undertaking efforts that are worth the risk to life and limb that they necessarily entail.

Congress is likely to move in quite a different direction.  It will provide more funding for higher and thicker walls, and more American protection, as it does from time to time.  Then it cuts that funding after a few years of quiet, leaving the State Department with an enormous capital infrastructure but without the means to maintain it.

The pointy end of the diplomatic spear is a dangerous place.  Let’s get smarter and more agile about wielding it.

PS:  I stumbled on this after drafting the above.  So I’m not alone in my devotion to the mission.

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Arab women agree on problems, not solutions

Women have played important roles in the Arab awakening but they now face an uphill struggle to consolidate their gains.

During the first panel of this week’s Woodrow Wilson Center about “Women after the Arab Awakening,” participants discussed the problems facing women on the Middle East.  Heads nodded and the audience, mostly women, groaned and laughed together.  All cringed when speakers presented alarming legal and cultural setbacks for women and smiled or applauded for stories of courage or insightful comments about the status of women.

In the second panel, when the speakers were asked to identify a path forward, tensions flared.  The audience tittered at provocative statements and the question and answer period turned into a heated argument.  Underlying the tension, were important issues:  the appropriate role of religion in government, the tension between Islam and feminism and the appropriate representation of minorities in democracies.

Dalia Ziada, one of Newsweek’s most influential women and CNN’s eight agents of change in the Arab World, sees politicians and political systems as only part of the problem.  Culture is also responsible.  Suzanne Mubarak advanced the status of women with the “khula” law giving women the right to divorce and other legislation allowing women to pass down their nationality.  President Mubarak allocated 64 seats in the lower house of parliament to women.  These legal successes did not result in meaningful improvement in status for women in Egypt because of culture.  Most women who ran for office had connections to Suzanne Mubarak or other leaders and were often not considered competent.

Rihab Elhaj, co-founder of the New Libya Foundation, made a similar point.  Eighty of the 200 seats in the Libyan parliament are allotted for political parties, which are required to include women alternately with men on their party lists.  This helped women get 33 seats, but they have not yet taken on leadership roles because they are unconnected to leading male politicians.

In Tunisia, culture and social norms have also interfered with women achieving the status laws allow.  Tunisia has a unique history of legislation promoting women’s rights.  But when Omezzine Khelifa, a political party leader in Tunisia and adviser to the Minister of Tourism, proposed parity, many disagreed.  Some thought it was not the time to deal with women’s issues.  Others opposed a parity law because it suggests that women are incapable of getting into public office any other way.  Parity in Tunisia passed, but as in Egypt it did not allow women to win 50% of the seats.  Most political parties chose men to head their lists, so women won seats only if a party received enough votes to win multiple seats.

Fahmia Al Fotih, Yemeni journalist, also described cultural barriers.  Several key women leaders during the revolution were subjected to harassment and even violence as a result of their participation in the protests.  A barrier was erected to keep women and men separate, but some women chose to ignore the barrier in protest and were often beaten as a result.  The National Consensus Government is composed of 35 members, of whom only three are women.

Not all problems in the Middle East can be attributed to patriarchal culture.  There are real legal, physical and social barriers preventing women from reaching high positions.  In Yemen, a humanitarian crisis has pushed political participation from many women’s minds as they struggle to feed their families.  According to an Oxfam report this year, four out of five Yemeni women report that their lives have gotten worse in the past twelve months.  Saudi blogger Hala Al Dosari recounted harassment by the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, a woman jailed for driving and a youth conference on the empowerment of civil society shut down at the last moment.  Ziada expressed concern about possible Egyptian legislation allowing marriage at 14 and female genital mutilation.  In Tunisia, Khelifa reported on the recent debate about whether women should be described as “complementary” or “equal” to men in the constitution.  Al-Nahda’s draft of Article 28 to the constitution, which used the “complementary” wording, was defeated, but the debate will not be over until the constitution is finalized.

The second panel was intended to address what should be done to solve these problems.  Syrian Honey Al-Sayed of Souriali Radio called for an effort to define equal roles for Syrian women now, before the revolution is over.  Heads nodded in response, given that so many of the speakers had noted how optimistic they were about women’s rights during their revolutions and how things changed afterwards.  Elhaj said that the change in Libya was not because of some Islamist scheme to remove women from the public sphere, but because of a natural reversion to the status of women prior to the revolution.  Al-Sayed argued that Syria might be able to avoid this if there is a large-scale education campaign and civil society organizations are developed now.

Gabool Al-Mutawakel, Youth Leadership Development Foundation co-founder, made a similar argument for working to keep the spirit of the Yemeni revolution going, but she offered new insight:  the problem facing women is the notion of “women’s issues.”  She cited a female politician who preferred to talk about being a woman in politics rather than her policy ideas.  Women will not succeed in Yemeni politics if the only areas about which they can speak with credibility are women’s issues.  Women must not just represent women, but all of Yemen.  Al-Mutawakel suggested we teach women about leadership, not just empowerment.  We should also foster a culture of competition where women learn how to win and lose.  Quotas can have the effect of killing a woman’s motivation to fight for a seat.

It was in this panel that tensions flared.  Hanin Ghaddar, a Wilson Center Public Policy Scholar and editor of NOW News, saw an inherent contradiction between feminism and Islam and argued for separation of religion and state in Lebanon.  The revolution taught her that small changes are no longer acceptable and that we need drastic, radical changes, which an Islamic government cannot offer.  Yassmine ElSayed Hani, Wilson Center Visiting Arab Journalist, argued on the contrary that separation of religion and state is not realistic in Egypt.  Sharia is a way of life that should not be reduced to the troubling laws in the Middle East that are supposedly based on it.  About 80% of the Egyptian population is Muslim, so the government should reflect the majority of the population.  Ghaddar argued in response that a democracy should protect the minority.  Ziada suggested that Egypt may not need a religious government exactly because its population is so religious.

There is agreement about the problems women in the Middle East face, but disagreement on what to do about them.

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This week’s peace picks

There are good choices this week including the kickoff presidential debate.

1. How Should the Next American President Engage the World?, Monday October 1, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Venue:  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036

Speaker:  David Rothkopf, Jessica Tuchman Matthews, Thomas Friedman, John Ikenberry, Robert Kagan

Foreign Policy’s David Rothkopf will moderate a debate with Thomas Friedman, John Ikenberry, Robert Kagan, and Jessica T. Mathews. This debate, the second in a three-part series sponsored by the Carnegie Endowment, will focus on one of the key issues in this year’s election—How should the next American president engage the world?

Register for this event here.


2. Building Inclusive Societies:  Transatlantic Perspectives on Multiculturalism and Integration, Tuesday October 2, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM, Johns Hopkins SAIS

Venue:  Johns Hopkins SAIS, The Nitze Building, 1740 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington DC, 20036, Kenney Auditorium

Speakers:  Francois Rivasseau, Rokhaya Diallo, Kubra Gumusay, Nasar Meer, Michael Privot, Emmanuel Kattan, Sonya Aziz, Eduardo Lopez Busquets, Justin Gest

Emerging European and American experts from the spheres of academia, policy making and the media will discuss their experiences and perspectives on this critical issue, including what Europe and the U.S. can learn from each other’s models of multiculturalism and integration. They will consider the challenges that both sides face in reducing anti-immigrant sentiment and improving levels of civic engagement among youth, particularly within emerging demographic groups.

RSVP for this event to Delegation-USA-EU-Events@eeas.europa.eu.


3. Women After the Arab Awakening, Tuesday October 2, 8:45 AM – 1:00 PM, Wilson Center

Venue:  Woodrow Wilson Center, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004, Fifth Floor

Speakers:  Dalia Ziada, Omezzine Khélifa, Rihab Elhaj, Fahmia Al Fotih, Hala Al Dosari, Honey Al Sayed, Gabool Almutawakel, Hanin Ghaddar, Yassmine ElSayed Hani, Haleh Esfandiari, Rangita de Silva de Alwis

9:00 – 11:00am  PANEL 1: Today’s View from the Ground; Dalia Ziada – Egypt, Executive Director, Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies; Omezzine Khélifa – Tunisia, Politician and Advisor, Ministry of Tourism; Rihab Elhaj – Libya, Co-founder and Executive Director, New Libya Foundation; Fahmia Al Fotih – Yemen, Communication analyst and youth focal point analyst, United Nations Population Fund; Hala Al Dosari – Saudi Arabia, Ph.D. candidate in health services research; Moderator: Haleh Esfandiari, Director, Middle East Program, Woodrow Wilson Center

11:15 – 1:00pm PANEL 2: Tomorrow’s Prospects for Women in the Region; Honey Al Sayed – Syria, Director, Syria Program, Nonviolence International; Gabool Almutawakel – Yemen, Co-Founder, Youth Leadership Development Foundation; Hanin Ghaddar – Lebanon, Managing Editor, NOW News; Yassmine ElSayed Hani – Egypt, Independent Journalist, Foreign Desk, Al Akhbar daily newspaper; Moderator: Rangita de Silva de Alwis, Director, Global Women’s Leadership Initiative, Woodrow Wilson Center


4. The Missing Link:  How Can the Pakistani Diaspora Improve U.S.-Pakistan Ties?, Tuesday October 2, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM, Wilson Center

Venue:  Woodrow Wilson Center, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004, Sixth Floor

Speaker: Irfan Malik, Aakif Ahmad

According to research produced by the Asian American Center for Advancing Justice, Pakistani-Americans are the second-fastest-growing Asian-American ethnic group. They are represented in a variety of professional fields, from medicine and accounting to construction and transport, and are known for their affluence and philanthropy. How can they help improve U.S.-Pakistan relations? What can they offer, and how can their resources and expertise be better tapped? This briefing marks the release of a series of recommendations, formulated by a working group of diaspora members convened by the Wilson Center.


5. Iraq Energy Outlook, Wednesday October 3, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM, CSIS

Venue:  CSIS, 1800 K Street NW, Washington DC, 20006, B1 Conference Room

Speakers:  Fatih Birol

The CSIS Energy and National Security Program is pleased to host Dr. Fatih Birol, Chief Economist and Director of Global Energy Economics at the IEA, to present highlights from the IEA’s recent World Energy Outlook Special Report, the Iraq Energy Outlook.

Iraq is already the world’s third-largest oil exporter. It has the resources and intention to increase its oil production vastly. Contracts are already in place.Will Iraq’s ambitions be realised? And what would the implications be for Iraq’s economy and for world oil markets? The obstacles are formidable: political, logistical, legal, regulatory, financial, lack of security and sufficient skilled labour. One example: in 2011, grid electricity could meet only 55% of demand.

The International Energy Agency has studied these issues with the support and close co-operation of the government of Iraq and many other leading officials, commentators, industry representatives and international experts.  The report examines the role of the energy sector in the Iraqi economy today and in the future, assesses oil and gas revenues and investment needs, provides a detailed analysis of oil, gas and electricity supply through to 2035, highlighting the challenges of infrastructure development and water availability, and spells out the associated opportunities and risks, both for world oil markets and for Iraq’s economy and energy sector.

RSVP for this event to energy@csis.org.


6. Iran:  Economic Troubles and International Sanctions, Wednesday October 3, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM, Wilson Center

Venue:  Woodrow Wilson Center, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004, Fifth Floor

Speakers:  Bijan Khajehpour, Djavad Salehi-Isfahani, Suzanne Maloney

By talking about such complexities (existence of a large grey economy, regional interdependencies, deep-rooted merchant tradition, existence of semi-state economic institution etc.), the speakers will address the issue why sanctions do not have the intended result in Iran. Lunch will be served.

Register for this event here.


7. Post-Referendum South Sudan:  Political Violence, New Sudan and Democratic Nation-Building, Wednesday October 3, 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM, Johns Hopkins SAIS

Venue:  Johns Hopkins SAIS, The Bernstein-Offit Building, 1717 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20036, Room 736

Speaker: Christopher Zambakari

Christopher Zambakari, doctoral student in the Law and Policy Program at Northeastern University, will discuss this topic.

RSVP for this event to itolber1@jhu.edu.


8. Breeding the Phoenix:  An Analysis of the Military’s Role in Peacebuilding, Wednesday October 3, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, George Mason University

Venue:  George Mason University, Arlington Campus, Truland Building, 3301 Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22201, Room 555

Speaker:  George F. Oliver, Ho Won Jeong, Solon Simmons, Dennis Sandole

There are numerous professional groups and individuals working for world peace. The reality is, however, that wars between nations or within nations still cause untold human deaths and casualties. World peace, a condition where war no longer affects human societies, is a long way off. This research focuses on how to end wars and restore a sustainable, positive peace to those who have experienced the horrors of war.

More specifically, this study focuses on the military’s role in peacebuilding. In the last twenty years, post-war peacebuilding has emerged as a powerful method that helps nations recover from war. Soldiers, whether they are part of an international intervention attempting to end the war or a member of a United Nations peacekeeping mission, have an important role to play. Today, soldiers do more than win their nation’s wars; they also help other nations and their citizens recover from war. In the last few decades, civilians from organizations like the United Nations, other intergovernmental organizations, other governments and nongovernmental organizations have responded to help nations recover from war or a violent conflict. There is no argument that civilians are better at peacebuilding than the military, yet the military is moving into this realm more and more.

So what are the roles of the military and civilians? This research project answers these questions. The critical factor in determining what the military does and what civilians do is based on security. If security is good, civilians can perform all the aspects of peacebuilding. Conversely, if security is lacking, then the military must step in and take on the various parts of peacebuilding. Security, however, is not like a light switch, on or off, good or bad. It is more like a rheostat with varying degrees of security. This research defines five levels of security and then seeks to find the fine lines where civilians can replace the military in peacebuilding functions.

Current peacebuilding ideas have evolved from practice, but behind that practice are some relevant conflict and conflict resolution theories. These theories are explored and ideas for future peacebuilders are identified. Analysis of real world peacebuilding has led to the creation of various functions that help peacebuilders restore a society after a war. These functional areas are: security, humanitarian assistance, governance, rule of law, infrastructure restoration, economic development and reconciliation. Who performs each of these functional areas is directly related to the security conditions.

This research uses both quantitative and qualitative methods to explore how security impacts the role of the military in peacebuilding. Qualitatively, two case studies are explored, post-World War II Germany and Kosovo. Quantitatively, this research explored the issue through a questionnaire that was taken by 579 soldiers, civilians and experts in peacebuilding. In the end, the hypothesis was proven that the military’s role in peacebuilding is inversely linked to the level of security. If security is sufficient, civilians do the work; and if security is deficient, then the military’s role is larger.


9. Aiding the Arab Transitions:  US Economic Engagement with Egypt, Wednesday October 3, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM, Stimson Center

Venue:  Stimson Center, 1111 19th Street NW, Washington, DC 20036, Twelfth Floor

Speakers:  Caroline Atkinson, Amb. William Taylor, James Harmon, Mona Yacoubian

With the Middle East still reeling from a spate of anti-American violence, US relations with Egypt, perhaps the most important Arab country in transition, hang in the balance.  Just prior to the outbreak of unrest in Cairo, the largest American trade delegation ever to the Middle East completed its historic visit to Egypt.  The trade group’s trip came on the heels of a senior US delegation to Cairo to negotiate a $1 billion debt relief deal.  In addition, the US government has assembled a package of financing and loan guarantees for American investors and recently established a $60 million US-Egypt Enterprise Fund.   With persistent unemployment, low economic growth and anemic foreign investment, the Egyptian economy is struggling as Egypt attempts to meet the challenges of its historic transition.  Meanwhile, the recent unrest has spurred calls inside the United States to withdraw its economic support from countries such as Egypt.

A distinguished panel will discuss the role of US economic engagement with Egypt, how this engagement fits into a broader US strategy on the Arab transitions, and the role US economic engagement can play in ensuring a more positive future for Egypt.

Register for this event here.


10. Afghanistan and the Politics of Regional Economic Integration in Central and South Asia, Wednesday October 3, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM, Johns Hopkins SAIS

Venue:  Johns Hopkins SAIS, The Rome Building, 1619 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, Rome Building Auditorium

Speakers:  Jawed Ludin

Jawed Ludin, deputy foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, will discuss this topic.  A reception will precede the event at 5:00 PM.

RSVP for this event to saiscaciforums@jhu.edu.


11. Syria After Assad:  Managing the Challenges of Transition, Thursday October 4, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM, USIP

Venue:  USIP, 2301 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20037

Speakers:  Steven Heydemann, Jim Marshall, Amr al-Azm, Afra Jalabi, Murhaf Jouejati, Rafif Jouejati, Rami Nakhla

The Syrian revolution has taken a terrible toll.  Tens of thousands of Syrians have been killed and hundreds of thousands wounded.  Millions have been forced from their homes.  Urban centers have been destroyed, villages bombed, and communities subjected to horrific brutality at the hands of regime forces and Assad’s loyalist militias. The fabric of Syrian society is fraying under the pressure of escalating sectarian tensions.  The militarization of the revolution and the proliferation of armed opposition units pose long term challenges for rule of law and security. Damage to infrastructure and to the Syrian economy will require tens of billions of dollars to repair.

How much longer the Assad regime will survive is uncertain. When it falls, a new government will face daunting challenges. How will the Syrian opposition respond? Will a new government be able to address the urgent needs of Syrians for humanitarian relief, economic and social reconstruction, and provide basic rule of law and security? Even today, in liberated areas of Syria where a post-Assad transition is already underway, the opposition must demonstrate its capacity to address these challenges.

Over the past year, a group of opposition activists collaborated to develop recommendations and strategies for managing the challenges of a post-Assad transition.  Join us for the first presentation in the United States of the document they produced: “The Day After: Supporting a Democratic Transition in Syria.”

Register for this event here.


12. U.S.-Egyptian Relations: Where is the Bilateral Relationship Headed?, Thursday October 4, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Center for National Policy

Venue:  Center for National Policy, One Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20001, Suite 333

Speakers:  Perry Cammack, Stephen McInerney, Shibley Telhami, Gregory Aftandilian

The slow and initial tepid response of the new Egyptian leadership to the attack on the U.S. embassy in Cairo has led many observers to question the efficacy of the U.S.-Egyptian bilateral relationship and caused some members of Congress to advocate for a cut in U.S. assistance. On the other hand, both Egyptian and U.S. officials have indicated that they want the bilateral relationship to be maintained, as each side has equities it wants to protect. Please join CNP Senior Fellow for the Middle East, Gregory Aftandilian, and a panel of experts to analyze this situation and give their assessments on where the bilateral relationship is headed. A light lunch will be served.

Register for this event here.


13. Systematic Approaches to Conflict Mapping, Friday October 5, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM, George Mason University

Venue:  George Mason University, Arlington Campus, Truland Building, 3301 Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22201, Rome 555

Speakers:  Sara Cobb, Alison Castel

Conflict-affected societies are complex adaptive environments that often present peacebuilders and policy makers with difficult or “wicked problems.” One movement in the field is to take more holistic or integrated approaches to working with societal conflict.

Systems mapping of conflicts is one tool that is being used to enable peacebuilders to grapple effectively with the complexity these environments present. Dr. Robert Ricigliano will introduce participants to the technique of systems mapping of conflicts as a tool for assessment and planning for peacebuilding operations.


14. Paul Collier – “Making Natural Resources Work for Development,” Friday October 5, 12:15 PM – 2:00 PM, Johns Hopkins SAIS

Venue:  Johns Hopkins SAIS, The Nitze Building, 1740 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, Kenney Auditorium

Speakers:  Paul Collier

Professor Collier has been the Director of the Research Development Department of the World Bank for 5 years from 1998 to 2003. His research covers fragile states, democratization, and the management of natural-resources in low-income societies.  Professor Collier is the author of The Bottom Billion, which in 2008 won the Lionel Gelber, Arthur Ross and Corine Prizes and in May 2009 was the joint winner of the Estoril Global Issues Distinguished Book Prize.  His second book, Wars, Guns and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places was published in March 2009; and his latest book, The Plundered Planet: How to Reconcile Prosperity with Nature, in May 2010.  He is currently advisor to the Strategy and Policy Department of the International Monetary Fund, and advisor to the Africa Region of the World Bank. In 2008, he was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) ‘for services to scholarship and development’. In 2011 he was elected to the Council of the Royal Economic Society.

Register for this event here.

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It’s not only Libya

A lot of people seem to be surprised that Libyans have taken up the cudgels against the Benghazi militias thought to have attacked the U.S. consulate there, killing the American ambassador and three of his colleagues.  Readers of peacefare.net will not be so surprised, as I’ve repeatedly described the situation there as evolving in a positive direction, with a lot of appreciation for what the United States and NATO did to defeat Muammar Qaddafi.  I wrote to friends Thursday just before the news of the uprising against the militias broke:

I’ve been there (in both Benghazi and Tripoli) twice in the last year.  I certainly have never had a warmer reception as an American in an Arab country.  Most Libyans, especially Benghazis, understand perfectly well that the U.S. and NATO saved them from Qaddafi.  And they appreciate it.  I drove repeatedly through demonstrations in Benghazi during the election period–there was zero hostility to Westerners.  Ditto at the polling places.  And ditto last September right after Qaddafi fled Tripoli, when I enjoyed a great Friday evening celebration in Martyr’s (Green) Square.

The Libyan transition has been going reasonably well, on a time schedule they themselves have set, with resources that are overwhelmingly their own.  Yes, the militias are a problem, but they are also part of a temporary solution.  There would be no order in Libya today without them.  They guarded all the polling stations during the elections and eventually reestablished control over the consulate compound after the attack.

We’ll have to wait for the incident report to know, but I would bet on the attack having been a planned one (contra Susan Rice) by armed extremists associated with opposition to the elections and possibly with secession of Barqa (Cyrenaica)….The Libyan [political science professor] Chris Stevens met with the morning he was killed gave me an account of these small extremist groups, mainly headquartered in Derna, the evening after the elections [in July 7].  The state has, however, lacked the organization and force necessary to mop them up, which might in fact be a difficult operation.  They are wise not to try until they know they can succeed.

They will now have to do it.  We should be helping them where they need help.

It would be a mistake to take the uprising against the extremist militias as the final word.  There is likely to be retaliation.  What has happened so far is not law and order.  It is more lynch mob, though no one seems to have been killed. We should not take much satisfaction from retribution.  What is needed is justice, which requires a serious investigation, a fair trial and an appropriate punishment.

Also needed are reliable, unified and disciplined security forces:  police, army, intelligence services.  This is one of the most difficult tasks in any post-war, post-dictatorship society.  Demobilization of the militias really is not possible until the new security institutions are able to start absorbing at least some of their cadres. Reform of security services and reintegration of former fighters are two sides of the same coin:  establishing the state’s monopoly on the legitimate use of force.

It is astounding that the United States, after 20 years of demand from weak and failing states in the Balkans, Middle East and South Asia, still lacks adequate institutional means to assist in establishing foreign security forces that behave properly towards their citizens.  We are especially weak on police, whose training and equipping is largely contracted to private companies that hire individuals who have never previously worked together and may have dramatically different ideas about what a proper police force does.  The Americans are also weak in assisting interior ministries, since we don’t use them ourselves.  I have little idea what we do assisting foreign intelligence services, since the effort is classified and has attracted little journalistic or academic attention.  We have some significant experience and capacity to help with military services and defense ministries, but we could use a good deal more.

Police of course are not much use unless you’ve got courts and prisons to process the accused, along with judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys and prison guards.  Not to mention laws, implementing regulations, legal education, bar associations and the ineffable but important “culture of law.”  Installing a modern system for rule of law is a 10 or 20 year project.

The Libyans are facing a  challenge similar to what we have seen in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Haiti, South Sudan and likely several more places I’ve omitted.  There are pressing rule of law challenges in Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen as well as obvious needs in Bahrain, Algeria, Jordan, Pakistan, Nepal, and Burma (Myanmar).  When will we recognize that we need a permanent capacity to respond comprehensively and appropriately?


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A really bad day

The Muslim world has had a busy Friday trashing U.S. embassies and killing Muslims.  The latest death toll I’ve seen is seven, but who knows.

The day was a losing proposition all around.  The United States suffered serious damage not only to its embassies but to its international standing.  Muslims lost people and respect in the West, where no doubt anti-Muslim extremists will take action against mosques and argue that the day proves that Islam is not a peaceful religion.  Al Qaeda got to display its flag amid at least the appearance of popular support.

The Arab awakening took an ugly turn that will reinforce skepticism about it worldwide.  Syrians might be the biggest losers in the long term:  those who are on the fence about intervention there will not want to risk creating yet another opportunity for extremism.  Not that it is better to ignore the homicidal maniac who runs that country, but it is certainly easier than doing anything about him.  My Twitter feed is full of Arab commentary about the stupidity of protesting a dumb movie when Bashar al Asad is killing thousands, but that entirely justified sentiment won’t change the import of a truly ugly day.

Ironically but not surprisingly, the one place where dignity prevailed was Libya, where it all started.  The president of Libya’s parliament, in essence the chief of state, laid a wreath at the American embassy in honor of the Americans killed in Benghazi.  Libyans know perfectly well that the Americans and NATO saved them from the worst depredations of Muammar Qaddafi.  Except for the Qaddafi supporters, they are overwhelmingly grateful and friendly.  That was amply apparent at the Atlantic Council’s event on Libya yesterday, when the Libyan ambassador (and every other Libyan who spoke) made affection for slain Ambassador Chris Stevens amply evident.

I am afraid the lesson of the day is one we already know:  transitions to democracy take time and resources.  Our effort to get off cheap and easy in Libya is not working out well.  We need to be thinking about how we can help Tripoli gain control of the armed groups on Libyan territory and help the Libyans achieve a measure of reconciliation with those who supported the Qaddafi regime.  We also need to work with the Libyans to bring the murderers to justice.

Egypt’s President Morsi has finally come around to recognizing that his hesitancy about blocking the violence was a big mistake.  I have some sympathy with those who would use massive U.S. assistance to Egypt–debt forgiveness, military aid and development assistance totalling more than $3 billion–as leverage.  There is no way the American public is going to support continuing it unless Cairo starts singing a friendlier tune and reining in extremism, not only in Cairo but also in Sinai.  Tunisia is next in line for tough love, though the government’s behavior there has generally been better than in Egypt.

Yemen is a more complicated case.  We get lots of support and freedom of action in our war against Al Qaeda in Yemen.  No one will want to put that at risk.  At the same time, we need to be paying a whole lot more attention to Yemen’s deeper problems:  poor governance, underdevelopment, and water shortages.  They are what make the country a haven for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

Mitt Romney and his acolytes may want to pretend that all these problems can be solved if only the American president is shows resolve and therefore the United States is respected.  But as Joe Cirincione pointed out in a tweet, the two worst Muslim terrorist attacks on the United States occurred under Presidents Reagan and Bush.  The Romneyites presumably don’t think they lacked resolve, which is something best reserved for top priority conflicts with other states.  And those rare moments when you think you know where Osama bin Laden is hiding.

I can well understand Americans who want to turn their backs on the Muslim world and walk away.  But that will not work.  It will come back to haunt us, as terrorism, oil supply disruption, massive emigration, mass atrocity or in some other expensive and unmanageable form.   Muslims, in particular Arabs, are going through a gigantic political transformation, one whose echoes will reverberate for decades.  We need to try to help them through the cataclysm to a better place, for them and for us.

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